I really think with Snake, it wasn't just Kojima's/ Konami issues. It was either an issue with Nintendo and Konami (which is unlikely because Megaman and Nintendo is older than 12), or its because of a fundamental design clash. Smash for 3DS and Wii U uses brighter colors while Brawl used realistic ones. Furthermore. It might be difficult to imagine Snake choking a dog, or the Villager.
This is based on the fact that Kojima said Sakurai never asked him.

Snake had no problem choking children back in Brawl. I highly doubt it'll be a problem now. As for color scheme, are we seriously inclined to believe that a game using brighter colors means a character can't come in?
The side I go with is always the side that has more evidence backing it.
While neither side has anything concrete, there's more on the side of pre-ballot character DLC being finished. The word of the developer and the data that's been uncovered is stronger evidence than theories and "I want this to happen". That's why I'm on the side I'm on.
Honestly, I think August is the point where we'll know for sure. Given that the ballot closes in October, I don't think we'll be getting anything major in September, so August's Tourney update is more than likely to be the last opportunity to add any more before the ballot's end.
I think if we see any character in August, it won't be a pre-ballot character, but rather an early ballot character choice.
Did Sakurai and Co. ever say they were going to make the most voted for characters in the ballot? For all we know, he and his team could instead make characters that are well voted for, as well as unique with their moveset and such.
I don't think he said that but I strongly believe the most wanted character will get picked (thought I say that because I don't think anyone that Sakurai considers unfeasbile from a licensing or fitting in standpoint will top the poll).
That said, while I don't think they should be considering him all-but-confirmed, I do think the ballot is K. Rool's best chance of getting in Smash. He was a long shot for the main game and was never really all that likely, but the ballot is providing him with a real opportunity. It's the only stage of development where he's got an inarguable advantage over Dixie in.
On the other hand, it's very much a make-or-break situation in my mind. If he fails to get in now and doesn't return in any future DK game between now and the inevitable next Smash, we might never see him get a chance.
Even if King K. Rool doesn't get in this game as DLC, I strongly believe that he will be in Smash 5 anyway. That's because I am very confident he is going to return in the next major DK game and if/when that happens, that will put him on a level above that of every other potential character.
Am I the only one that believes that:
1.) Preballot DLC is over
2.) Ballot DLC based off of preliminary results is already being worked on, meaning that we will likely see a new character reveal in the coming months.
3.) The final ballot character will not announced until October.
I agree with #1, partially agree with #2 (in that ballot characters are already being worked on), but I don't agree with #3. I don't expect (although wouldn't be surprised otherwise) we are getting a character in August as that in itself will be a big update and we just got three characters last month. Come October, Nintendo will want something to show for themselves and there they will begin to reveal our ballot choices. I have no idea when it will end thought; depends on how many we get.
And before people say "why wait?", keep in mind Roy and Ryu were supposed to be confirmed on the same day they got released, not earlier. Similar things could happen with ballot choices.