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Deleted member

Ok, let me try French.
Wh... Whassup my homies!
The barebones representation for Final Fantasy in Smash in comparison to every other third party franchise (DLC or otherwise) suggests that there was some sort of behind-the-scenes issue, likely related to licensing or royalties. It's really not that hard to grasp.

My point isn't that I think Cloud will be cut; it's that I think he's one of the most-at risk characters. I'm not going to be surprised if he returns, I just think that there's red flags that indicate he's the most likely successor to Snake.
There's a ton of reasons that could have happened and while Square being overprotective is certainly a possibility, I doubt it affects his chances on returning or not. Square isn't dumb enough to not want him in and neither is Sakurai to cut him because he can't get a certain amount of content.
It's also very possible negotiations couldn't be made on time, Platinum Games works closely with Nintendo which easily explains why Sakurai could get to them first.


Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
Being real for a second, French is really, really hard. This is coming from someone whose first language is French. If you have already alot to learn in general, don't make things harder for you by trying to learn French.
I've studied French for like... 4 years or so? The only thing I now how to say nowadays is "Je ne parle pas français". So much time wasted on that, it is indeed really hard compared to English...

French is an interesting language, but not for me. With foreign languages I'm more of a Spanish person.
Spanish is such a rich language... But if you live here, hearing how we destroy our own language every day isn't that pleasant. And from my understanding, it's also one of the most difficult languages to learn, specially verbs. But I'm glad you like my mother language!

Deberíais aprender español, es bastante divertido. :)
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
saves at the save point between chapters. I didnt start chapter 10 yet.

And i wont until later because i want to get some homework done today

I can wait anyway, contrary to the elevator, you can't avoid a cutscene. And I am very patient person.:cheep:Most of the time.
I've studied French for like... 4 years or so? The only thing I now how to say nowadays is "Je ne parle pas français". So much time wasted on that, it is indeed really hard compared to English...
I feel for you man, French can be just depressing at time. Good thing English is kinda like French, but alot more easier imo.

Deleted member

Yeah, but what if YOUR no where near the person you love the most, during a life-or-death situations, you could end up kind of boned.

My point was that Pikachu, Mario and Link are the only characters that we can say are 100% safe.
Well, if you aren't close to them, super strenght or something of the like won't help either.

Not DK? Or Kirby? Or any of the other various characters? Most characters are actually 100% safe because the roster number won't go down past a certain nber and we know Sakurai has a priority list on who gets developed. Anyone who gets in a spot inside the bare minimum is 100%
Nothing much.

What about you, Marie? :p
Vive la France!
Je ne parle pas français
Oh hey I know what that means!
Deberíais aprender español, es bastante divertido. :)
Over my dead ****ing body I will.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
the fact that they couldn't even manage to get an English voice actor for Cloud even though he's had one for ages.
Just gonna jump in and say...wasn't that a budget issue with his VA's Union? The DLC budget was a lot less than the main game budget, which is immediately obvious with all the character trailers using in-engine footage.


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
Okay, I can't stay away.

Because I just...

Last thing I'll say.

If this situation was as bad as you're trying to make it sound. Why did he even get in Smash in the first place? Because if you think Square was that stubborn then why would they even do something as silly as give over the permission to use a one time character like Geno for a Mii Fighter?

I truly do think you're just letting pessimism blow something up of something that is really truly nothing.
I'm considering the possibility that he'll be cut, not outright saying he will be. You, on the other hand, are saying he WILL be back and cannot be cut. I'm not being blinded by pessimism, you're letting what you want to happen influence your idea of what's likely to happen.

I fail to see what your point is regarding the Mii Costume. Square themselves didn't even want to use Geno in the Mario games they've developed over the past two decades. I don't think they care about the character at all. What they do care about is their golden goose, Final Fantasy. Obviously, they'd be more lax in regard to a one-time-only Mario OC that Square has no use for in comparison to what they'd allow and wouldn't allow in regard to Final Fantasy characters.

