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NOSTALGIA - Type your Smash career


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
After reading through some topics, I figured, what we should have is NOT a topic detailing the community's history, but more a topic detailing our personal history in the game we call Smash. I'm going to do the same, but since I'm not a major player, I have nothing amazing to write about. In all results and outcomes to this, Dr PP will benefit most as he will enjoy any and all posts provided in here. Without any more stalling, I'll begin my story and I encourage you to do the same.


It was holiday 2001 and I received a long anticipated gift. A nintendo Gamecube with Luigi's Mansion and Super Smash Bros Melee. Since I had been stuck with the N64, the clarity of the sound, music, and detailed graphics blew me away like when I popped in Ocarina of Time for the first time in new N64 three years previously. I started out playing with Kirby and quickly realized how nerfed he got.

At this time, we only had dial-up. I looked on the internet how to unlock all the characters and stages. Feeling accomplished each time something new was gained. I gained all trophies one could get without cheating April 23rd, 2002 at 7:39 PM (I wrote that in a notebook). I read up on the FAQs Gamefaqs had on all characters, in '01. At that point, I read on some techniques specific for the character, and something on L-cancel. because there was no youtube, I didn't get it, nor worried about it because the only competition I had was my cousins. Being the antisocial I was, I never really left my house, and I missed out on many opportunities I had while I lived up in NY.

It wasn't until '04 that I joined a forum. I joined Gamefaqs. I decided on the alias RandomFalco. I joined because I, at the time, was playing AS falco, but found myself losing, still, to my cousins, and even worse when they realized that Falco was a great choice and used him against my Falco (still playing without the advanced techniques). I posted on Gamefaqs, and tried to understand what I was being told. L-cancel, wavedash, short-hopping. Some of it I was getting, some I couldn't. Still with dial-up and You-tube in its infancy, I couldn't do anything. I eventually picked Marth up and tried my best with what I knew. Unfortunately, I never joined this site and never had the opportunity to socialize with the people in the Bronx, not but a 15 minute drive from me. I missed out on improvements that could have made me a better player this day.


In '05, things around the house were preparing for a move and by November, I was here. There was a local Gamecrazy in my area and I heard of a Smash Brothers tournament happening around late November, early December. Before this tournament, I was thinking I had this in the bag. An employee was telling me that these guys were really good, and because I always make myself out to be the best, I said that "they never played me, then." I entered this tournament and saw TWO TALL guys, those who we know to be Team Triforce, then TC and his brother. All of which I never met. I was the first match against TC's brother. I was Marth, and he was Samus. Samus started darting all across Dreamland, and grabbing me from distances I couldn't believe, that I started looking at the Gamecube to see if there was a Gameshark hidden somewhere. The battle was quick, fast, and painful. That was my first experience with these advanced techniques. I quickly left and never saw them again . . . or so I was thinking.

Around April '06, I got a job. My first job, 19 years old, at THIS Gamecrazy in Rocky Mount. Not but a few weeks into the job, I made it a point to always have Melee in at least ONE of our set ups. I find a man wearing a green shirt with the word Lucky on it one day. He was playing Mr. Game & Watch by himself. I slowly come up and ask if he plays. He responded "A little." I fell for his bait and picked up the controller and we battled. There was no contest, though. At this point I was thinking Mr. Game & Watch was GOD, but in reality it was his experience and my lack of it that provided such a horrendous outcome on my part. It was a few more visits and growing comfortable around this guy that I got his number and his name. Adam A.K.A L0zR (Legend of Zelda Rules). He suggested I join SWF, and I did just that. Randomfalco was my alias. I never got to use this profile and forgot about it when I re-joined only months later.

Thanks to Gamecrazy, I not only met many good people I'd like to call my friends now, but I also brought together people. Chocolate Thunder was a Target employee at the time who frequented Gamecrazy. Our Melee exchanges were unusually even, though he'd come out on top. I told him of Adam, and he thought it was bull. He believed that he was the best (as we all do at one point). I set something up and they battled. Of course Adam won, but the two struck something that would make a great friendship THAT NIGHT. Since then, they've been, sort of, the best comedy team I know.

