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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I finally beat the final boss in Kirby Star Allies.

I was Plasma Kirby for the Zan Partizanne and Hyness fights, then utilized Staff Kirby for the Void Termina battles. My allies were the fire enemy, the ESP enemy, and the staff enemy.

The 2nd fight with Zan Partizanne went very smoothly. Not once was I damaged for the duration of the fight, and I managed to get away from her two strongest attacks by staying at the far corners of the screen. I pretty much played the projectile game with her by keeping a good distance from her while firing fully charged plasma attacks.

The first phase of the Hyness fight was alright, though I accidentally forgot about his flame pillar attack that damaged me a bit. The rest of the fight played out similar to Zan Partizanne's battle, except Hyness had more defense.

The second phase of the Hyness battle was the hardest part of the fight for me. The attack where he throws the Jambastion Mages at you as projectiles was tough to dodge since they produce sparks when they land on the ground and they can cover a good chunk of the ground. He also managed to knock out one of my allies that I failed to save in time, and I ended up accidentally losing my ability amidst the chaos. I surprisingly managed to win the fight on my first try with only a sliver of health left. Still, it was quite an intense fight and one that I enjoyed.

I was a bit worried the game would stop abruptly in the part where they wanted you to ride the Warp Star to battle with all your allies, but since I only had three at that point, it seemed like I reached a road block. Thankfully, the game gifts you the allies you lost as they fall from the sky during the moment after Void Termina flies away.

All four phases of the Void Termina fight were pretty easy. I had no trouble dodging all of the humanoid Void Termina's attacks. The heart phase also went by pretty quickly despite all of the falling debris and floating projectiles going on. Staff Kirby's spin attack was especially effective in that part of the phase. The bird Void Termina phase was also not that hard; the only attack that gave me trouble was the last batch of the crown laser attack before knocking it out. The final phase with its true form also went a lot smoother than I expected. Most of its attacks were easy to dodge, and Staff Kirby's spin attack was effective yet again. Void Termina ended up being easy and a bit underwhelming overall, but I did like the unique 3d maneuvering for the humanoid and bird phases (although it was a bit hard to tell when you reached the end of the arena at times).

As for some overall thoughts on the main campaign:

Its a solid game overall. The ally feature has its own unique charm and made way for some nice puzzles, though I will admit having all four allies did make the boss battles feel more chaotic than they should have. Comparing it to the other "unique gimmicks" from the recent Kirby titles, I think it was more fun than than the Ultra Abilities and the Hypernova gimmick but less entertaining compared to the Robobot Armor.

Most of the levels were fun to navigate, though I feel like there was less incentive to find secret doors in this one since the rainbow puzzle pieces ended up only showing up once per level compared to other secret pieces showing up three times a level in the past Kirby games. Here, the secret doors mostly took you to areas with more regular puzzle pieces and occasionally a secret switch (the switch was a nice nostalgic node though; reminded me of how it was used in Nightmare in Dreamland, my first Kirby game). I feel like four worlds was too few for a Kirby game, especially one on a more powerful console like the Switch. Hopefully, the next Kirby game on the system will up the moment.

The story was decent, but it felt like a downgrade compared to the last two Kirby games, especially in the way it characterized the villains. The Jambastion Mages didn't really show up as much as I thought they would despite being this game's equivalent to Taranza and Susie, and as a result, they ended up not being very fleshed out. In fact, the only one that had some actual characterization was Zan Partizanne due to her role as the leader of the Mages and her loyalty to Hyness despite the latter's treatment of her and her sisters (I also think her boss fight was the most fun and challenging of the three). I do like their designs, but I feel like they could've had a bit more going on, like delving more into why they serve Hyness and seeing some sibling interactions amongst the three. In all, I think Taranza and especially Susie were much better major villains compared to the Jambastion Mages since they felt more fleshed out. I don't like dislike the Jambastion Mages either (I'm neutral about them at worst, with Zan Partizanne being the one I like the most), but I think they are wasted potential.

