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Note of retirement...I guess


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
I've told a lot of you already, but for those of you who don't know and care at all, I'm going to stop playing Smash for good. There are a number of personal reasons, the most important of which is that my hands are suffering and I can not play in a tournament without being in a great deal of pain, often to the point where I get headaches and can't think of anything. I'll admit, I lied a lot, to everyone. Mostly about how it never hurt or it was healing, when in fact it was almost always the opposite. I'm sorry for doing that. Regardless of this, I was gonna have to leave soon anyway; I've been at it for three and a half years. If you're interested in my background in smash at all, feel free to read the next paragraph. If not, skip to the last one.

I started playing with Jeffman back in first year of high school, in 2005 (the summer after it I guess, since we started school in 2004). Soon after, we developed a rivalry that led to us learning all sorts of different things in an attempt to beat eachother. It was all in good fun, of course, and we had a lot of fun with it. It was later on in that year that we heard about a smash tournament. Knowing nothing about it aside from a trailer for this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euHUAbmkyAY), we went in, and upon entry saw a technical Fox playing. For some unknown reason, we thought that guy was the one in the Adventure video. Past that tournaments, we swore to improve and stop getting owned by everything under the moon, and went to more tournaments. We met NNR after that, and made a few friends. One of the highlights of those times were the videos we made. Before our first tournament, we had been inspired by a best of 5 set between Isai and Ken, and decided to play and record our own. I played Marth back then, and I don't even remember who Jeff used, but I think it was Falco. We recorded a crappy set with terrible audio and called it jeff_grmo_1. That was the first of many to come. In February 2006, we formed the team Smashbound (we were/are still huge Earthbound fans), and made this video, called So Many Chaos:


The name came from a line that a friend of ours used while playing a free for all with many explosive items on. The video itself is amusing, especially somewhere in the middle where we do what we call the broom game, a game where the objective is to hold the broom above your head, spin around 20 times, and leap over it. In terms of videos, there was also this piece of gold by Jeff:


A sandbag combo video using Action Replay, something we were heavily in to back then (we ended up helping out with Perfect Control 2). The last video I want people to see is Grmzo of the Amazingness, a really stupid but amusing video I made a few months back:


In May 2007, we hosted The Battle of Caketown, the first in a series that was labelled as the biggest series of tournaments in the GTA. One event had over 100 people, breaking the fire code of the venue. These continued over the years, and while there were problems, each one maintains itself as being very memorable. I hope everyone else enjoyed them as much as I did.

I never felt that my role in the community was that of a smasher. I hosted tournaments for people, and if not that, then I acted as a teacher for others whenever I could. I liked feeling useful, so I always did stuff like that. I was the kind of guy that would **** you with 20 characters when you first started playing, then teach you some stuff if you spared the time with me, and then a few months later you would surpass me. I was more of a flag, I guess, but I just never had the motivation to be the best. I almost always had other things on my mind and didn't feel that I needed to accomplish that or that I would necessarily feel better that way. I don't think it was my playing that led me to get to know everyone.

I've made so many friends through this. A lot of people that I value a lot and will miss some day. I won't be gone right away; I still have three or so tournaments that I promised to help out with and I in no way intend to let those people down. Sauga Outbreak and Havoc at the Hammer are two, and another one that never got posted. Lone Wolf, the one credible for the huge increase in Smash activity in Mississauga back in 2007, has been a huge help to me, so you can expect to see me helping at all of his tournaments in the future. I may not stop that for a while. Anyway, I really want to thank everyone. I've learned so many valuable things from this community. You guys can be a bit rough around the edges, but you're some of the most memorable people I've ever met. I can't tell you how grateful I was to have a wide circle of friends like that. I know I may not be in the position to ask favours, but I will ask that if you see me in the future, if I come to visit or something, that you still treat me as you would if I was still playing. I don't necessarily want to do this, but I've become physically incapable of playing any longer.

Thanks so much. I'll never forget all the fun I had playing with everyone. If I can offer a last word of advice, it's to play to win for yourself, not for the money or for the ranking.

Play for you. Don't ever lose sight of what's most important. Take it easy...you don't want to end up like me. Oh yeah, Bernard...thanks for the name!

Grmzo out.

I've always wanted to do that =D


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ahh Grrmoooo!!

I'm sooo sorry I couldn't make it to the last Starfurry =[
Super Brampton Fail.

Maann that sucks so much about your hand and stuff.. I really hope it gets better.

You've helped me out soo much when I started playing and it's always fun playing with you.
I always felt that I've improved after playing and getting advice from you.