I met PAC, I met Lighteningmage, I met bubbleman, I met team Triforce, and I met Falco, I met TC, I met Josh, and I even met Ricky (Dr. Neo). This job brought to me what I didn't get in NY, the community I needed.

I eventually joined again with this name, ~ZIO~ and with that my trolling began. I argued with Munkey about panelists and fair judgment. I argued with PAC about crew name. I argued and antagonized. Sometimes taking it too far . . . And to this day I still do it.

I was able to travel because of Adam's generosity and got to meet MORE people. Karn. Knorr. Malk. Ali. Speedskater. Mullins. I went to sevral tournaments, some I entered. 2 C3 tournaments. Mourning Pirates Jubilee V and VI. TO. Each tournament having a story its own to tell. And recently I've attended HERB and Pound 4.

Within all this time, I made my practice and choices. Eventually, I chose to be part of the community via SWF, but stop playing the game because I have one major flaw I cannot fix (and this affects other games as well).

What do you think, PP?

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I'm reading this soon.

I hope people type stuff in this thread. I would LOVE to read it. =p

I'll do mine sometime. I have always wanted to do this, if only for self-reflection before lol...

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
lol I'm not even sure if my full story can even fit on smashboards lol

I'll get it done soon though, I promise :)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
I began playing Smash(competitively) rather late. Around '08, actually.

I played Smash since the original on the n64, and I used to think that Link was GOD. I was able to beat ALL of my friends with Link and his Bombs.

I eventually got a Gamecube at a yard sale in like '03.

Then, all of my prayers were answered. Melee was released. I was ecstatic, and I begged my mom for it, but she was like, "...no. Video Games are stupid, don't throw your life away on them." and I was devastated. So I couldn't get Melee. However, I did have a friend who had the game, and two controllers, but no Gamecube. So I brought mine over, and we played.

It was like Sex for my hands. The comfortable GC controller, the near seamless way that the characters moved, the graphics, it was like one gigantic wet dream.

Then he gave me the game, saying that it got boring, and continuing on.

Later on, the game got stolen(sometime around '05), and it was forever lost. Devastated, I sulked for a while. Then Brawl was announced. I freaked. I saw Sonic playable, and was like:

So when I got a Wii, I was so uber excited, that I forgot about Melee for a long time. I bought a copy of Brawl, and had fun from there.

From then on, I trolled the GameFaqs boards with the name "TheDarkMoogle." (I'm a FF buff, what do you expect?) talking about how edgehogging wasn't fair, and how Melee sucked.

Around '08, my friend told me about this place called "Waba Game." I was like, "That place sounds boring. Moar Brawl." And he told me they were having a tournament. When told that I would receive money as my prize, I immediately thought "Let's do this." and we began training in teams. With items on. On our favorite stage, Pirate Ship.

You can imagine my surprise when I found out about no items and banned stages.

I remember our very first match. Me(Yiff) and My Pal(Darkslayer[original, mirite?], versus Rayku and Zom~b(R.O.B.). Strangely, we won, due to a mistake on Zom~B's part firing his lazor at Rayku(Lucario)

Second Match. I was so pumped after the first victory. Later on, though, I was told that they were sandbagging in order to get an easy ride through losers. So it was us versus Desu and BigLou. We lost epicly in our first match on Battlefield, and then we CPed Corneria, with Desu and BigLou's agreement. Meta-Knight and Luigi. Get ****ed. So we lost that. We were in Losers. I forgot our third match, but I know we lost.

He slowly crept out of the tourney scene after that. I, however, wanted to get better. I was like, Well, these guys get money for winning, right? So, if there are large tournaments, then I can get a lot more money, and essentially have a job playing Brawl if I was good enough! Yeah, dreams.

I got back into Melee, picking up my old mains Link, Pichu, and Kirby(all LOL). I realized that they sucked, took a tip to watch vids online(thanks, BBQ), and I realized. Falcon is GOD.(in the right hands.) I always thought he was the ****** of the bunch. So I picked him up, didn't like him, but I liked his moveset, so I picked up Ganon.

**** Yeah, Ganon.

Mainly Brawl, but Melee, too, if there's someone else to play with, and I feel good about my playing.