Hyness is someone who I initially disliked from the leaks but grew to gain some more appreciation for after playing the game. I like how he is the first true Pure Evil villain in the Kirby series, evident due to his insanity, the extent he'll go to wake Void Termina, and his abusive treatment of the Jambastion Mages. Seriously, this guy straight up uses the Mages' corpses as weapons and as a meat shield. That's pretty dark! His insanity caught me by surprise; the way he revealed how he looks unhooded actually scared me when I first saw it. Come to think of it, he reminds me of Petelgeuse-Romanee Conti from Re:Zero, who I liked as a villain, due to both being cultists, insane, and unafraid to abuse their own cult members. On another note, the music that played during the second phase of the fight was also very good and intense. The first phase music was good too due to how unsettling it was to capture his initally mysterious yet sinister nature. It only made the delivery of his true personality more thrilling.

But Hyness didn't have much backstory to him. He talks about how his cult was banished for worshipping Void Termina despite how they stopped a "nightmare from long ago," but it's never established if him and the Jambastion Mages were alive at the time this all happened. Fans are already jumping to the conclusion that they were, but I can't help but feel unsure about that. I also think he could've done a bit more in the story, but that's just me. I also feel like he has a lot of similarities to the Gharneff archeytpes from the Fire Emblem series, namely that he is mainly known for wanting to awaken some dark god of destruction for some questionable reasons and that was it.

In all honesty, my opinions toward Hyness range are basically average. He has some stand out traits, but in the grand scheme of things, he feels like an average main villain at best (though that can be said for most Kirby villains aside from President Haltman, Susie, Sectonia, and Taranza).

I don't have much to say on Void Termina other than he felt more like a "thing" to defeat, but I do find it interesting one of the forms he takes resembles Kirby, especially with the face. Adding to that, his sounds being a slower-toned pitch to Kirby's voice has led to theories amongst fans that Kirby and Void Termina may very well be related, and I'm interested in seeing how will HAL potentially expand on that if it turns out to be true.

Also, it's a total travesty my favorite ability, Archer Kirby, is not in this game. Come on HAL, you missed the GOLDEN opportunity to include elemental arrows in a game like this.

I enjoyed Star Allies overall, but I think it's mainly a decent Kirby game at best. I still contend that Planet Robobot is the best and my favorite Kirby game in the series.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
The winner of the last poll was Prince Ephraim. As expected, Eirika was decently popular but failed to reach her brother's level of popularity. Though Seth and Innes were proven to be just as unpopular.

This next one is the last Sacred Stones poll, with half fan favorite units and half villains. Your choices are Valter, Lyon, Joshua, and Lute.

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Tossed in a vote for Lyon.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Playing Tora in a nutshell:


Having the AI playing Tora in a nutshell:



Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
And your point is...?
Imagine how many people who want Geno might get started back up if a character, like K.Rool or Heihachi, who were a costume, got confirmed as a playable character.

You know people will use that as evidence for Geno. Charizard was a Pokeball pokemon, becomes a character for Brawl. Little Mac was a Assist Trophy, is made a character for the next Smash. Now for the next step.....Costumes! To a Character! That already happened as Inklings were a costume and are now a character.

Deleted member

In case it wasn't clear I don't actually think people who find Geno likely are terrorists
It was a joke


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
ITT: being dumb about a fictional character's chance to appear in a video game is equivalent to terrorism
Saying people are being dumb isn't that much better.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
No joke I'd probably co-main Ursaring at the very least if he got into Smash.

Ursaring's one of my favorite Pokémon.

Deleted member

Imagine how many people who want Geno might get started back up if a character, like K.Rool or Heihachi, who were a costume, got confirmed as a playable character.

You know people will use that as evidence for Geno. Charizard was a Pokeball pokemon, becomes a character for Brawl. Little Mac was a Assist Trophy, is made a character for the next Smash. Now for the next step.....Costumes! To a Character! That already happened as Inklings were a costume and are now a character.
To be fair it was likely meant to be a consolation prize for doing well in the ballot, but I still think Geno doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell for other reasons.
Also Takamaru and K. Rool are much better Mii costumes to promote into full characters imo.


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
mfw I have 4 doubles this week.

