i guess what UnChienAndalousa is right. it just seems that the higher level of skill you play, the less mistakes people make... which is harder to punish. to me it feels like once people realize how to beat vidjo, he won't be regarded as the top peach player. i only say this because he doesn't have all the different moves most peach players have at their disposal.
isn't it true, the more moves you know how to do, the better you're overall potential is? well i guess what i'm trying to say is vidjo reached his max potential with his current movesets, whereas the more tech peaches have a higher potential that they just haven't reached yet.
i guess i just need to study vidjo vids more carefully...
I don't know what you mean by "once people realize how to beat vidjo, he won't be regarded as the top peach player"
Vidjo loses to lots of people, often. In fact, he hasn't beaten anyone impressive in quite a while. At FC I lost to Darkrain/Taj, he lost to Darkrain/Drephen and didn't beat anyone exceptionally good, but still managed to place higher than me. And he generally beats Darkrain/Drephen at more local tournaments, or atleast wins the majority of sets against them. He's also lost to people who aren't generally considered of the same skill level as him, such as mathos and Sliq...
His style is very boring to watch and he just plays smart, and I suppose I agree that in limiting his technical ability he kind of puts himself in positions where he's playing in a way that isn't as effective as he could be.
I'm not one to brag, but I don't really understand why Vidjo is considered better than me.