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Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
KingofPhantoms KingofPhantoms
What kind of job are you aiming for right now? Is there any specific field you want to go into?
I know before, in times past I mean, you said you wanted to do animation, or something related to graphic design. Is that still a goal of yours?

Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
The Red Hot Chili Peppers did a decent Grammy performance but Post Malone basically stole the show :/

Deleted member

I just got done with The Caribbean and I think I forgot I was playing a Kingdom Hearts game for a little bit.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Aim for something you love doing. Or at the very least, something that you won't absolutely despise.

My very first job was McDonald's, and I HATED it. My 2nd job was being a janitor, and for a minimum wage job it was actually decent. You gotta find something that won't make you pull your hair out and quit within a month.

Try to find a subject that you love doing. If you want to eventually reach that goal (if it's high enough), then find an internship or a tech school where you can learn the tricks to the trade. Then, go from there.

Oh, and also...get your resume critiqued. It makes a world of difference. Also, send resumes out to MANY places. The more you send it out, the more opportunities you are likely to have.

tl;dr...divide and conquer.
I have no idea what level of job you're going for, whether it'd be career wise or just a basic level so I'm going to give out ones that should apply in general. Even if I myself only do just one type of job (closing Dishwasher).

  • Positivity: Being nice does favors in the long term, and nothing is better than expressing confidence and enthusiasm for being part of a team and your interactions with your co-workers, managers, supervisors, etc. Nobody wants to have to deal with negativity in the workplace.
  • Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions: Nobody is expecting you to know everything on the get go especially on the first day of training. Employers and co-workers would rather you not know then you try to pretend you know how to do this or where this goes. I remember in my first days of work, I still had to learn exactly where everything should go and how they want everything done. Clarification is always safe to ask. There's no such thing as a stupid question.
  • Ask for feedback: Always strive for learning and improving from constructive criticism. Whether you do very well or not so much, there's always going be areas that you must improvise on. The feedback I get from my managers are their observations they found watching me and I was able to improve thanks to their suggestions.
  • Build relationships: Sort of an obvious one but building co-operative and trusting relationships is important when it comes to communication in the workplace. At some point you will definitely be working within a team, and your co-workers will be relying on your help when asking for favors, and they'll provide the same courtesy as well. I already made like 3-4 friends in my recent job in January and really, having more friends is never a bad thing.
  • Don't stress too much: Being a new worker on the job can be both exciting and challenging. Don't worry about making the "perfect first impression" - as I'm sure my first impressions are never consistently excellent or gold worthy. Always remember to relax, maintain positivity, get to know your team members better, get the job done and always aim for improvement.
I'm absolutely sure there's more tips beyond what I have but these in particular are the ones that stand out to me the most for now.
Thanks greatly, you two! I'm going to keep all of this in mind when the time comes.

Yeah, I'm not aiming for a career yet. Just a more basic-level job, methinks.

KingofPhantoms KingofPhantoms
What kind of job are you aiming for right now? Is there any specific field you want to go into?
I know before, in times past I mean, you said you wanted to do animation, or something related to graphic design. Is that still a goal of yours?
Eventually, though I'm not remotely able to go into any job pertaining to animation right away. I'm more looking for a more simple but still productive job at the moment, largely for income.

I have some possible ideas for a job but I haven't made any decisions yet. I'll get there in time. I don't want to go at it too slowly, but I can't rush it, either.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
You hearing the Country nonsense too?
Pretty much nobody I care about shows up, or they just lose to something ridiculous. I stopped taking it seriously when they managed to mess with both Megadeth and Metallica for literally no reason.

But yes, country music is annoying me for once today.

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
Thanks greatly, you two! I'm going to keep all of this in mind when the time comes.

Yeah, I'm not aiming for a career yet. Just a more basic-level job, methinks.

Eventually, though I'm not remotely able to go into any job pertaining to animation right away. I'm more looking for a more simple but still productive job at the moment, largely for income.

I have some possible ideas for a job but I haven't made any decisions yet. I'll get there in time. I don't want to go at it too slowly, but I can't rush it, either.
What ideas do you have? You should share them.
Also, try going to tech school for animation as soon as you can so you can train in the field you want to study while also doing whatever you can for a starter level job.

Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
Pretty much nobody I care about shows up, or they just lose to something ridiculous. I stopped taking it seriously when they managed to mess with both Megadeth and Metallica for literally no reason.

But yes, country music is annoying me for once today.
Hold up! How did they mess with Metallica and Megadeth?

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
Metallica and Megadeth talk?