Oh and I have to go to ****ing Fulham too. Why? Just let me stay in one place.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I mean I can relate to that, I've seen tons of people say that Geno has a shot and I have to resist the urge not to report those posts for terrorism.
i was going to say that this post is extreme but that’s already been resolved. I’ll say this though, geno has been considered for every game post 64. We can say Banjo and a lot of other reps really aren’t comparable and probably don’t get as much thought as geno has. Will he ever be playable probably not but he’s still always in the back of sakurai’s mind at the very least


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
Yeah Banjo ain't making it into Smash. Might as well put Master Chief in Playstation all stars.

Though Banjo being in Smash would so bring a tear of joy in my eye.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
In case it wasn't clear I don't actually think people who find Geno likely are terrorists
It was a joke
This actually happened to me when I made a similar joke in one of the old Social's. People are really sensitive to these things I guess. Don't beat yourself too much about it.
I think he'll just tag with Shane or something.

Unless AJ is really injured and they gotta find a replacement for him.
Do you think he has a chance of winning MITB this year?

Deleted member

Geno is basically at the same situation as Banjo, except
  1. Not owned by a direct competitor
  2. He was actually considered in the past
  3. However, he has no future
  4. He's not the star of his own franchise
  5. And he's 10 times less iconic than Banjo (who is not iconic)
Who's in a worse position in your opinion?


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
I think what Burb Burb is saying is sure, "Yep" doesn't break any NDA. But if Banjo really was in Smash then he could have just ignored the tweet. It's not like the guy responds to everything he gets sent.
You're correct.

That makes sense, but I think where Burb and I differ is I don’t think it prudent to rule out the possibility over this tweet, no matter how unlikely the outcome itself.
The less convoluted outcome tends to be the correct one.

It's a lot easier to believe that Banjo's not in Smash and Spencer was just saying that he'd be open to it if the opportunity presented itself than it is to believe any sort of alternative theory that results in Banjo being playable in the base version of Smash 5.

But you all acknowledged how unlikely it is in the first place, so that goes without saying, really.

While I agree that Banjo has a snowball's chance in the fire side of Hailfire Peaks, I'd have to disagree with you on something.

Should Banjo be in Smash and the agreements already made, Phil would indeed be under NDA. In which case, simply replying "yes" to such a question is the best thing he could have done without raising any suspicion. Had he said something else, like say, "I can't answer that," then he obviously would be hiding something. As the head of XBox, I'd suspect he's well aware of how to handle such a situation.
As head of Xbox, I think he'd know that the best thing to do in this situation would be to ignore the Tweet.

If saying Yes to that tweet was intended to "not raise suspicion", mission failed, because it's got people talking.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
The words ''I considered him for playable status" ''I wanted to make him playable." came out of Sakurai's mouth about Geno.

No such thing came out of his mouth about Banjo. To believe that the two equal out as a similar scenario is just as stupid as getting your hopes up about any character getting in.

Is there a chance he won't? Sure, because we have no idea what stopped Sakurai from adding him to Brawl and 3DS/Wii U. We don't know if Square vetoed him as playable status, if Sakurai simply didn't have time, or if he were lower priority seeing as how Cloud, Bayonetta, and Corrin were the final characters and they all had pretty extensive pallet swaps and different movesets.

But there's certainly a chance he will as well considering he probably placed well in the ballot, had a Mii costume made for him as the sole Mii costume that came with Cloud instead of any Square Enix's other more iconic characters they own, and Sakurai actually spoke out about him as a playable character and said he wanted to do it.
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The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
Geno is basically at the same situation as Banjo, except
  1. Not owned by a direct competitor
  2. He was actually considered in the past
  3. However, he has no future
  4. He's not the star of his own franchise
  5. And he's 10 times less iconic than Banjo (who is not iconic)
Who's in a worse position in your opinion?
I think a lot of people believe Geno's in a better spot than before due to the Mii Costume and the interview where Sakurai said he wanted him in Brawl.

Personally, I think the opposite. Sakurai had the opportunity to get Geno in Smash 4 as DLC, but he chose to represent Final Fantasy instead.

Which is sorta what I said he'd do in pretty much every Geno-related debate I was involved in before that point (only, admittedly, I didn't see Cloud coming. I would've expected an older Final Fantasy character from the SNES or NES days, or a Dragon Quest character, probably Slime. Regardless, I did always say "he'd go with someone from a Square franchise instead of Geno").

