Let's... change the subject...
I agree with Burb that we shouldn't bash characters.
Here's an interesting question.
Out of all the single rep Nintendo series...
Do you think they would ever get a second character, who would that character be and list them in how likely you think that character appearing some time in the future is.
Complicated question.
To clarify, the single rep series are...

(Game and Watch)

(Punch Out!!)

(Duck Hunt)

(Gyromite/Stack Up)


(Animal Crossing)


(Wii Fit)

For my opinion, in order of likeliness.
Likely for next game. Probably Isabelle.

Have pretty decent shots. I can see Alph getting promoted and a new Xenoblade protagonist getting in too.
If revived, near guaranteed. Goroh or Black Shadow please.

Possible, I suppose. King Hippo?
Professor Hector ain't happening anytime soon.

Literally no one left to add.
And on top of that, add rate your three most wanted Nintendo series.
Golden Sun (Unless we get a major revival, it will be just Isaac)
Chibi-Robo (Literally no one from this series aside from it's protagonist works)
Rhythm Heaven (I can only see one working as token representation.)