Just gonna jump in and say...wasn't that a budget issue with his VA's Union? The DLC budget was a lot less than the main game budget, which is immediately obvious with all the character trailers using in-engine footage.
In other words, there was an issue that complicated his addition that didn't occur with the other third party candidates.

......Which is sorta exactly what I was getting at.

Ok, let me try French.
Wh... Whassup my homies!

There's a ton of reasons that could have happened and while Square being overprotective is certainly a possibility, I doubt it affects his chances on returning or not. Square isn't dumb enough to not want him in and neither is Sakurai to cut him because he can't get a certain amount of content.
It's also very possible negotiations couldn't be made on time, Platinum Games works closely with Nintendo which easily explains why Sakurai could get to them first.

You do realize there's a chance Sakurai might not even contact them about bringing him back, correct?

Again, I point back to Snake. He was chosen to be cut, and Sakurai didn't even talk to Kojima about bringing him back.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I am trying to learn French nowadays.

French was something optional in Grade School that I never bothered with. A big mistake on my part.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Just gonna jump in and say...wasn't that a budget issue with his VA's Union? The DLC budget was a lot less than the main game budget, which is immediately obvious with all the character trailers using in-engine footage.
I'd also imagine that Final Fantasy music can cost a pretty penny. Especially some of the stuff from 7 as it's easily some of the most iconic music in the franchise.


Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
I feel for you man, French can be just depressing at time. Good thing English is kinda like French, but alot more easier imo.
Dude, have you heard Irish? I went to Ireland for a few weeks while I was young in a exchange, and I went to an Irish class... That was like French and English combined, it was disgusting, specially for poor young me who almost didn't knew English. And I don't know if you have studied German, but it's also horrible. At least reading French I can understand more or less what it's written, but the other two? Nope.

Over my dead ****ing body I will.
Shish amigo mío, deberías rendirte ante el poderío de la lengua española. No sabes lo que te estás perdiendo.

Deleted member

**** tier lists.
I want you to look this.
There is no way that :4jigglypuff:is equally as good as :4cloud: and :4bayonetta:.
Tier lists are kind of nice, I do not know why. :lol:

Jigglypuff is fun though.
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Dude, have you heard Irish? I went to Ireland for a few weeks while I was young in a exchange, and I went to an Irish class... That was like French and English combined, it was disgusting, specially for poor young me who almost didn't knew English. And I don't know if you have studied German, but it's also horrible. At least reading French I can understand more or less what it's written, but the other two? Nope.

Shish amigo mío, deberías rendirte ante el poderío de la lengua española. No sabes lo que te estás perdiendo.
Oh yeah, German is the devil, **** German, I tried so hard and for so long to learn it. And in the end, I got nothing out of it.

I hate German :4charizard:. (the language, not the peoples:4feroy:)


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
I'd also imagine that Final Fantasy music can cost a pretty penny. Especially some of the stuff from 7 as it's easily some of the most iconic music in the franchise.
That's literally one of the points I was making in my posts.

There has to be an explanation for the lack of FF-related content. We know it's not because of "time constraints" as you theorized, and it's not something that should just be written off. Licensing and money are the only logical explanations.
Like, c'mon, it's right there.

Did you even read my replies?
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Honestly if Smash switch is just the Smash 4 roster but with Inkling, Bomberman and Isaac added that’d be cool.


Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
There is no way that :4jigglypuff:is equally as good as :4cloud: and :4bayonetta:.
A skilled Puff can beat any Cloud/Bayo
I hate German :4charizard:. (the language, not the peoples:4feroy:)
Yeah, I feel the same way. I went to Germany and they were fantastic people. Have lots of great memories from that trip. But the language can go burn in a fire.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I doubt any 3rd Parties will be cut, Nintendo still has good ties with all the companies they need to make a contract with, it's not like Snake where Smash 4 was around the time "****onami" became a thing. If anything, I'd say the 3rd Parties have more priority over other characters.
Not sure if they'd have priority over other characters, but they all have a good shot at returning. In regards to several of them, don't forget that their companies authorized them as DLC...for a Wii U game. There is a lot more money to be made both through re-negotiations and the simple fact that the game will be on the Switch. If Sakurai asks I'd be surprised if any of them refuses, especially since many have upcoming games that could use promotion.