Hope I can make it to whatever tournament you're helping to host. I haven't seen you in months!!
Get well, good luck in whatever you're doing next, and thanks for contributing so much to our community =D


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Health first. I'll never forget the night we got you drunk ;)
I'm sure you'll come out to a tournament eventually to see us all again even if you can't play.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Hey Grmo,

We don't know each other too well, but I've been to a couple of tournaments that you hosted/helped with so I wanted to show (post?) my respects. You are a good guy and have done a lot for the EC Canada community, thank you!

Feel free to ignore this questionif it's personal, but what happened with your hands? Is it carpal tunnel or something along those lines?


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
Serious muscle damage. I imagine with some patience and physiotherapy it'll go away in a couple months.

Thanks for the supportive comments :)

...and yeah, I'll definitely come see everyone again. I may even host another tournament some day.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
Hey man, you don't know me, but we played once at Prepare Yourself in friendlies. I played Marth and Fox.

Anyways, it'll be sad to see a fellow smasher go, but good luck with life and I hope you still hang around sometimes in the Smash community.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Serious muscle damage. I imagine with some patience and physiotherapy it'll go away in a couple months.

Thanks for the supportive comments :)

...and yeah, I'll definitely come see everyone again. I may even host another tournament some day.
I hope it does. Hand damage like that is really bad for every day life, not just for smash.

I hope you can get better soon, even if you won't or can't come back to the community.

And the fact that I never met you.

But I did saw that sandbag combo video, reallyyyy good. Too much pressure.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System

Its been way too long. So much has happened. I can't start typing about the past without breaking out into full paragraphs.

So...see you soon lol. You might want to leave but your mom's chili keeps me coming back. So you'll see me around.



Smash Champion
May 16, 2006
Wow bro and I just met you. I had no idea. I wouldn't know what I'd do if my hands had problems since I depend on them so much.

Good luck bro. Hope you recover quickly.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
grzmo, noooooooooooooooo!!

who will make up words now that you're going?

Good luck with your hands. I will definitely see you around/come over.


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
Your hands hurt? Play Brawl.

It'd be nice to see you stick around the forums. Smashboards isn't really a place you can just leave. Trust me, I've tried, and five years later, I'm still here.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Lone Wolf, the one credible for the huge increase in Smash activity in Mississauga back in 2007, has been a huge help to me, so you can expect to see me helping at all of his tournaments in the future.

<3333 I've had a great time running events with you man, we're still getting at it but we've been the making a huge difference with out events. A lot of golden memories and unforgettable achievements have been made through your dedication to Smash. You can always hold your head up high and say you've made a difference in the community, and hopefully you carry that with you and your future endeavors.

I know first hand (bad pun lawlz) how hard it is to fade out of playing this game frequently for the greater good, as you know I have a higher responsibility myself. But in the end, you're the most important person to yourself. Taking care of your physical health is tops beyond anything. I would like to hear you make a comeback some day, but I would want you to heal up first before that.

Controllers down, Smash characters aside, we're still friends so feel free to talk/come out to anything. I could write more but I'll leave the rest for the Starfurry shoutout.


Smash Rookie
Mar 30, 2009
*is lost*
Awww... And I just met you too. Well, even if you're retiring, hopefully we'll still see you around whether in real life or here on the boards =) Good luck with your recovery!


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
grmo your the ****in' best.

im never gonna forget that day when you started teaching me over msn(which was like 3-4 years ago?) and the first time we played.

get well soon.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Only got to meet you once and you're a really nice guy. Sorry to hear about that health problem, I hope you make a full recovery. I hope you still choose to come out even if its just for a little to future events and hang out with the communities, good luck with whatever you do.

Deleted member

i was on xbox and i got an msn message from you graeme, and i was like.. yay, graeme's talking to me! but no, it was actually just an msn virus. you talked about the power of acai berries :/

sad to see you go. we've played a lot, but regardless, we're still friends like david said.

i didn't notice this till now, sorry for the mad lateness.

same goes to jeffman.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2004
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Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2008
Sauga, ON
Grmo man I don't know what to say. I hope your recovering. I appreciate the help and everything you've done. Get better soon. I know first hand how recovering from dealing with long term injuries. Do your best to recover and kept in mind we're all still here for you. <3


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Take care Grmo, hope your hands get better.

I picked up Melee again because of the conversation we had on the way back from Prepare Yourself. People like you are the reason why the Smash community is the best.

Come back soon. <3
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