This is a case of actions against words; and in situations such as these, it's best to go with actions.
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
The words ''I considered him for playable status" ''I wanted to make him playable." came out of Sakurai's mouth about Geno.

No such thing came out of his mouth about Banjo. To believe that the two equal out as a similar scenario is just as stupid as getting your hopes up about any character getting in.

Is there a chance he won't? Sure, because we have no idea what stopped Sakurai from adding him to Brawl and 3DS/Wii U. We don't know if Square vetoed him as playable status, if Sakurai simply didn't have time, or if he were lower priority seeing as how Cloud, Bayonetta, and Corrin were the final characters and they all had pretty extensive pallet swaps and different movesets.

But there's certainly a chance he will as well considering he probably placed well in the ballot, had a Mii costume made for him as the sole Mii costume that came with Cloud instead of any Square Enix's other more iconic characters they own, and Sakurai actually spoke out about him as a playable character and said he wanted to do it.
We did get a Chocobo hat with Cloud and Geno.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
I think a lot of people believe Geno's in a better spot than before due to the Mii Costume and the interview where Sakurai said he wanted him in Brawl.

Personally, I think the opposite. He had the opportunity to get Geno in Smash 4 as DLC, but he chose to represent Final Fantasy instead.

This is a case of actions against words; and in situations such as these, it's best to go with actions.
I think you have somewhat of a point, but are also reading too much into Sakurai's actions and words. The road ahead goes both ways in terms of reading Geno's fate, IMO.

I stand on the Geno has a 50/50 shot plate these days. He's better than he's ever been because of the way things went last time and the way Sakurai has worded himself.

It's just about the backstage politics of it all at this point.

And surely you can't believe that when Sakurai was faced with the option of adding either Cloud Strife or Geno. He'd pick Geno over Cloud. That's just silly, Burb.

Of course you add the most iconic face of JRPG's over the wooden puppet from that one Mario game who still has a lot of fan demand.

But now that Cloud is out of the way and all of Square's other properities seem...questionable. (Sora is iconic but tied up in Disney, Lara Croft is in a place where her image isn't her iconic one, etc).

Should Sakurai choose to go back into Square's pool Geno might be the option he chooses due to the demand.

We did get a Chocobo hat with Cloud and Geno.
Forgot about that hat, still a valid point, Chocobo's have spin-offs and what not, but there are other iconic characters Square owns that equally would have fit Miis, he chose Geno instead of them.
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
But now that Cloud is out of the way and all of Square's other properities seem...questionable. (Sora is iconic but tied up in Disney, Lara Croft is in a place where her image isn't her iconic one, etc).

Are you just referring to Squaresoft here and not Enix? Because you've left out Dragon Quest. If you do just mean Square, seems odd you'd put Lara there when she's an acquired property.

On second thought, you could have included DQ in the etc. but DQ seems big enough and relevant enough to mention directly.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I really can't beleive that Hyper Light Drifter and Nidhogg 2 wren't in the Nindies DIrect and then announced the same damn day. All I can think of is that they were too late to get into the direct or something.

And HLD was something I REALLY wanted to see on Switch so I could play it. It's a 100% buy, but if I didn't see a random tweet I never would have known it was being released and missed it. . .


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Does Sakurai have to pay to used non nintendo characters? Or are laws like that different in Japan
I imagine what's more likely is that the respective copyright holders receive a royalty. It's not impossible for a fee straight up to be paid but royalties are what usually happens.

Of course they could always be lent to use for free, really just depends on what agreement is settled on.


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
And surely you can't believe that when Sakurai was faced with the option of adding either Cloud Strife or Geno. He'd pick Geno over Cloud. That's just silly, Burb. Of course you add the most iconic face of JRPG's over the wooden puppet from that one Mario game who still has a lot of fan demand.

