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OFFICIAL Sonic thread. (Keep it Brawl related, or suffer Xsy's/Xii's wrath!)

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Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Play 2 Win is soooo Boring. Nuthing happens there and its very slow. Stop talking about going there, Lol.
If they want to, the will.
As for me, im kicking it here and on the SSS board.
Sorry to everyone else, but I've about had it with stupid ****ing nubs on SWF.

First of all, you're not even a member of P2W, so you have no idea what the **** you're talking about. It's not slow, and I can **** well talk about whatever the hell I want. If you're so tired of hearing intelligent conversation, which is probably pretty foreign to you, then why don't you go back to the SSS boards.


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
Sorry to everyone else, but I've about had it with stupid ****ing nubs on SWF.

First of all, you're not even a member of P2W, so you have no idea what the **** you're talking about. It's not slow, and I can **** well talk about whatever the hell I want. If you're so tired of hearing intelligent conversation, which is probably pretty foreign to you, then why don't you go back to the SSS boards.
Lol. Yeah I am.
I am on the S.S.S.
Lawlz to your anger, calm down.
haha its a free thread I can say what I want.
**** **** all you want, I just laugh.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
He is actually a member of P2W RDK, he's not a noob.

Although you're wrong SiegK, stuff happens on P2W fairly often.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Sakurai might go classic and make it look like green hill zone (first level from sega genesis). That would be pretty sweet.
Well, sakuri seems the type to go classic. I mean look at how he's using sonic, all spin dash, no nifty new techniques... which also means that there's a good chance for tails since tails is the most retro sonic character save sonic.

But for stages... I really have to forsee green hill zone as the only logical choice, though I hope that there is a rather large cache of sonic songs to chose from since so many are so good.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2007
Oregon, West Linn
If there is a Green Hill level, I hope Sakurai makes good use of it and makes it interesting. Green Hill Zone has been overused and remade countless time in the Sonic game.
If anything, I hope to see some really interesting levels from Sonic 1 and Sonic Adventure 2, as Sonic's moves and sounds are based off of the Genesis games and his style is from SA2 and Sonic 2006.
I would like to see a Marble Zone level, as I think it is one of the best level from the original, and one of the most under appreciated.


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
If there is a Green Hill level, I hope Sakurai makes good use of it and makes it interesting. Green Hill Zone has been overused and remade countless time in the Sonic game.
If anything, I hope to see some really interesting levels from Sonic 1 and Sonic Adventure 2, as Sonic's moves and sounds are based off of the Genesis games and his style is from SA2 and Sonic 2006.
I would like to see a Marble Zone level, as I think it is one of the best level from the original, and one of the most under appreciated.
I agree with ya, without the Marble Zone.

But anyway, Not Sonic related, but this needs a bunch of Lols, Rofls, Lmaos, Hahas, Ownedzorz, PWNED, and more Lolz.

Posted under Yahoo News,

"Could the release of Halo 3 be behind October's underperforming box office numbers? That's the suggestion made by industry journal Advertising Age. In a Monday article, the publication linked Ben Stiller flick The Heartbreak Kid's disappointing first-weekend take of $14 million to the release of Halo 3 the previous week.

September 25, Halo 3's launch day, saw the game haul in a gargantuan $170 million, more than doubling the October 6-7 weekend's total box office take of $80 million -- the lowest October weekend since 1999. According to Advertising Age, execs at Paramount are investigating the possibility of a correlation. "


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I was looking at the to-be box art for the game, and I realised Ike, Lucas, Snake and Sonic weren't on it. in the previous game, all starting characters had some indication of whether they were in the game or not. but in the first game, Dk and Yoshi weren't on the box.

so, do you think the three not shown characters are starting, or are unlockables?

if you go to the main article on the game in wikipedia, the image of the box art should be there


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Sonic and Snake ARE unlocables all third party chars are, Sakurai sayd so himself, "Third party guests will be unlocable, just like Snake". I dunno about Lucas and Ike, but Ike does look like Unlocable Material, seriously, medium speed god like power and long range?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I was looking at the to-be box art for the game, and I realised Ike, Lucas, Snake and Sonic weren't on it. in the previous game, all starting characters had some indication of whether they were in the game or not. but in the first game, Dk and Yoshi weren't on the box.

so, do you think the three not shown characters are starting, or are unlockables?

if you go to the main article on the game in wikipedia, the image of the box art should be there
DK and Yoshi actually are on the box; they're just not on the front.

