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official mario vs R.O.B((((PLace your votes chozen vs Boss))))


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
First off.. melee...

Second.. top 25 >_>

Third.. SoCal

and Last.. WC

you probably beat HugS

He didn't.

"Second.. top 25
Third.. SoCal"

Actually, you've never been to socal. I've been everywhere. So who's more of an authority? MD/VA's overhyped talent was not superior to socal's underrated talent, IE Socal's top 25. If anything, the talent was even, at best...

And don't bring me into this. I still don't even know who you are...
You talk a lot...


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Toasty, I can't make it, sorry man ... I'll catch you at a later tourney, come to crit hit 3


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
noooooooooooooo ;_________;

Nacker, you're going right? I need some ROB dit-....wait a minute. I get to play Azen on saturday night, I'll get some dittos in with him yesssss

which characters do a lot of people at C3 tourneys use? I heard there were a lot of G&W last time or the time before?


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
which characters do a lot of people at C3 tourneys use? I heard there were a lot of G&W last time or the time before?
Metaknights, Snakes, DDDs. You will not see a lot of Diddy Kongs. lmao Alpha Zealot's the only other person I know who uses him haha. You'll see a fair share of ROBs and Toon Links as well. Oh yes, Marths and Ikes, and a bunch of G&Ws.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
He didn't.

"Second.. top 25
Third.. SoCal"

Actually, you've never been to socal. I've been everywhere. So who's more of an authority? MD/VA's overhyped talent was not superior to socal's underrated talent, IE Socal's top 25. If anything, the talent was even, at best...

And don't bring me into this. I still don't even know who you are...
You talk a lot...
his ego is bigger then socal......:laugh:

wassup hugs aint seen you since pound 3...remember the mario player that ***** you??? that wuz me....hahahaha na jk jk.....we should've teamed...:(

Dr Phil xX

Smash Cadet
May 18, 2008
Phenix City, Alabama
robots can die... have u ever seen terminator?
um, to bad in the movie it was practically a rob ditto....the terminator is a robot himself and he killed the other robots. and at the end of t3 robots **** humanity as we know it. bad choice to use terminator as a why rob is garbage thing-a-ma-bob.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
um, to bad in the movie it was practically a rob ditto....the terminator is a robot himself and he killed the other robots. and at the end of t3 robots **** humanity as we know it. bad choice to use terminator as a why rob is garbage thing-a-ma-bob.
ok then ummmmmmm.... I-Robot.....Transformers......ironman.....starwars.......the list goes on....


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Cheerleading Practice...
He didn't.

"Second.. top 25
Third.. SoCal"

Actually, you've never been to socal. I've been everywhere. So who's more of an authority? MD/VA's overhyped talent was not superior to socal's underrated talent, IE Socal's top 25. If anything, the talent was even, at best...

And don't bring me into this. I still don't even know who you are...
You talk a lot...
Well sir... this is a NEW game. Granted that Brawl has been out for >6months you telling the community that you've been EVERYWHERE really means nothing at this point other than the fact that the EC was ALWAYS better than the WC until Ken stepped into the community.

Do i recall Wes, and Azen being top dogs in melee up until that point... im quite certain this is true.

Again you also say that Md/Va is "overhyped" but AGAIN look at the tourney vids from around the country right now.. i'm sorry... how much do the Va/Md smashers camp, and roll in comparison to the REST of the country..

As much as you want to NOT admit it.. Md/Va will ALWAYS be the force to be reckoned with in the US and honestly sir.. i'm 100% sure that if you took the top 10 from our area.. and played the top 10 in the US outside of Md/Va... we would guarantee a victory.

I may talk ALOT but truth be known, i'm pretty good at smash, and **** good at Brawl.

The EC awaits the arrival of HugS and T0MMY...

this horse is alittle too high for you to reach, and knock me down from.

Good Day Sir.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
Well sir... this is a NEW game. Granted that Brawl has been out for >6months you telling the community that you've been EVERYWHERE really means nothing at this point other than the fact that the EC was ALWAYS better than the WC until Ken stepped into the community.

Do i recall Wes, and Azen being top dogs in melee up until that point... im quite certain this is true.

Again you also say that Md/Va is "overhyped" but AGAIN look at the tourney vids from around the country right now.. i'm sorry... how much do the Va/Md smashers camp, and roll in comparison to the REST of the country..

As much as you want to NOT admit it.. Md/Va will ALWAYS be the force to be reckoned with in the US and honestly sir.. i'm 100% sure that if you took the top 10 from our area.. and played the top 10 in the US outside of Md/Va... we would guarantee a victory.

I may talk ALOT but truth be known, i'm pretty good at smash, and **** good at Brawl.

