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No Tctc Smashfest: Confusion Is A *****!


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
whats goin on? when is tehre a fest besides mine??
He's saying you should host a tiny something before this maybe this weekend or whatever

Dude im so confused partially bc smashboards sucks now..

what is the final date of the feb. gigs is it the 2nd or the 16th or what????

Final date is Feb.23rd
seeing how smashboards is crapping out might I suggest we talk over aim/msn/anything that isn't smashboards if we come up with anything

slim de la crim

Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
West florida affiliate
i dont know if i can. if i do it might be a awquard day at an awquard time. im so busy with side projects for people its unreal! im lucky if i can get on the boards at all some days. hold up maybe 2morow. i have plans 2morow night. but before that i dont think im doin anything. ill update yall alittle later today. its about 1240pm now so ill try to update yall with a confirmation later 2day or tonight.


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
I'd like to go to iNet considering Lime may not be able to make it to a gigs and I really want to get in one more tournament before brawl. some time before the 9th I'll chat with Lime, worst case scenario Lime is busy/ill and I can't go. Dunno about Slim or Sym though so whatever

Just talked to Lime...he's busy/no extra money so can't make it to iNet

slim de la crim

Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
West florida affiliate
dont know man. been pretty busy with school. and i spent my whole check this weekend so im now broke again till next friday or whenever the 15th is. im desperate to play tho. i would go but i would need money for food and to help pay someone for gas. if yall can front me the money i can pay you back next weekend. im good for it. its not like im gonna runaway to south america with a fat girl and an unlimited supply of snyders pretzels with a beagle named kevin.

Smash your MoM

Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2007
dont know man. been pretty busy with school. and i spent my whole check this weekend so im now broke again till next friday or whenever the 15th is. im desperate to play tho. i would go but i would need money for food and to help pay someone for gas. if yall can front me the money i can pay you back next weekend. im good for it. its not like im gonna runaway to south america with a fat girl and an unlimited supply of snyders pretzels with a beagle named kevin.
i dont no it sounds like a full proof plan tho.....

but i think imma hit up INET im not goona put money down 4 singles or doubles...so yea all imma do is friendlys and if box lets people sleep over through sunday morn. than im down wit that...and as far as gas imma try and get a full tank be4 i leave...so when we get back to town i should have about 1/4 tank left over...but gas money will be 6 bucks....and as of right now i only have like 5 bucks in my name....so yea FRIENDIES ALL THE WAY.....CREG

edit: if anything changes can we jus smash somewhere else?? than we just wait 4 gigs cuz im 10000000000000000000000.1% that i am goin to gigs

slim de la crim

Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
West florida affiliate
i dont no it sounds like a full proof plan tho.....

but i think imma hit up INET im not goona put money down 4 singles or doubles...so yea all imma do is friendlys and if box lets people sleep over through sunday morn. than im down wit that...and as far as gas imma try and get a full tank be4 i leave...so when we get back to town i should have about 1/4 tank left over...but gas money will be 6 bucks....and as of right now i only have like 5 bucks in my name....so yea FRIENDIES ALL THE WAY.....CREG

edit: if anything changes can we jus smash somewhere else?? than we just wait 4 gigs cuz im 10000000000000000000000.1% that i am goin to gigs

sooooooooooo would you be able to front me the money till next friday???

Smash your MoM

Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2007
i have no money creg...i was goin there jus to play friendlies...lol as far as food i was goin to stuff my face so i would be full day...lol yea money is lookin tight...really tight...i might jus skip INET and hit gigs..cuz by the time gigs gets here ill have more money to play around with...


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
alright fellas 1 more week left. whats it gonna be?? anymore peoples comin to my fest? the sooner u can let me know the better!
Lime and I will probably come to the fest however Lime is not going to go to the tournament n which case I might not go...there is a slim chance I might but I highly doubt it...which sucks...Cause I want to go to one last big tournament before brawl starts

slim de la crim

Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
West florida affiliate
ok. thats fine. it will still be fun to have you over for the fest. i just put these reminders so i can resurrect the thread. cuz once it hits page 2 thens its a dead topic so i gotta do what i gotta do...lol

slim de la crim

Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
West florida affiliate
Yeah yeah yeah I getcha...oh yeah Greg I saw your Luigi...it's getting better man I hope you stick with Luigi in brawl cause that would be ****ing sick

thanks. appreciate it. ive been practicing alot lately on that so yeah. i planned on entering as luigi the whole tourny. depending on who i play tho. i might even whip out my young link too cuz my yl is gettin pretty good.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2006
Yeah, Monk and I should be coming to the fest. Count on us being there. I won't be going to the tournmanet the next day, I don't have the monies.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I would come if I lived nearer to Tampa. xD I have only been to two tournaments so far, and yet I am already craving to play some more. xD
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