What are your guys 10 favorite games?
oh this is going to be though except for the first one
1: TTYD, just tl;dr this because I could write a whole essay on it. it is basically the game that perfectly suited every single tastes i had and tbh, I'm VERY picky. This game mind blew me an outstanding amount of time even after first playthorugh (even after like 4 playthrough I still learned stuff). To me, this game is one of the perfect example of what happens when you put a lot of your heart into a project: it can just become amazing.
2: SSBM: Actually, i never thought I would find any game that would top my experience with SSBM, but it;s because I didn't got as much fascinated by SSBM as much as I got for TTYD. Basically, it;s simple, if I never played ssbm, I didn't even exist here and I'm not even writing this post. This is the game that made video game a passion for me, there's a very long story for that, but the point was once I was finally able to read English, I was watching videos explaining the origin of most of the stuff the game has....I was astonished to realised how much diversity was expressed into this game. What mind blew me the most is it made me realised that this game was intended to have memorable experience, before, I was thinking games were just a way to pass time. It was my first step to get that in reality, video games are art.
These are the 2 obvious one now the rest is really going to be weird, there;s quite a lot of games i loved.
3: Earthbound: this was my final step to get that games are art. it's outstanding how much you can feel after years how this game express some truth IRL. I also really loved how this game perfectly contrasts with the modern vision: they didn;t go for the graphics at first priority, they go through the charms of the game and how it connects witht he player. The end left me speechless because it was genius.
4: Zelda The wind waker: Did I said I love green and simple artstyle that says a lot? I ADORED this artstyle, seriously, I loved the artstyle so much that tbh, I wasn't much annoyed by the long sea sections. It's happiness to my eyes
5: Super mario Sunshine: idk, You migth see in my reviews soemtime mentioning a thing that I call "sunshine effect", that's because of this game. This is the tyope of game that the visuals are so lively you jsut want to run in delfino plaza while going from roof to roof FOR ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS REASONS!!!! You just want to adore the happy feel of this vacation feel more so much that you do pointless stuff and the best thing is that you're completely aware of it, you jsut do it for the sake of doing it. The whole game despite being rushed at one point was memorable because of this feel.
6: The whole metroid prime series: I include them all because I love them for very similar reasons: it;s fps that isn;t working like those modern one. it focusses a lot more on the exploration and most importantly, the fact you're alone. I actually LOVE to feel alone IRL and exploring stuff with the fps view was fantastic.
7: Kirby Air ride: Yes, it;s city trial, that one game that you jsut become addictive only because of the RNG. It's also worth to mention that I applaud the completely screwing up the racing mechanic to make it stupidly simple and just works.
8: Super Paper Mario: this game is underrated. I know, it has some annoying flaws, but man, I love this game and it';s freaking humor. Really, 3-4 is something I will always mention because of how much that moment is imo the most hilarious of the series. The artstyle is just.....THE FREAKING CLOUD ON THE OVERTHERE....look, I legit feel that I want to have my face in these clouds, they are that lovely. And I need to mention how I found the core gameplay to be genius, I suck at 2d mario platformer except this game because of this.
9: Donkey kong 64: This is the very fist video game I played of my life, I replayed it and I realised how good this game was. It's really the feel you're so small in a giant level, it feels like sandbox with kids

not to mention the absurd amount of collectible which in the end, I loved these. Some deep nostalgia part were left after 10 years when I replayed it again and I really think it';s a proof of how much of an awesome game this is.
10: Paper Mario (n64): It's not because I don;t like it, it's just that the main changes of TTYD is what I loved the msot of the series, i actually love this game still. i know the n64 limitation hindered the game to be like TTYD, but really, the fact that this came out on the n64 is actually remarkable. It's also an unique entry int he series by making you slow down your pace to better appreciate the design. It is memorable in that way.
That was hard, but I finally got thorugh