The EC awaits the arrival of HugS and T0MMY...

this horse is alittle too high for you to reach, and knock me down from.

Good Day Sir.
If you read my post correctly, you'd realize that I was talking about melee, of which I am an authority.

Me being "everywhere" is enough to get you to step down when you act like you know more than me about the melee community, Sir. You're talking about WES and Azen being the 2 best at the time like it was fact. Azen...maybe. But I'm sorry, i don't recall Wes outplacing Recipherus at tg5. Even before Ken's existence there was Recipherus, Matt Deezie, Sam, etc. Wes was never proven better than them. Did you forget about them, or TG1-5? Leave Melee out of this, you won't win.

The elite of the EC were the best, I won't deny that. But to imply that the 2nd tier players were automatically better because of MD/VA's 1st tier dominance is wrong, unless you've been to both coasts, which you haven't. Thus, I have the authority over you...

Now, about brawl:

You're talking about how Brawl is a completely new game, then try to act like the EC's melee dominance carries over... pick a side dude, you're not making any sense.
Generally speaking, We don't roll or camp on the WC either. I think you need to look over our vids once again. Your EC bias blinds you. It wouldn't be so bad if you were somehow able to back it all up. Now go ahead and try searching youtube for those few vids that show someone on the WC camping. Either way, I know how our coast is playing.

You have a rivalry with the WC, that's fine dude. Rivalries will make this game great.
You have beef with tommy or whatever; I won't let my bias take over when I say that even T0mmy has a lot to prove as well. But right now you're talking to HugS, I got books written on me. You got **** on me.

If I'm a brawl noob based on my own ignorance of the overall Brawl community, then you're a brawl noob as well. Except I'm HugS and you're not. So even on an even playing field, I still win.

Oh, and I'll beat you at this game too. ****...that sucks for you.

OH, and for sure I remember you Boss. What's good?


Smash Champion
Jan 5, 2008
San Diego, CA
Not true. ROB, a block buster in gyromite in his own right, was not the savior.

The arcade game donkey kong was the inspiration for the Famicom, or NES. And it was the headline tittle to launch.

Since then, it was Mario's outings that have guided the consoles. What was that game that has best selling record (Or is it 2nd to tetris? I doubt it.)? Super Mario bros.? Interesting.

I know no-one in US who actually has ROB, which is probabbly why his original colors are direct homage to the japanese famicom.
Super Mario Bros. was bundled with the NES. It doesn't count.

You're thinking of Super Mario Bros. 3.

Also, R.O.B. tricked retailers into thinking that the NES was a toy, not a game console. During that part of the industry's history, games were on the downfall and people, including the retailers, assumed that game consoles would not sell. Bundling R.O.B. with NESes made it seem more acceptable to both consumers and retailers, and thus NESes continued to flow into the American market.

Why do you think Nintendo has been paying homage to R.O.B. so much? Because they owe a lot of their success in the American market to that little guy.

P.S. I own two R.O.B.s.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
lmao "vs. Overswarm" MW gets no love

I'm down ^_^

Nacker, you should be there tomorrow, so I can meet at least one of you MD/VA ROBs

hopefully SoVa can make a name for itself with Brawl >_> We try to host bigger tournaments but not many people [relatively speaking] come. or there's a C3/CH# tourney or something in MD or NC that sucks everyone else away


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2007
well theres that one Mcdonalds
lmao "vs. Overswarm" MW gets no love

I'm down ^_^

Nacker, you should be there tomorrow, so I can meet at least one of you MD/VA ROBs

hopefully SoVa can make a name for itself with Brawl >_> We try to host bigger tournaments but not many people [relatively speaking] come. or there's a C3/CH# tourney or something in MD or NC that sucks everyone else away
Im doubting my ROB v ROB skillz now lol my bro beat me in a ditto >.> thank god i 2 stocked him after that but still...... if you beat me i call johns xD


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Cheerleading Practice...
If you read my post correctly, you'd realize that I was talking about melee, of which I am an authority.

Me being "everywhere" is enough to get you to step down when you act like you know more than me about the melee community, Sir. You're talking about WES and Azen being the 2 best at the time like it was fact. Azen...maybe. But I'm sorry, i don't recall Wes outplacing Recipherus at tg5. Even before Ken's existence there was Recipherus, Matt Deezie, Sam, etc. Wes was never proven better than them. Did you forget about them, or TG1-5? Leave Melee out of this, you won't win.

The elite of the EC were the best, I won't deny that. But to imply that the 2nd tier players were automatically better because of MD/VA's 1st tier dominance is wrong, unless you've been to both coasts, which you haven't. Thus, I have the authority over you...