So, here I am. I'm a lot better than when I started, but I've still got a long way to go. I'm still getting wrecked, but I'm learning more.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
I started playing smash 64, never did competitively mind you with my brothers and friends. Surely enough Nintendo's next big launch being the game cube and one of it's first releases being Melee I couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

Once we got it, I played with my brothers I flipped out I said GANONS IN THIS GAME!?! all excited. I played that character ever since. Sure enough my best friend growing up, in the smash community he's known as Timat The Slayer started playing each other daily. As time went on we started to get better and better, we started playing people in our high school (Fafnir_Ragnaros or Odin), Maximus Artemus, and Soldier6. The five of us continued to play every weekend and a lot of days right after school.

Eventually, we held a smash tournament for my senior project as a charity event to help fund the Katrina hurricane relief foundation. From that tournament (back in late 05 - early 06. match between The Cape and I back in 06) I met Magus420, UmbreonMow, The Cape, Kaotical and Joker. At that time, advanced techniques were very new to us, we messed around with the wave dash and had a hard time figuring out how it could be useful sliding around all the time - Judging from my playstyle now a days I'd say we figured it out. Ever since then, The Cape and UmbreonMow are both very good friends of mine, back in those years they were both considered phenomenal players.

I started playing with The Cape regularly, he taught me everything about becoming a better player and a lot of little things about the game. DI, Combos, you know all that nonsense. After going to a few tournaments with him smash started to slow down for me, we teamed a couple times. (old teams match with Cape and I) and that was where I got my start.

Sometime after that, we started playing with the Pittsburgh smash scene. Swiftbass, Takiddine, Nakamaru, D20, Harm, TSK, Alan, and Wesley (now a days called Mogwai) They use to come visit me and my crew (The 5 horsemen of the apocalypse, which was the 5 original people I started playing with.) and we'd play once every so often. We all had a great time smashing, messing around and enjoying each others company.

It went from this to us barely playing at all, slowly slipped away from the game only played once every so often. It stayed this way up until I moved to Florida for the first time where I met The Cake Eaters. (also known as Name Canceled)

I moved to Gainesville Florida and was greeted by Derf, Exarch, Harriet The Guy, and Cripsyone. I played with them on a fairly regular basis and my smash game improved drastically, they were considerably better than everyone I use to play back in Pennsylvania. There are endless youtube videos of me playing with them and they continued to push me to a higher level of play. After a long time playing with them I met RockCrock, Blade of Apollo, Raistlin, Sub_Scorpion, Cash Mooney, Rohins, and Nafix.

I moved back to Pennsylvania and stayed there for a good while, during this time I didn't play smash at all. It was well over a year and a half, a group of friends and I played Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 competitively and had a blast doing it. I've gone back and fourth from these places a few times and am currently back in Florida. I play Gainesville smashers once a week and go to tournaments about once a month, between RockCrock, Harriet The Guy, Exarch, Blade of Apollo, and Raistlin. I can't wait to see how I further improve in the future.

Thanks for reading the history of Renth.


Smash Champion
Oct 28, 2008
oh boy oh goodie o boy

my story started back in 99 when my friend got an n64 and super smash bros for his n64 @ the time the only characters i recognized was ness and pikachu although i liked the game it was kinda like "screw that i wanna just play pokemon"

then i moved to florida and around 02 my friend got melee i remembered playing the original and i was like oooh lets play it so every day for like 4 months until he moved away we played melee like crazy and we thought we were SOOOOO GOOD he played DK, fox, and link, i played pika, mario, and sheik/zelda (but really mostly sheik lol)

played very very little until around 05 when another kid named paradise came around he had melee as well so we played every day until he moved away back in 07 still using my old mains i also liked to play ganondorf and sometimes yoshi to an extent we were best friends until early in 08 when he had to move away

and literally 2 months later i met this kid dylan who had a wii AND had brawl i got so exited remembering how much i loved melee and decided to give it a shot the result... I LOVED IT
Until i realised how bad of a game it really is XD
i really liked that you could play online and i did so almost every day when i finally felt ready to go to my first REAL brawl tournament

