North Jersey is best because for many NYCers its easier to go to. Last time I checked NYers and NE can make it to North Jersey easily. Central is just too long of a drive for some. For those who live there yea its definitely easier. If you ask everyone what their ideal venue is it would be different from everyone elses. You cannot make everyone happy. The ones that are most vocal, at times, are those who really just rather have it a block from their house or something extreme like that lol.
North Jersey ( Yes venue , e-spot , etc ) are all good places to go. People in NJ have cars so parking can be something significant but many in NY do not have cars and rather just take public transit. That is where you run into the issue of money and why some people do not come out to NJ from NY. For those with jobs and such its easy to want things your way but for those who are young and up and coming you cannot expect them to have jobs or even rely on themselves. We tend to forget some new players can be within the 14-17 year old range. How are we suppose to reach them? Tell them no johns and get a job? Tell them to have their parents take them? From what I remember most kids rather go by themselves or with friends as opposed to family, unless they have no choice. Catering to them would be key. Yes venue does a lot of that ( that is to assume that the people who own the venue are ok with us being there ). We need to find ways to make things less pricy, easy to get to, and such.
I understand some of you do not want to hear that or rather stay within themselves. That is fine and its totally within your right. I am only speaking about growing the scene and to do that some things should be done IMO. Does that mean central NJ cannot have good events? No it just means for the small local scene we should have those things. We should focus on getting newer players...something so easy that we tend to forget needs to be done.