Normally I'd wait for this thread to be moved to the results, which it should be, but I might as well post shoutouts now. I'll be in San Francisco for the next two weeks learning about medicine
Kosuke KGA Apparently Tai and I trashtalked you a lot here (no hard feelings jk jk jk lol). Really, I'm sorry for not receiving your email in time, I believe it was sent Wednesday morning, when AZ was already here and I never took time to check my email then

I would've housed you son, there were extra beds and food was free. But the melee tourney would've been a blowout, so it may have been too much work to travel over here just for brawl
AZ (You're 2 Good. I had a great time housing you all, even though I regretted not making some things in my house the best they could be... Now I'm spamming the word son too. Awesome to meet you all too. I can say this like a New York Times Magazine would say, the DK was the best 2008 thriller by far.)
Demised: best kirby in the nation, no doubt. Anyone who denies you should have a hammer shoved up their ***. Congrats winning doubles and being ever so close to singles. Plus, I'll become a ChaCha guide now

You're super tight, and I hate to say this, but you're too cool to smoke. Kick the habit buddy.
MaXXXpower: I hope you got enough thanks for driving the whole way here. Speak up more SON, that mind of yours has got some talent. I didn't say this earlier, sweet deal on your placing in AZ12.
Vat-Zero: You're deep. That's why I love you

Just spend a few days playing melee and you could easily surpass Tai. It was fun talking bout those emotions and your shaving and whatnot (don't shave again lol, that hair accents you).
Yamer: I think it was pretty obvious within the first few hours of playing we weren't so fond of each other. I'll make sure to fix that for next time. The moneymatch was ~close, I choked though. You also seem to be really pro at soccer, so I'll need to see the hero in action next time around.
Tai: I'm better than YOU in melee son. We didn't get to prove it in the tourney, but it was super obvious I would've beaten you

AZ likes the NM 14-year-old much better than you. The NM 14-year-old gives people food and shelter and doesn't get banned everyday on smashboards (that's always a plus). Anyways awesome to see you again, but next time instead of just bringing Pikachu and a Master Sword, actually use it for something

and about our resemblance, frankly I don't notice it AT ALL.
Forward This trip must've been hell for you Sean. First NM sucks your money away in a multitude of ways via gas, tournament trashtalk, and parking tickets, then the best-colored DS in the market was stolen, and finally you freaking sleep during the DK? I don't even know how that's possible SON. Well anyways congrats on winning melee. Oh, and those tears for figuring out the realm were just another mindgame.
The Rest (excluding NM. NM isn't good enough for my shoutouts...yet. Who the hell claims one grand in cash prizes then takes it away? NM. Who the hell claims a melee tournament and cancels it literally at the last second? NM.)
Melee1: Sweet tag. I hadn't met you, but way to represent Texas and make Ice Climbers look more than mid tier ish. When I first saw you, I mistook you for one of Davis' friends, sorry about that. Congrats on brawl singles, but we all know MK is soft banned, so you technically got 1st
DSF: Please don't walk right into that kind of poop joke

Nice to meet you Alex, congratz on Brawl singles, but I'm just reiterating that MK is soft banned just cause I said so. Your plane ticket was set up too perfectly, seeing as how melee was a blowout. Lucky you.
Twin A Kyle, you deserve a shoutout because you own the manliest signature in all of space and time.
That's about it, sorry if I forgot anyone. AZ4Lyfe.