Finally caught up with the Direct:
-It's good to finally get more information on Three Houses, and so far it's off to a good start. It has actual lore, which already makes it a step up from Fates, and the premise sounds very interesting thanks to the titular three houses forming the basis of your choice and influence. I hope they stick with it since I feel the set-up is great for some meaningful conflict and relationship building, the last thing it needs is to pull another Anankos and just throw in a dragon to weaken the story. Also, #TeamClaude, any other answer is wrong.
-SE came out swinging in this Direct I have to say. Dragon Quest XI is finally getting on the system with some very meaningful updates, FFIX is coming out today, DB2 is on the way, and there's the new IP coming as well. Between all the options, while I'm still on the fence on it for certain reasons I will admit that DQXI makes a good case for itself, but FFIX is now on my radar and I'll probably pick it up as soon as I'm done with my current backlog.
-Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 I want to hear more about, it definitely looks good so far, but it still hasn't quite gotten me off the fence with it. Hopefully we'll get more information on it in the leadup to its release.
-Fitting that Deltarune's demo is coming out for the Switch as soon as I'm almost done with Undertale, it looks as delightfully quirky as the original so I'll give it a shot.
-Finally, a Link's Awakening remake! This was my first Zelda game and the one I still put in my Top 3 favorite games from the series, so I'm excited to see it finally get an update since I'd like to see how they'd handle it on the Switch. I can't wait to play through it again and experience all that I loved about the original, from exploring Tal Tal Heights, to hanging out with Marin, to listening to Ballad of the Windfish again and again.
All in all, not a bad direct. I could've used more information on things like the online fixes they talked about a while ago and it missed a few games I was hoping would be there, but it still did give a few games that I can look forward to in the future. So it wasn't like I came out of it completely empty handed, it ended up being a rather okay direct.