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Northwest UK Brawl Circuit: [NEXT: 23rd Aug CONFIRMED] - Gamerbase Manchester

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blipped moon

Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
Think i might have to go Falcon at this one , time to stop messing about and pull out the big guns.

Captain Falcon is high tier to me and will be for all of you soon :D

Sorry the furure has been seen.

The futures bright, the future is captain Falcon (L)


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Im gonna try out my Marth actually, i really wanna get as good with him as i am with tlink, i would go link and ike but they are easily gimped.


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
I'm doing the newsletter now, so that'll give people something to read. i may make it into a mailing list eventaully


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
I find it funny that no one from NW has won their own ranbat loooooooooool

This shows that NW SUCK.


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2006
Congleton, Cheshire, England
The newsletter shopuld be an interesting read, see how everyone has stacked up.

This is looking to be my 3rd to last on for about 6 or so month, which means I have 3 attempts to win a tournament.


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
I find it funny that no one from NW has won their own ranbat loooooooooool

This shows that NW SUCK.

lol nice find
The newsletter shopuld be an interesting read, see how everyone has stacked up.

This is looking to be my 3rd to last on for about 6 or so month, which means I have 3 attempts to win a tournament.
3 attempts ^^ you can do it


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
cmon smudge!! :D and willz stop the hating lmao , also aiko i look forward to reading this newsletter i get bored >.<!


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2007
Manchester, UK
Northwest Brawl Newsletter - You're monthly source for late brawl info.

Northwest Brawl Newsletter


[1] Introduction
[2] May overview
[3] Tournament Format
[4] Circuit Standings
[5] Interview: Trio3
[6] Special announcement
[7] Competition

[1] Introduction

Welcome to the first Northwest Brawl Newsletter! Primarily focussing on the NW scene, it will feature tournament results, commentary and interviews, as well as some other mini-articles. Feedback would be great as I would love to turn this into a mailing list if it gains enough popularity.

[2] May Overview

May marked the first tournament for many things.

Most importantly, it was the beginning of the brand new Northwest Brawl Circuit (NWBC). Although there were 3 previous tournaments, it wasn't run as a complete season, meaning eventaully, people who had placed well and attended more tournaments, would gain so many points, it would be impossible to catch them up. Now, the NWBC is for a fixed time, giving many people a chance to prove themselves and then start a new season with goals and confidence!

May was also the first month without Aiko entering the tournament, as he has since retired. He previously dominated the last 3 Northwest rankings, totalling 72 points from two 1st place finishes and one 2nd place finish. However, with the loss of Aiko, we also gain Trio3, who has moved from the East Midland Rankings to the Northwest Rankings.

[3] Tournament Format

The May format proved very popular with players. We managed to fit in Singles, Teams, Playoffs AND Crews, offering much better value for money for all players than we had previously. The same format will be retained for the remainder of the season, so get pracitising your teams game!

Here is an explanation of the points system for this season.

You get points for where you place in the tournament. Out of regioners are not included in the rankings. Your best 3 points from the 4 tournaments are used to calculate your season total, thus resulting in your overall season ranking.

These are the points allocated for the places:

  1. 1st. 50
  2. 2nd. 40
  3. 3rd. 35
  4. 4th. 30
  5. 5th. 27
  6. 6th. 25
  7. 7th. 22
  8. 8th. 20
  9. 9th. 17
  10. 10th. 15
  11. 11th. 13
  12. 12th. 11
  13. 13th. 8
  14. 14th. 6
  15. 15th. 4
  16. 16th. 2
  17. 17th and below. 1

Don't forget the awards we give out too! At the end of the rankings, we will be sponsoring 1 player for the next season, which means you will not pay tournament fees!

[4] Circuit Standings

1st - Trio3 [50]
2nd - Oniboy [40]
3rd - Smudge [35]
4th - Blinky [30]
5th - Jankai [27]
6th - Bickers [25]
7th - Ryuken [22]
8th - Dooan [20]
9th - Blipped Moon [17]
10th - Bu5h [15]
11th - Pit [13]
12th - LBX [11]
13th - Zero [8]
14th - Zod [6]

[5] Interview: Trio3

Trio3 recently joined the NW rankings after transferring from the EM rankings.

[Aiko] Thanks for agreeing to the interview. First question: Why did you decide to get into competitive brawl?

[Trio3] I decided to start playing it competitive cause it was only the game I liked to play constantly, likewise with melee, smash doesent really have a limit to stop playing. I can play smash for hours on end so I decided to start playing in different ways, like online. I started to play different people and enjoyed it, I never thought I'd get beat so easily when I played someone good for the first time........which was infact Blinky. Then after some time of online play, I found out that people actually prefer offline to online play, so I decided to enter an offline tourney.