But now that Cloud is out of the way and all of Square's other properities seem...questionable. (Sora is iconic but tied up in Disney, Lara Croft is in a place where her image isn't her iconic one, etc). Should Sakurai choose to go back into Square's pool Geno might be the option he chooses due to the demand.
That's my whole point, and has pretty much always been my main point when arguing that Geno would never happen. There would be no upside to going with Geno over Cloud. Literally none. With Geno, you get an obscure one-off Mario character with no future and a fandom that's shrunk drastically since the Brawl days. With Cloud, you get both Final Fantasy representation and the leading man in the game that made JRPGs mainstream.

I think if the "opportunity came up again", he'd make the same choice and bring Cloud back. We've already seen how the community reacts to cuts. If Cloud was popular enough to make Sakurai take attention when Cloud was deemed by many to be "impossible", it's going to be hard to imagine just how high the demand for him would be if he got cut. The outcry will drown out the Geno support, and history will repeat itself.
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Not the Break Man
Mar 8, 2014
The "Skilled" Halidom
Geno was always one of my favorites when I first started Smash speculation. I never even knew about the character before Smash and SMRPG wasn't a big part of my childhood (I first played it after Smash 4 came out), but his design, abilities, and overall difference from other Mario characters made me latch onto him. I'd be ALL for it if he was revealed.

(Also I'd like to note that Geno, Takamaru, and Ridley are some of the only characters Sakurai has been put on record as considering multiple times).

Anyways, on our way back from the doctor. It's thankfully nothing severe, just an ulcer from stress.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Are you just referring to Squaresoft here and not Enix? Because you've left out Dragon Quest. If you do just mean Square, seems odd you'd put Lara there when she's an acquired property.

On second thought, you could have included DQ in the etc. but DQ seems big enough and relevant enough to mention directly.
It's in the etc, but Lara being an acquired property means nothing. The company is Square Enix now. And she's one of their most iconic characters in their library.

She's one of the most memorable female faces in gaming, back in Cloud's day? That was also the beginning of her hay-day. Same for Crash Bandicoot has a lot of demand right now. She also paved the way for Nathan Drake, etc. You can still a lot of the game play from her old games mimicked today.

Dragon Quest is popular, but I can't see it ever being considered prominent to gaming history to get a slot like Lara would. Not to mention if DQ got a rep in it'd most likely be for Japan and Japan only. It's not mega-watt in most countries in the world.

And I don't think Sakurai really does that anymore. Marth and Roy seemed like a one off thing.

That's my whole point. He went to Square with the intent of requesting to use Cloud. There would be no upside to going with Geno over Cloud. Literally none. With Geno, you get an obscure one-off Mario character with a fandom that's shrunk drastically since the Brawl days. With Cloud, you get both Final Fantasy representation and the leading man in the game that made JRPGs mainstream.

I think if the "opportunity came up again", he'd make the same choice and bring Cloud back. We've already seen how the community reacts to cuts. If Cloud was popular enough to make Sakurai take attention when Cloud was deemed by many to be "impossible", it's going to be hard to imagine just how high the demand for him would be if he got cut. The outcry will drown out the Geno support, and history will repeat itself.
You are assuming one rep per company and those days are gone.

Ryu and Mega Man.

Bayonetta and Sonic.

At this point it's most likely not ''Cloud or Geno. That's your choice."

It's the same process if he goes to Square this time and gets Cloud back, what's stopping him from asking for Geno. Because as I said he's probably the only remaining thing at Square Enix these days that makes much sense.

Dragon Quest and Braverly could sneak in, but I feel as if Braverly's days have passed. Dragon Quest's most iconic image is probably Slime and I don't know how that'd work.

I don't think Square even owns Sora. I think he's Disney's character if I'm mistaken so that's probably a no dice.

And I can see them pressuring him to use current Lara Croft and he'd probably no dice that.
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The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
(Also I'd like to note that Geno, Takamaru, and Ridley are some of the only characters Sakurai has been put on record as considering multiple times).
Which also means he's one of the only characters Sakurai has put on record as having been rejected multiple times.

Not to mention if DQ got a rep in it'd most likely be for Japan and Japan only. It's not mega-watt in most countries in the world.

You are assuming one rep per company and those days are gone.

Ryu and Mega Man.

Bayonetta and Sonic.

At this point it's most likely not ''Cloud or Geno. That's your choice."

It's the same process if he goes to Square this time and gets Cloud back, what's stopping him from asking for Geno. Because as I said he's probably the only remaining thing at Square Enix these days that makes much sense.

