I would like to start off and say that you have REALLY good spacing
0:48: Retreat with your zair 90% of the time vs ICs. If you are going to approach ICs with zair, make sure you have a bomb in your hand.
1:07: Never try to Grab ICs. If you do end up grabbing them, use up throw because the disjointed hit box will hit the other ICs.
1:23 and 1:32: Don't use arrows unless the ICs are relatively far away
2:21: If nana goes off stage, stand near the and and either throw projectiles off stage or go chase down nana (make sure sure you can still recover though).
2:52: When the bomb hit the ICs shield, I would have used a full hop nair. Its safe in the MU and you would have hit the ICs.
3:22: Lol footstool
3:39: I know you lucked out in not being hit by that F smash, but try nt to stay in your shield at all against ICs. That could have been a free grab for the ICs
3:49: If you see the ICs pursuing you, I bomb and zair away. The bomb and the spaced zair will keep you safe.
5:33: Try to limit your dair usage in this MU. Its good in certain situation but it is too laggy and it will be a free grab for the ICs.
6:00: Smart recovery
6:14: No F smash unless you predict their Squall recovery. That cost you the match.
Yoshi's Island:
There were a lot of opportunities where you could have racked on the some easiy damage (other than the classic bair strings in the beginning). When the ICs are in the air, you can pursue them with bair and nair and be safe from harm 9/10 times.
Overall, I would say you did a good job playing on this map. Playing agaisnt ICs is a little bit tricker than on the other neutrals.
1:57: Damn. I am stealing that
2:53: You became a little too aggressive haha but you racked on a good amount of damage before you died
3:50 (After nana died): You can choose to either run the clock or kill Popo at this point. The only issue with running the clock is that Popo will begin to try and look for patterns (I guess they were already doing this lol) and they will poke at you before they die..either that or they will just kill themselves because they realize that you are going to just continue running from them.
0:23: Cuttin it close with the zair and nair
0:38: Space/retreat zair. You got lucky that he didn't grab you.
:40-1:10: You are were being way too aggressive lol. Only pursue the ICs if they are in the air and if you can safely use a full hop nair.
Useful tip: Land with ibomb on the platforms, put your shield up. Once your bomb explodes, gtfo. Its 99% safe (can't say 100 because idk if thats true but I don't think ive ever been punished for it).
1:02:Don't use f smash so much. Its too laggy to be using in this MU.
1:47: When you are losing to ICs, you don't have to approach them. You have all the time in the world to bring it back
4:59:Watch your bomb pull. The moving platform might have thrown off your timing though.
Unfortunate ending lol
Pokemon Stadium 1: I am not surprised that the match took this long tbh. This is a time out stage imo lol.
0:24: Be careful with your CQC.
2:05: I would have did "Bomb throw to nair" at this point.
2:28: You flew so fast loooooooooool.
Overall: nice spacing, use your boomerang more when you are in the air and at a safe distance from the ICs on the ground, Zair>bomb>Full hop Nair or Bomb>Full hop Nair works wonders in this MU. Try doing that more.