09 i was in despair when i saw the lack of tourneys in tampa after i found the atlantic south boards and i couldnt exactly ask for a ride from a complete stranger and i would HATE to ask my mom to drive me an hour and a half there and back TWICE just so i can play a game but it was right then when i realised how supportive parents i had. i asked my dad if he could take me to a tournament in tampa (that was lamuigis smashfest) and my dad had a meeting over there so it all worked out.

at first i was really really nervous going in because i had NO IDEA what to expect i kinda expected the worst meaning every single person was extremely geeky with glasses and couldnt talk to people


i get in there and the first thing i hear from one of the tampa crew members "yo i took a **** in the bathroom" and noel went on to explain how messed up the toilet was thats when i said to myself "yep this is where i belong hahaha"

anyways i had a great time @ the fest with practically nonstop laughs and everyone being extrmely nice basically the exact opposite of what i expected but i knew i had to go to more of these things

time passed and i started to realise i had less and less fun playing brawl and melee (although i sparingly played it) was feeling more and more fun so i knew that melee was the game i really wanted to learn

but for real i feel like ive only been playing melee for 2 months seriously cuz i never practiced or anything when i originally started playing melee

its been literally today 1 year and 1 month since ive started going to tournaments and i feel like im part of a family instead of a community <3 you guys

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
My history

April 27, 1999. This day marked my fate with you, reader, and the wonderful community which we have here at Smash World Forums. I see it as if it were yesterday. My father had recently bought me a Nintendo 64 for my previous birthday, and one game I had heard about via Nintendo Power was a Nintendo fighting game. Surprisingly, my father had been keeping tabs on my interest, and waited in line outside of a Sears store (Yes, they sold a plethora of video games at a point) for the opening release. He bought it for me, and thus started my smash career three days later when he gave it to me after I came home from school.

I had played 64 in ignorance of a new smash game until mid 2005, when a local New York smashers, known as "Bailey" had started holding smash tournaments at a store I visited often. I hadn't heard of the new smash game until this moment, and then I found about smashboards. My first smashboards account was created on October 12th, 2005 under the name "slimersecret". I never actually used the account, out of boredom of what was here, and illiteracy of what it held. Little did I know it would start my long, spiraling career in a few years.

Out of curiosity, I attended many melee events with Bailey, never actually playing the game. I attended multiple NYST events held by him, and even attended the famous "Gauntlet" series multiple times in New York. I happened to finally get bored of 64, and decided I would give melee a try. I accompanied Bailey to a event well known in the tri-state area as "King of the Couch" in July 2006, and this is when I first really played the game. I was amazed at the amount of characters, and being a long time fan of ganondorf, I knew I would love this game forever, seeing as he was a playable character. He was my first ever main. Smashboards players such as Wes, M2K, jman, and more attended the event, and it was a great experience. In a little under 6 months, I would move from New York, and move to Florida, where my career has been since day one.

In January 2007, I moved from 44 Edward St, Sparkill, NY, to 522 S Monroe st, Beverly Hills, Florida with my mother. The drove took over 18 hours, and it was quite the journey. I had forgotten about smash, but only for the moment. One of my other hobbies was playing card games, noteable Magic the gathering, and yugioh. If it weren't for these games, I would have played smash much sooner, however, these were my hobbies in New York. Upon moving to Florida, I soon noticed that both MTG and Yugioh were dead near me. Nobody played. This is when I could consider myself a "true" smasher, and thus "Cash Mooney" was born. By the start of February, I could wavedash and l-cancel consistently, and had decided I would attend a tournament by myself. This tournament would be Gigabits, in Orlando, and soon, I would come to be one of the most disliked smashers in the nation.

To be continued......

i don't remember why I picked up puff
I do. You started using doc (or mario? I don't remember that much), and had been losing pretty badly, so then you used jiggs, and found out that she had a one hit kill move, and you had started using "it" from that point on.

Then you soon attended your first gigs, and started attending more tourneys. You joined the Florida crew WATO eventually, and as you played more with groups of players, you started to improve.

You had hit a point in your career where you consistently placed in Florida, but only 3rd. It was at Inet in august 2008 when you would break this curse by placing second to lambchops, beating col bol in singles.