Dragon Quest and Braverly could sneak in, but I feel as if Braverly's days have passed. Dragon Quest's most iconic image is probably Slime and I don't know how that'd work.

I don't think Square even owns Sora. I think he's Disney's character if I'm mistaken so that's probably a no dice.

And I can see them pressuring him to use current Lara Croft and he'd probably no dice that.
It's not about "one rep per third party". I'm aware that rule is bunk, and I never bought into it in the first place.

Time and assets are a thing, though. There's a big difference between putting in Ryu and Mega Man, and putting in Cloud and Geno.

I don't believe for a second that Geno would be more than a blip on the radar if they were to consider another Square character for Smash.
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
I imagine what's more likely is that the respective copyright holders receive a royalty. It's not impossible for a fee straight up to be paid but royalties are what usually happens.

Of course they could always be lent to use for free, really just depends on what agreement is settled on.
Chances are it's probably the former.
Would you skimp out on making that sweet Smash money for next to nothing?

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Which also means he's one of the only characters Sakurai has put on record as having been rejected multiple times.

True on Lucas, but he also has the same thing Geno has. A lot of fan demand.

Mother 3's fan demand still remains insane to this day.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
It's in the etc, but Lara being an acquired property means nothing. The company is Square Enix now. And she's one of their most iconic characters in their library.

She's one of the most memorable female faces in gaming, back in Cloud's day? That was also the beginning of her hay-day. Same for Crash Bandicoot has a lot of demand right now. She also paved the way for Nathan Drake, etc. You can still a lot of the game play from her old games mimicked today.

Dragon Quest is popular, but I can't see it ever being considered prominent to gaming history to get a slot like Lara would. Not to mention if DQ got a rep in it'd most likely be for Japan and Japan only. It's not mega-watt in most countries in the world.

And I don't think Sakurai really does that anymore. Marth and Roy seemed like a one off thing.
Lucas though.

DQ is coming back in the west and if we ever see the Switch version of DQXI, there's that too. Furthermore, even if in my experiences, a lot of people don't what DQ is, they at least recognise the Slime.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Forgive me. I forgot Lucas is still in the game due to last game's DLC. My bad.

DQ is a bigger deal in the west than Geno is anywhere.
Ehhh. I wouldn't call DQ a big deal.

Geno isn't a big deal either, but don't let your feelings on Geno cloud just how prominent DQ is as a franchise in other parts of the world.

It certainly remains active in the west, but the sad thing is? I still talk to more people who expect reps from dead RPG franchises like Chrono over a DQ rep simply because they've never played DQ.
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Deleted member

Ehhh. I wouldn't call DQ a big deal.

Geno isn't a big deal either, but don't let your feelings on Geno cloud just how prominent DQ is as a franchise in other parts of the world.

It certainly remains active in the west, but the sad thing is? I still talk to more people who expect reps from dead RPG franchises like Chrono over a DQ rep simply because they've never played DQ.
Never said it's a big deal.
Just that it's a bigger deal than Geno, and that's an objective fact.


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
True on Lucas, but he also has the same thing Geno has. A lot of fan demand.

Mother 3's fan demand still remains insane to this day.
At the same time, DQ is available in the West, and it's certainly not a flop to the point where it's considered useless outside of Japan.

I still think Sakurai would opt to throw Slime into Smash before Geno. I certainly know Square would, since, unlike Geno, we've actually seen DQ characters in Mario games in the past decade.

Hell, in Fortune Street, you can play a game with four Dragon Quest characters on a Mario board with SMRPG music playing in the background. :awesome:
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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Completely serious petition to forbid Pyra discussions on this whole site.

They don't need to go that far.

Rex and Pyra alone is enough for a full moveset.
You just made the list, chum

I think I need to change my pants after seeing this GODLY animation.
My **** out.
That style looks so fresh and similar to the manga.

Playing Tora in a nutshell:


Having the AI playing Tora in a nutshell:

****er always switches to QT just to use Scattershot when I Launch Kurodil, dunno why.

Obligatory YES

Guess I'll watch WM this year, even if he ends against Shane lol
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