[Aiko] That Blinky seems to be bringing in a lot of players lol.

[Trio3] Yeah, I just typed in google: "brawl friend codes with msn" and I got him and craigUK.

[Aiko] You only started playing in offline tournaments recently. How would you say it compares to playing in online tournaments?

[Trio3] Well offline play is alot better in many ways. I enjoy meeting new people and I like the environment which we are in. I like the environment because I feel alot more confident when people are watching me play, although it can get pretty intense which can make me nervous sometimes, believe it or not. Where as online tournaments are not half as fun, I enjoy playing online still although I don't find it as good now I have actually been to a real life tournament. To be perfectly honest I would prefer to pay money to travel and play smash, than play it for free online.

[Aiko-baby] You are one of the few Toon Link mains in the UK. Why did you pick him as a main and not someone as popular as Metaknight or Snake?

[Trio3] I played melee and brawl for fun before and used Falco the most. Then in summer 2008 I stopped playing smash for around 3-4 months. When I played brawl for fun I used the wiimote and nunchuck as I didn't know of competitive play. Then December 2008 I decided to start playing smash, this timeI wanted to play competitive so I decided to use the GC Controller.
Then I thought to myself, why play a game with a video game character that you hardly know much about, so I decided to use Link, as I love the legend of zelda series, still unaware of the tier list too. The after some time, when I found out the tier list and matchups, I decided to use Toonlink, Marth and Ike as well. I chose Marth and Ike because fire emblem was my second favourite series of games.
Then once I palyed around with the characters I found out that I was the best with toonlink, which led me on to use him as my main. I didn't choose a popular character at this time because I only played online, and there was nothing really to win. Although even if it was offline I would still stick with my characters because I like the games they are in too, not just to use them in this game.

[Aiko-tron] What's your favourite soundtrack in brawl?

[Trio3] My favourite sound track would have to be the Brawl Menu Theme, I can't really explain why I like it. I recently found a edited version of this track which sounds alot better, and I use it for my alarm theme to wake me up.

[Aiko-PAWNCH!] Captain Falcon or Ganon?

[Trio3] Ganon. No... errm...Ganon.... yeah lol

[King-Aiko] Anything else you'd like to say?

[Trio3] Yes, I'd like you people who are reading this, to take a good look at the tier list in brawl and go for a character of C tier or below, and see how well you do at a offline tourney. Ahh not so good now are you people lol.

[Aiko] LOL!!!! Well thanks for your time; I'm sure people will enjoy your outlook on smash and I hope to see you at the next tourney.

[Trio3] No problem. Yeah, you definitely will.

Trio3 currently training Marth

[6] Special Announcement

We will be having a surprise guest next time. He will travelling from here:

He will also be entering the next 3 tournaments too!

[7] Competition

I am holding a competition all you artists! Simply design a banner for the Northwest Circuit and the winner will gain free entry for 2 tournaments. 1 Runner up will gain free entry for 1 tournament. Anyone is eligible to enter. Closing date is 20th June 2009.

See you next time!


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
This would be added to question 1.
My good online freinds Calzorz and Willz got me into offline tournies by telling me id do well, which i did and was thankful for there advice.

Edit: Silence willz, u suck sell brawl no johns, flaking or sandbagging.


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
Everyone should thank me lol I got Calzorz into offline tourneys in the first place then Trio. I deserve ****loads of praise for doing so... or not.

And I do those last two best Andy lol.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Good interview and newsletter but 1 after every event is a long wait for the amount of questions :p lol u shud get some others in while waiting for next 1

[Trio3] Yes, I'd like you people who are reading this, to take a good look at the tier list in brawl and go for a character of C tier or below, and see how well you do at a offline tourney. Ahh not so good now are you people lol.

dont dare me to **** with my CF and weege u know people cry when it happens:chuckle:


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Well at least Willz is being honest about himself, also you john cause sandbagging is a john. looool

Ohh and u suck, u just gotta sell brawl then ur all done, nice.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
That may just be the most impressive banner I've ever seen, what image software are you using to get those effects? Have you considered image design as a serious career option?

The newsletter was a good read, I deffinatly think you should do it as a mailing list.

[Trio3] Yes, I'd like you people who are reading this, to take a good look at the tier list in brawl and go for a character of C tier or below, and see how well you do at a offline tourney. Ahh not so good now are you people lol.

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