I think the competition at SRT was definitely nationl/international level bc it had a decent sample of players from the worlds strongest regions. Unfortunate as it is I think people seem to forget that an overwhelming majority of players that do well at nationals come from three areas: Japan, NY/NJ, and Socal. Go take a quick looksie at the Apex 2013 results.
Also, I feel like people massively overrate olimar. I think hes definitely top 5, but most people look at the character and are quick to claim how dumb he is without bothering to assess or abuse his weaknesses, the only character that bothered to put that time in were the metaknights (and a few individual players here and there like larry, razer, etc.). I think right now hes top 3 but if people actually learn to fight him he could potentially fall a bit in a snake like manner.
Maybe people overrate ICs, but other characters arent all that either.
You do this because someone changing characters tells you they wouldn't have been able to win with their main solo, Doesn't matter if they won with that character or not, they switched for a reason.
This is actually an interesting point, I was talking to Tyrant and K9 about this and it was mentioned on stream when ESAM played Zero and went ICs one game then 3-0'd him with pika. They were saying how sometimes peeps will change characters as a palet cleanser or since they feel worn on the character theyre using. In this case it has more to do with the player than the MU.