Pac Man - Bandai Namco seems cool, Sakurai is sure to have made connections
Mega Man - Sakurai stated Capcom was cooperative, MM11 is coming up
Sonic - SEGA seems cool
Ryu - It's a good assumption he's lower in priority, but not much else
Cloud - Square Enix has a history of being overly conservative (probably why only two songs), FF7 remake inbound
Bayonetta - Absolutely, unless the ESRB gets in the way. Could be saved as DLC again to tie in with the new game

Could we get a next Smash 4 tier list? This is the last of Smash 4's moments and a lot has happened.
This is the current one:
View attachment 140843
I think we will get another one when Smash Bros. Switch is near.
Typically the plan is to have a new list every ~6 months. I haven't heard anything beyond that. The 4BR isn't terribly active.

I'd be surprised though if there wasn't at least one last list before the new game is released. EVO is coming up after all.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
That's literally one of the points I was making in my posts.

Did you even read my replies?
Nothing in your posts said you thought there was expense issues or an issue with a V.A.

Your posts were basically ''He had limited content something negative was up and that something makes me think cut." Which implies an issue with Square. Not an issue with music rights or the voice actor.

It's not until after those posts you've said any of this, dude. And even then I don't see how any of that goes hand in hand with him being cut from Smash Switch. It's just as likely he'd be in but have limited content again if they couldn't afford it.

Deleted member

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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Dude, have you heard Irish? I went to Ireland for a few weeks while I was young in a exchange, and I went to an Irish class... That was like French and English combined, it was disgusting, specially for poor young me who almost didn't knew English.
Níl an Ghaeilge ró-dheacair... má rugadh tú in Éirinn. :p

Nah, I can agree with that. Pretty much every grammar rule in Irish has a huge long list of exceptions to it, and they're all things you have to just know for each word, the word doesn't give you many hints as to which rule it follows. And the spelling for most words looks almost nothing like how the word is pronounced, just to make it even harder for someone to learn the language. Extra credit to anyone who figures out how to pronounce Oíche Shamhna (the Irish name for Halloween) without looking it up. :p

Deleted member

Mfw I finally got 30000+ Skill Points and ready to unlock the most expensive Driver skill on Rex:

And mfw the game then said: "You must learn Skills in order.":



Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC

Polyglots, all of you.

And I'm just here going I put English through enough, I don't wanna do that to another language.

Deleted member

I'm considering the possibility that he'll be cut, not outright saying he will be. You, on the other hand, are saying he WILL be back and cannot be cut. I'm not being blinded by pessimism, you're letting what you want to happen influence your idea of what's likely to happen.

I fail to see what your point is regarding the Mii Costume. Square themselves didn't even want to use Geno in the Mario games they've developed over the past two decades. I don't think they care about the character at all. What they do care about is their golden goose, Final Fantasy. Obviously, they'd be more lax in regard to a one-time-only Mario OC that Square has no use for in comparison to what they'd allow and wouldn't allow in regard to Final Fantasy characters.

In other words, there was an issue that complicated his addition that didn't occur with the other third party candidates.

......Which is sorta exactly what I was getting at.

You do realize there's a chance Sakurai might not even contact them about bringing him back, correct?

Again, I point back to Snake. He was chosen to be cut, and Sakurai didn't even talk to Kojima about bringing him back.
Snake is an exceptional case. Sakurai isn't the person to not even try. It's very likely either Nintendo or Konami outright refused Snake from coming back unless you want to tell me Sakurai cut him on purpose for no outside reason.
Dude, have you heard Irish? I went to Ireland for a few weeks while I was young in a exchange, and I went to an Irish class... That was like French and English combined, it was disgusting, specially for poor young me who almost didn't knew English. And I don't know if you have studied German, but it's also horrible. At least reading French I can understand more or less what it's written, but the other two? Nope.

