Dear Loyal members of the S.S.S.,
We all know what day it is right? Saturday March 8th, 2008. A day to most normal men or women that it is just March 8th and nothing too special. But to us, there couldn't be a more special day then today. For in less then 24 hours, a game that is just a game to normal people (In which some of us are ridiculed for loving games so much lol). Is many things: the 3rd game of a series we have enjoyed for the past 8-9 years, the thought of fighting people from other houses without having to actually be at the house, but most of all: our favorite gaming icon that had us hooked since 1991 or any years after... is in the game.
Yes, the day has finally arrived. After 2 delays and seemingly long waits, Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be in our grasp. We have witnessed rumors, speculations, and the fall of entire clans throughout the entirety of 2 years of Pre-Brawl release. We have faced fake rumors of confirmations of Sonic and fake rumors that scared us with the opposite. We have faced an Anti-Thread, which was closed before confirmation of Sonic, but is very fun to now look at and laugh. I doubt anyone of us will ever forget the date of Wednesday October 10th 2007. We all either smiled in joy, jumped around in backflips, or fainted in enjoyment. And the guy that made the Anti-Thread rarely ever posted on the Brawl Boards again.
After confirmation, we went on to speculate on what comes with Sonic into Brawl. It was mostly us that brought Sonic to the finals of the Smashboards Character Battle. We beat back-then popular characters like Krystal and Mewtwo. We were only stopped by Mr. Nintendo himself: Mario. And while the delays did piss off a lot of members, we had the enjoyment of making the S.S.S. stronger as a group. Because of the Feb to March delay, I was able to have more time organizing the group. I made it to one shallow group to 3 different group types. Along with the change, our group became a little more popular. Even the banishing of the Spindasher Heroes helped with it.
I'd now like to commend several members for their undeniable loyalty. I will start with SiegK and SiD.
SiegK, you are literally the main artist, entertainer, and one of the backbone members of the group. Without you, there would be no banners, comics, or pictures to promote the SSS. Our group would have never caught on without your art skills and loyalty. You've made us laugh, happy, and almost never would say no to a comic request.
SiD, couldn't forget about you. I call you the Bad@$$ of the whole group. You are the one that is best at flaming n00bs. You were a top defender against RIDLEY's attacks in the past. Sometimes you being called God wasn't a joke. I should also give a good thanks for the forum you made. I'll aso ever forget about your posts Prior to Sonic's confirmation. Always loved those one-liners back in the months.
Here are some more.
Repryx, I call you the crazy (In a good way) guy of the group You tend to have alot of Caps in your posts. But that's all right! Your attitude always was funny and never really said any mean stuff. You should also be commended for your loyalty to the SSS. Not to mention the 1st member to be someone different from a White person ;-)
Lime_Backwards, the reason why your in the majors. Is because of how loyal you were on the forums. You literally had the most posts on a site that rarely is posted on. Of course I know how loyal you have been on Smashboards. But I just want to tell you that it was the forums that decided it for me.
Garuda, I 1st remembered you as the Ganondorf Avatared user as someone who doubted Sonic's chances back in summer because of "That's not in the Cards at the moment". I tried getting rid of some of that pessimistic attitude back then. It worked on you only a bit. Not fully, but I'm just hope that you're glad that your doubt was in vain. I bet you can't wait to to a battle with Ganondorf, Mario, and Sonic.
I'm sorry if anybody was waiting for a mention of their own, but I assure I did not forget such people to mention. Like Dyce, Del, Smooth, k!llsw!tch and more. Your all great.
We already Know that Sonic will get his chance to hit Mario or team up with him. But don't forget that your not limited to just Mario characters! Sonic will be able to exchange fists or team up fists with other iconic characters. Like fellow walk of game winner Link, laugh at Captain Falcon speed compared to his, battle with very old and WTF Nintendo characters like Mr. Game & Watch and ROB. And that's not even all. We Sonic fans have waited for such a big game to harbor Sonic in the game. And we finally get that chance.
I've heard that Sonic will be literally a Noob's character. Maybe this will mean that Sonic will be underestimated. But I urge any of you members with access to Wi-Fi. Master Sonic and show him why Sonic was in this game. Prove to people that Sonic's game may be down in quality. But the character himself and his moves will always stay the same. Prove you can handle Sonic's amazing ground speed. I'd even advise you to master Sonic with a Bunny Hood (lol). But most of all, prove to Sonic himself you can control him, Prove to the blur that you have not lost faith in him just because of his recent games, Prove to him that you will take down anybody in his way.
As I end this, I want to thanks for the fun times we had with speculating and good times. Rumors, Internet Implodes, and Stress. We've been through all 3, and it didn't weaken us at all. Our undeniable loyalty to Sonic the Hedgehog kept us through and through. We are the oldest surviving Brawl Character clan on Smash World Forums I can very well see the SSS continuing even after it's 1st anniversary in September 2008. I've posted on this thread since page 91,before many of you were even posting on the OFFICIAL Sonic thread. But I feel like I've known you since. We have many more of these great moments to go, but I'll never forget the days we were cheering on for our favorite icon, Sonic the Hedgehog.