Nice way to twist around the real events that happen right? Im not going to even bother with you panda, you are still pissed that you didn't get to play at oc2. LOL, i wonder how piss you will keep getting if you dont get to play at oc3.
What did panda do for oc2? Oh yeah jack ****... He couldnt even print out the shirts and that was his job. Specifically his job was to go find a website and go print the shirts. What did panda decide to do? Here Mike, i found a website for you. Any idiot could do that. He refused to drive people to and from the airport then wanted smashers to pay him gas money. Ask chu dat how panda wanted his gas money. On the day of oc2 he saw how much fun everyone was having, so he wanted in at the end as a staff member, when he didnt even show up to the meetings we had to put people in charge. ' Let me give u a good example of a staff member, caotic. He took money aside from his tournament to donate to oc2, meaning that money is guaranteed to go to oc2. He donated 500 bucks. Basically all the money went to shu, why dont you contact shu and ask how much he got at oc2 to help pay for his ticket? I got the facts panda you got **** and accusations.
A staff member drives people, houses people, is willing to do stuff for smashers without asking for stuff in return. Panda you fail all requirements. And you said i didnt raise any money for oc2? Omfg, I got pc to donate, koreandj, and mew2king, and dark trient. Together i raised around 2000. Not alone Ken and I held bi weeklies to get oc2 going. All your *** does is make up crap.
You dont realize i get paid to attend school right? **** so why shouldnt i use that money to go to japan? Only, ken , isai and chu should go? poor panda you wanted to go also, are you jealous of me? I went to japan because ken asked me too, and ken knows how it is with just chu and isai. Atleast with me there ken will have someone to talk too.
All the money that went to oc2 was used by the japanese, or the venue. Kens even got a list of how much he gave each japanese person. You assume I took that money. Got evidence? I dont need to jack money thats going to the venue. I got enough in my bank account.
If people want the real truth of what happened at the event that day ask chu dat, ask neal, ask caotic. You did jack **** for oc2. on top of that when u had your pandatration tournament you consider that donating? When you dont take money aside to donate to a tournament thats not donating. Thats a competition and people come to play. Ken and I had to try hard to win that ****, oh yeah, not to mention you set us up against each other so we had a better chance of winning.
Panda, if your not going to say anything positive in this thread, stfu, else ill inform a mod about your ***.
for everyone else who wants to contribute. I am helping out this community regardless of what this mofo says. At oc2 he was so pissed he wanted to set up a game cube and tv outside to protest oc2. Thats how pathetic he was.
dont support oc3 if you dont like the host aka me and my family. If you dont like me dont donate, im not forcing you too. Instead, im asking for your help. Simple as that. bombsoldier is poor, we all want him to come, so help out. If you dont like it im not forcing you to do it. Right now oc3 doesnt have a venue. Currently Pat and Rickety are helping looking for one. If we can find a good venue things should start moving.
Zephry - you realized im the one stepping it up to make oc3 happen? right now the entire staff are still unsure about it. You want me off , then consider oc3 not happening. You said i embezzeled money? Believe what panda says, why dont u ask people who were with me, like nealdt, or arash. Everything i got i put into the box and it was locked away in my closet until it was needed by the japanese or the venue funds. Ask people from washington how difficult it was to run oc2 after housing bailed out. Money had to be used to get hotels for people. Ask arash how much gas money he needed. Arash drove to and from the airport about 30 times. Ask the canadians about that. These are all hard facts. Everything panda said about me are lies. The only true thing he said was he got banned. Yeah he got banned for being a *******, why dont you ask a person name hirshine how much of a ******* he is.
days before oc2: Panda says he doesnt want to be staff anymore its too much work. I ask caotic is it true. Caotics like yeah, he doestn want to be staff. Day of the event, he shows up carrying in one tv. He wasnt staff, we didnt need him there to help out. Apparently pat and pha didnt know. I see him, he sneaks around ken and champ. I go up to neal, champ and ken. I tell him hey hes not staff he should pay. Neal, yes he should. Ken yeah he should. Champ yes he should. Me - I am not sure if i am the one to tell him to leave. Neal - just go do it, if anything happens will defend you. I approach his *** and told him to leave, he said What the ****. Give me my ****ing money and ill leave. I told him we cant give him his money back. It was already used for the japanese as donations. How the hell can u donate something and take it back? Only panda would do that. Then i told him okay go get ur money and leave. He goes up to neal and *****es at him. My sister says forget him and gives him his money and he leaves. Then he goes out in a fuss and wants to come back protesting oc2 by sitting outside saying he got banned from oc2. The truth is he wasnt banned he just wasnt staff. All non staff members must pay even if you donated 1000 bucks. If you dont have money to donate then dont donate. If you think my story is made up ask anyone, ken, caotic,neal,champ, and other people who were there that day. I was in my full right to kick this ******* out.