Now, about brawl:

You're talking about how Brawl is a completely new game, then try to act like the EC's melee dominance carries over... pick a side dude, you're not making any sense.
Generally speaking, We don't roll or camp on the WC either. I think you need to look over our vids once again. Your EC bias blinds you. It wouldn't be so bad if you were somehow able to back it all up. Now go ahead and try searching youtube for those few vids that show someone on the WC camping. Either way, I know how our coast is playing.

You have a rivalry with the WC, that's fine dude. Rivalries will make this game great.
You have beef with tommy or whatever; I won't let my bias take over when I say that even T0mmy has a lot to prove as well. But right now you're talking to HugS, I got books written on me. You got **** on me.

If I'm a brawl noob based on my own ignorance of the overall Brawl community, then you're a brawl noob as well. Except I'm HugS and you're not. So even on an even playing field, I still win.

Oh, and I'll beat you at this game too. ****...that sucks for you.

OH, and for sure I remember you Boss. What's good?
It seems we are both equally good at sh*t talking son...

Unfortunatly your name does you no good when it comes to ACTUALLY playing this game...

I'll see you soon HugS.

Coast superiorority shall soon be established... and when it is.. No Johns.


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
Hum... even though I live in SoCal, and therefore, know of HugS, I'm sure a whole lot more people heard of HugS over Chozen.. This is my first time hearing of Chozen actually ^^

Look at the last major tourny's top10 at each coast's respective side..

1: Cort ($435.60) (Snake);
2: PC Chris ($237.60) (Snake);
3: Nuro ($118.80) (Snake);
4: Jinx (Metaknight);
5: Solid Jake (Snake);
5: Darc (Snake)

1. Futile (Wario)
2. DSF (Snake/Marth)
3. DC (Wario)
4. BarDull (Marth)
5. Shadow (ROB)
5. Edge (Meta)
7. HugS (ROB)

And you say WC camp/roll more than EC..? No way to prove that, but yay for diversity =]

Mario > ROB =]


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2007
well theres that one Mcdonalds
Meh seeing how NY/Nj is to far away for us to travel how about we use the last tournament that was held here

1st Chillindude829 (Snake/Falco) $210
2nd Forte (Metaknight) $105
3rd Azen Zagenite (Marth/Luigi) $35
4th Candy (Snake/Wolf) $10
5th G-regulate (Snake)
5th Kirbstir (Metaknight)
7th Nacker (R.O.B.)
7th ADA (Metaknight)
9th Chozenone (R.O.B.)
9th Valor (Snake/Samus)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 31, 2007
On topic.

If you cape ROB's Nair/Bair. 2 pof his best KO moves, just hit you anyway? One of my friends plays mario and ive killed him many times doing that..


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Cheerleading Practice...
Meh seeing how NY/Nj is to far away for us to travel how about we use the last tournament that was held here

1st Chillindude829 (Snake/Falco) $210
2nd Forte (Metaknight) $105
3rd Azen Zagenite (Marth/Luigi) $35
4th Candy (Snake/Wolf) $10
5th G-regulate (Snake)
5th Kirbstir (Metaknight)
7th Nacker (R.O.B.)
7th ADA (Metaknight)
9th Chozenone (R.O.B.)
9th Valor (Snake/Samus)
Well Nacker.. who beat you knocking you out...

b/c i lost to you, and Azen... and I TOOK azen to game 3.. last stock.. high percent.. and i ran out of gas.

I go even w/ Candy, Greg, [haven't played Kirbstir recently so i don't know], Ada.. i mean... seriously >_>;

I played Azen round 2 after 2stocking Forte's partner..

which BASICALLY means i WRECKED losers bracket to get where i was...

when did YOU get your first loss?

no jones.

btw Boss... where where you in THIS tourney.. didn't you get like... 27th or some terrible sh*t like that?

Mario sucks.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
Well Nacker.. who beat you knocking you out...

b/c i lost to you, and Azen... and I TOOK azen to game 3.. last stock.. high percent.. and i ran out of gas.

I go even w/ Candy, Greg, [haven't played Kirbstir recently so i don't know], Ada.. i mean... seriously >_>;

I played Azen round 2 after 2stocking Forte's partner..

which BASICALLY means i WRECKED losers bracket to get where i was...

when did YOU get your first loss?

no jones.

btw Boss... where where you in THIS tourney.. didn't you get like... 27th or some terrible sh*t like that?

Mario sucks.
i mean u lost to nacker..... and am horrible??? atleast i've placed 3rd....WITH MARIO!!!
sry nacker but robot sucks except dat epic comeback on hova...
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