Here's something I want to share with you guys.
As most of you probably know Sonic Generations is a game that has had a bunch of Mods ranging from Model Swapping to Brand New Levels like Metal Harbour, Emerald Coast, Mystic Cave, Frog Forest and Starlight Carnival to name a few.
There have also been other mods such as porting the stages of Colours. The Entire Unleashed Project and even Sonic 06 Levels. But very few actually go as far as too Mod Character Gameplay. Which is what I am here to show you.
Behold an actual Flying Tails Mod. (Still Work in Progress)
If Sega took this concept. And worked around with it on Tails and Knuckles.
Returning tails' flight whilst having his slide move being the tail spin from Adventure.
And giving knuckles the ability to glide and climb up walls and changing the stomp to something like his spiral Dive in Adventure 2 and switching out the slide for a Running Punch similar to something like this which happened in the Opening to Unleashed.
And they might have an extremely good way to being back the old style. Keeping Tails and Knuckles similar to Sonic but giving them their own attributes.

Sorry for the long Post