Shish amigo mío, deberías rendirte ante el poderío de la lengua española. No sabes lo que te estás perdiendo.
Sei muito bem o que eu tô perdendo porque eu até que entendo alguma coisa mas ao mesmo tempo não faz sentido.
Tu es mon ami!


Canada > France :p
While I'd love to agree, consider the following:


Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
Sei muito bem o que eu tô perdendo porque eu até que entendo alguma coisa mas ao mesmo tempo não faz sentido.
Dude that's Portuguese! Do you speak it? It's really similar to Spanish actually, you can go to Portugal and speaking Spanish they understand you. Same thing happens with Italian, it's really easy to understand. Also, no, you don't know what you are missing, it's a wonderful language.


Canada > France :p
España > Everything

I wish lol, we are a mess of a country

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
On other news, the Cooldown Reduction banner is up. Kinda dissapointed not to see the Fighter skills, but considering the Fallen Heroes banner happened about two months ago, I can see why it's not the case.

Just gonna go ahead and drop some tips to @ShinyLegendary about said banner so he has some knowledge on what to expect.

You already got a Mia, if I recall. The reason she's in this banner is because of Flashing Blade, which allows her to get her special faster if her speed is higher than her foe's. Combined with the fact that she has the highest base speed in the entire roster, you can tell this is going to happen often.

Then, there's regular Ike. His reason is Heavy Blade, which does the same as Flashing Blade, but instead compares the attack stat. Despite its use, however, it's probably the least worth getting, imo, since you can also create a Sacred Seal of this exact skill.

Brave Ike is there because of Steady Breath, while accelerates the special cooldown for any hit dealt during the enemy phase. His entire skillset is actually very newcomer-friendly too, with Urvan having the combined effects of all three Deflect seals (and you can even stack a Deflect seal on top of that!), Aether as a special that can both hit hard and heal him and, again, Steady Breath to make even the most impractical of special (like Aether) happen every turn or two.

Since you already have a Mia (iirc) and that Heavy Blade can be made as a Sacred Seal, Brave Ike should be your priority shall you ever go for this banner.

While I'd love to agree, consider the following:

You're so ****ing lucky that all Canada got for F/GO is a freaking loli lumberjack...
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
もっと よい しつもん は, なぜ ことば お ろんぎ しません?
Should I even ask how butchered this actually is?

Also guys something interesting I realised, there are currently 14 version of Link, and guess what, if they were to put each one in Smash, technically each one could be unique, isn't that interest.


Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
On other news, the Cooldown Reduction banner is up. Kinda dissapointed not to see the Fighter skills, but considering the Fallen Heroes banner happened about two months ago, I can see why it's not the case.

Just gonna go ahead and drop some tips to @ShinyLegendary about said banner so he has some knowledge on what to expect.

You already got a Mia, if I recall. The reason she's in this banner is because of Flashing Blade, which allows her to get her special faster if her speed is higher than her foe's. Combined with the fact that she has the nighest base speed in the entire roster, you can tell this is going to happen often.

Then, there's regular Ike. His reason is Heavy Blade, which does the same as Flashing Blade, but instead compares the attack stat. Despite its use, however, it's probably the least worth getting, imo, since you can also create a Sacred Seal of this exact skill.

Brave Ike is there because of Steady Breath, while accelerates the special cooldown for any hit dealt during the enemy phase. His entire skillset is actually very newcomer-friendly too, with Urvan having the combined effects of all Deflect skills, Aether as a special that can both hit hard and heal him and, again, Steady Breath.

Since you already have a Mia and that Heavy Blade can be made as a Sacred Seal, I suggest you to go for Brave Ike.
I mean, it's good advice for sure, but I have better advice...

Don't do anything until the FEH channel. We don't know what it's going to happen there, so it might be better to hold onto your orbs for whatever nonsense IS announces there. But if it isn't anything special, then do as Uni said, and go for B!Ike, he's extremely useful.

Also, there's lots of people disappointed that Saber isn't in that banner for shield pulse. He hasn't been in any other banner apart from the one he debuted in, right?
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