Come TGMTSBCO, you finally attended your first OOS event, and proved yourself as a up and coming power in florida. You played players such as eggz, and won, and even took a game or two off chu dat, and gave him a run for his money. Unfortunately, your nerves took over, and you lost, giving you 5th place.

Soon you would start winning everything in florida, going even with Col Bol in tourney. And finally, TO4. This is where you became the player you are now. Almost re-writing smash history, you were inches away from beating Darkrain, the best Falcon in the world, and claiming your first OOS win, but it wasn't enough.

The end.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
I started playing in June of 2006, and up until that time I didn't even know melee existed. I remember saying "You mean the one where there's a commercial with Mario, Yoshi, Pikachu, and a bunch of nintendo people beating each other up in a meadow?" My friends said that was 64 (which I also had not played), and that this was Melee.

The main guy I played with was a Link main that loved to camp and spam projectiles. I didn't know who to pick at first, but I saw another one of my friends just murdering people with Roy's fsmash, so I said ****, at least I know I can get a few kills with Roy in these crazy item-filled FFA's we're doing! After a while, a friend of mine that plays Fox was winning too much so my other friend (the link main) decided to turn items off so only he would have them (bombs, arrows, boomerang, lol). It wasn't long before I fell in love with the game.

I eventually looked on youtube for some ideas on how to beat this campy Link with Roy. This was the first smash video I ever saw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14BwvS4zcsE

I was in complete shock, and felt as if I had stumbled upon a whole new world of competitive gaming. My friend saw Link's bomb recovery at 2:44 in that video and it motivated him to get better too. As we started learning AT's I picked up a new main, Marth. I remember playing Marth 2-3 times and saying out loud "What the hell, this guy gets away with Murder!" After maining Roy, it felt like I could do anything I wanted offstage and still make it back. My friend who mained Link started playing with Fox and Falcon at this time too.

It wasn't long before I realized that Roy and Marth are sissy characters. A few months later I was living at a different apartment with different roommates, except I still lived with the Link main. My brother (Dorsey) had come to visit and he liked to play just for fun. He picked Ganondorf. He punched the hell out of people, and they flew off the screen and continued to fly, into orbit (our extreme West Coast DI was a great compliment to the knockback of Ganon's moveset). That day I picked up Ganon and haven't turned back since. It is quite possibly the best decision I have ever made.

Previously, Dorsey had loaded an old youtube vid of Chaddd's Ganon and showed it to me. He said Chaddd had "the swollest Ganon" rofl. I learned a good deal from watching his old videos vs GAwes. Then I watched the Triforce of Power and I was hooked for good.

After practicing for a few months I met up with other people that played at UNC, which is how I eventually met Bill, Karn, David(THO), Malk, Knorr.. and a few other players. My first tournament was Jubilee 07 I think. I didn't even enter, I just wanted to see what it was all about. At jubilee I met l0zR, Ali, Corey, Duo, Dr Peepee, Josh, Dark Hart, and a few other people. I remember watching Falcon dittos between l0zR and Ali and being absolutely amazed.

It wasn't long before I was training my Ganon for tourneys, playing with Karn and a few other friends of mine for hours on end. I enjoyed getting active in the NC melee scene, which needed a boost at the time.. especially since omg BRAWL was coming out soon and so many people were going to "switch". Meeting new people and getting better at the game was so much fun lol. Hanging out with the NC guys at tournies has been a blast.


Mar 16, 2007
I used to not be much of a gamer. I've never even owned an SNES, and the only game I owned for NES was SMB/Duck Hunt. And to this day, of the games I own for the N64 besides Smash (Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Rocket: Robot on Wheels, Diddy Kong Racing), I have beaten none. In those days, I played to have fun with the game, and when it stopped being fun, I stopped playing. I didn't care about being good.

Then I read about this game in Nintendo Power. It was a game that had been getting popular in Japan that had battles between Nintendo characters, and it would be coming to the US. It was called Super Smash Bros. I decided I'd get it.