Which leaves the possibility that there are more starting characters on the back of Brawl's box. But it doesn't necessarily mean that there will be any characters we recognize on the back, if there are any at all.

OR. They could just totally **** with us and throw unlockables on the box. And leave out starters. And kill Mario. I don't know.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
"They said, all characters playable for the Demo (we have seen) are starting character with the exeption of Sonic. he is still an unlockable."

Where did they say this?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I guess. and I was just thinking that as there is a high chance that the Dojo will most probably reveal every character there is in the game (apart from the super secret character, of course), if I need to take a peek on how to do something, or unlock something, I wont feel as stupid, and the suprise wont be as spoilt.

however, i did make a pledge to try and not do that sort of thing for my wii games. it's been going well, so far, and hopefully, i'll have the tenacity to play through everything instead of look at a walkthrough and stuff.

but yeah, I guess your right about the box stuff. as the majority of people in my region have either a play station or an xBox and think that graphics are the single most important factor and there fore think Nintendo isn't a real games company, I guess that there wont be a mad rush for brawl. so it'll be fairly easy to get the game and view the box without a hitch :)
Oct 16, 2007
In cognito
Sonic's Non-Special Moveset

Alright then: I know I'm new here but I think this might be insightful for a lot of Sonic Fans, such as myself who want to know if Sonic will suck or not:
A lot of power laid outside of special ("B") moves in melee, so I'm expecting that to remain the same in brawl. I've taken the time to edit some movies and to extract difficult to see parts of some of them. If this seems redundant, I'm sorry, but then again I am new here. The images are small but recognizable, sorry about that. Links to the videos I used are at the end of the post.

Sonic's forward A in air(?): Looks like some sort spin thingy (think Kirby's fair in SSB 64) and looks fast and deals 11 damage to Link in the instruction video.

Sonic's back A in air: This one looks like a dead give away that it is, and he moves back where his feet was afterwards. Also from the instruction video.

Sonic's Side Smash?: This look weird to me, so I don't know if it really is, but in a video featuring Sonic vs Meta Knight in a super sudden death, Sonic appears to do some sort of SSB 64 style side smash (think Mario SSB 64).
Here is the wind up...
... and there it is.

Sonic's Down B in Air or Dair?: It could seem the "falcon kick" thing Sonic does in actually a Down B instead of a "Dair" because most of the time characters do not move that far after using an air attack. Furthermore, he uses this attack AFTER the spring jump in the Sudden Death video... any thoughts on this? I don't see why Sonic would have two spindashes in mid air.

The Uair for Sonic seems pretty obvious, so any thoughts, disagreements, "you're a noob" statements?

Links for the videos:
The Instructional Video Segment (Link vs Sonic) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7wBEVq2Tlk
The Super Sudden Death Video Segment


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
It's probably maybe the SA2 level clear. It has to be some music that does the victory that is a remix of the Sonic the Hedgehog victory song.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Yeah but that is a PS3 & XBOX 360 song. I doubt they'd use it in an Nintendo game. If you want a recent game to be the victory song, then the more likely would be the Secret Rings level clear without the vocals. WHich i find unlikely as when SOnic was confirmed, no reference to Secret rings was made. And therefore i see SA2:B or evem SADX getting more attention when it comes to music.
Oct 16, 2007
In cognito
Okay, great. Honestly, I don't care WHAT music from the Sonic the Hedgehog they put in, it is all great as far as I am concerned.
What matters is his moveset and if he will an uber/normal/piece-of-crap character. Do the moves I presented make sense or not?
Just because I'm a noob doesn't mean I'm to be ignored.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
@OfficialSonicFanboy: Yeah it does. It's just wasn't the discussion at the time. The moveset will make Sonic a great character to play as. Now who says Sonic shuld have a large role in SubS Emissiary? Heh, Anyone?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I'm really interested in his role in SE...

Do you think Mario and Sonic have a grudge match before he joins...

...Or if Sonic has a boss?

Or if he is just thrown in without any kind of reason or thought behind it...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2007
Well, I don't think he'd be a boss, but I do agree with the grudge match.

Edit: Yes! Eggman as a boss, or even better: Mecha Sonic.
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