For those that missed out on my MLG meet, i will be hosting another similar meet for evo,
Details are as follows:
Where: UNSW
When: Friday 11th June - Mon 14th June (EVO stream probs 9-10am)
What: activities include Watching EVO Streams, all iterations of Smash Bros, Pikmin 3, Mario 3D Worlds, Mario Kart 8 or any other games people want to play. If people want to bring board/card games feel free.
lets just have fun.
Also would people like to go see the new transformers movie, if they dont see it before the meet that is?
Expect to get little sleep and the sleep you get to be on the floor, bring your own blanket/sleeping bag as I don't have very many.
People are ok to come and go throughout this time as they please.
Let me know if you can make it.