It started out much the same as any other game. I played through a few times, unlocked all the characters, but eventually got bored with it. At this time, I had just switched to a new school, where I only knew two people that I had never really known all that well anyway. I was also awkward and geeky, and had really ****ing short shorts, which didn't help in Middle School. Suffice to say, I had no friends, and didn't really have a reason to play the game.

Eventually, I was paired with a guy named Ben for a Science Fair project. We did an amazing project on Tornadoes. More importantly, we found common ground in our enjoyement of Super Smash Bros. We mostly played in a group of four (with two other guys who really were even bigger dorks than I ever could have aspired to be). We played bob-bombs only on high FFAs. To this day, Ben is still one of my best and closest friends. He's not involved in the competitive scene, but he's still a brother to me.

In SSB64, I played Samus a lot, when I wasn't being gay with Kirby. I liked to run away from everyone and charge up his hueg laser, then shoot it into the fray. This ran counter to Ben's strategy of grabbing a bob-bomb, running in between two people and throwing the bomb at his feet. Because my strategy lent to winning in a stock match, and his lent to winning in a time match, we had many disagreements on what format to use.

Eventually, around when we entered high school, Melee came out, and Ben and I speculated a lot about who would be in the game. We continued to play amongst ourselves, and were content in our ignorance of Smashboards, and even Gamefaqs. Those days, my gamertag was jex, or if space permitted, jex_007. Around this time, though, a friend of mine called me "ph00tbag" in an attempt to insult me, but I just changed my AIM sn to ph00tbag, and started using that on forums and stuff. I maintained the duality between alter-egos for a while.

In Melee, I stopped playing Kirby, because I wasn't winning at all with him. I mostly stuck to Samus, until Ben started being really gay with Marth. I then picked up Marth and started being gay with him, too.

When it came time to graduate, Ben applied to Duke (boo) and got in, and I applied to UNC (w00t) and got in (double w00t). We went to our separate schools, but maintained our friendship. While Ben was at Duke, he encountered a lot of people who played Melee socially. I had never found any such group at UNC, so I began to seek one out.

Eventually, I found out that some enterprising RA on North Campus was starting a Smash Brothers Club. "Hot ****," I said, "I'd better get up on that." This RA was none other than Bill, Alias NC-Echo (at the time, he wasn't even Echo, though--don't remember what his tag was). Within our club, he and CJ (Projectiled) were the absolute best in our club, and they regularly attended tournaments in NC. At this club, I quickly found out that my Marth was *** (still is), and my Samus was sexy (still is). I've pretty much played Samus in one way or another ever since.

It was around this time I was shown Smashboards, as well as videos of pro Smash players. I actually had to think awhile as to whether I'd be "ph00tbag" or "jex_007" on the forums. I decided that since it was a forum, I'd go with my forum name. I believe that was in 2007.

Unfortunately, a rash of stolen set-ups prompted Bill to disband the Smash Club permanantly. For about a year or two, I got by playing with people in my dorm and regularly curb-stomping all of them. Around this time, I began to develop a very, very high opinion of my abilities.

Then, Brawl fever started. Everyone I knew wanted everything having to do with the game. When it came out in Japan, Bill acquired a Japanese copy, and brought several people over to play it. I met Lord Karn at one of these sessions, and when I decided to give ROB a try, he told me "His forward air is really good."

So Brawl came out, and Bill started hosting tournaments out of his grimy apartment in Townhouse (all of the apartments there are grimy). At my first tournament, I met all sorts of players, and actually represented myself fairly well for never having attended a tournament before. I had another dilemma as to which name to choose. jex_007 was still my gamertag, but most people on swf knew me as ph00tbag. Ultimately I decided: jex_007 was super unoriginal. "ph00tbag" is still one of the rarest names on the internet. To my knowledge, only one other dude uses it, and I'm fairly sure he stole it from me. The only vestige is that I still use JEX as my tag in Melee.

From then, most people in NC know what happens. I kept going to tournaments, and became friends with everyone in the state. And y'know, looking back, I think all of my most valued friendships started with this game. For all I think Masahiro Sakurai screwed Brawl up royally, I have to take my hat off (a rare occurrence) to him for pretty much enabling me to have so many amazing friends.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I'm actually very pleased that there are people taking this topic seriously.

It makes me happy.
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