Ok, here's some hot takes:
-Metallica: I can't get into their songs. Not my most hated band, but dang...I just don't like them. I find them dry.
-Megadeth: They're fine, but not for me.

...Actually not sure if those are hot takes lol


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Hold up! How did they mess with Metallica and Megadeth?

Listen to the song that plays when Megadeth wins, after 11 past nominations that led to nothing.

As for Metallica, a somewhat terrible duet with Lady Gaga, I would say. And the background of the duet.

Metallica and Megadeth talk?

Ok, here's some hot takes:
-Metallica: I can't get into their songs. Not my most hated band, but dang...I just don't like them. I find them dry.
-Megadeth: They're fine, but not for me.

...Actually not sure if those are hot takes lol
As long as you're not calling them hot garbage, I respect your opinion.
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
What ideas do you have? You should share them.
Also, try going to tech school for animation as soon as you can so you can train in the field you want to study while also doing whatever you can for a starter level job.
I'd rather narrow the list down before I do, so more on that at a later time.

And you know, I might just do that, when I can, yeah, haha. Thank you for the all advice, again.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Asking again as I got no answer last time: Does anyone know if the text strings for Jet Force Gemini & Blast Corps still in the data of version 2.0.0 of Smash?
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Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Ouch. That’s all I’ve got to say.
They even briefly referred to them as Megadeath on the website. And I can't believe they not only played a song by the wrong band, but butchered it so much that Dave couldn't even tell what it was the first time.

Asking again as I got no answer last time: Does anyone know if the text strings for Jet Force Gemini & Blast Corps still in the data of version 2.0.0 of Smash?
I think so, but I'm not completely certain on that.
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Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC

Listen to the song that plays when Megadeth wins, after 11 past nominations that led to nothing.

As for Metallica, a somewhat terrible duet with Lady Gaga, I would say. And the background of the duet.

As long as you're not calling them hot garbage, I respect your opinion.
The one band I think is legit hot garbage is Insane Clown Posse. My most hated band by far.

Deleted member

Today, I finally finished Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events. It's hard for me to explain how I feel about this because I read the first two books 8 years ago when I was still 11, but never read anything past that other than watching the movie, so these have been 8 years of me not knowing the ending of a story that really left an impression on me. I think the best way to describe it would be with nostalgia, a nostalgia that goes back to when I was just a kid, particularly "The Penultimate Peril" episodes, but to explain further I need to delve into spoilers for the ending of the series.
The two The Penultimate Peril episodes with the reunion of so many previous characters and the return of Justice Strauss, someone I never really expected to come back, felt like a big finale to 8 years of an unresolved story, a finale that was doomed to go wrong.
It was the opposite of bittersweet, whatever you call something that's sad but has some sprinkles of happiness in it. In the end, The End was really just an epilogue, one that I thought really wasn't gonna have a happy ending after all, as I had been told so many times.

But by the end, I was crying. Not tears of sadness like the original intention for the whole series, but of joy. While many characters faced an certai or uncertain dooms, seeing that, at the very least, some of them got a happy ending they so much deserved really brought me down to tears.
And to end it with Lemony meeting his niece? A man so broken and lonely who we got to know throughout the entire series finally have a reason to smile and to have a closure on his search for the Baudelaires after he blamed himself for their unknwon fate? That ****'s powerful.

I guess this is why I felt this ending so much, because it got me a closure just like the characters. It may sound silly this affected me so much but when you read such a book at age 11 you really want to hope for the best and not resolving it really gets into your subconscious I guess.

Finally, I want to say this is what I consider how to truly do a great adaptation. There were... A LOT of changes from the books and quite frankly? They're almost all great. The already mentioned closure Lemony got being one of them.
Revealing the unrevealed VFD mysteries such as the sugarbowl's content, Olaf's past and its founder? Good.
Justice Strauss definitely surviving the fire and the Quagmires reuniting? Good ****.
Humanizing Olaf's henchmen and giving them a happy endings? Great ****.
Fernald's odd friendship with Sunny, and his with his sister and eventually his step-father too? GREATO DAZE.
The Baudelaires being confirmed to have survived after all more than a decade after The End was originally released? I want more of these good vibes.

Do these go against what the books originally intended? Definitely but **** those. I don't need any more cynicism and hopelesness in my life, I don't need someone to tell me that the world just sucks and all our loved ones are just gonna die. Sometimes you need someone to tell you that despite this hell you're going through may never seem to end, things will end up alright eventually if you keep fighting.
This is an adaptation that takes the original and improves on so much. Plot, characters, identity, mysteries, themes, messages and ending; this show improved on EVERYTHING.

There is really no reason for anyone to ever bother with the books unless they're one of those people who like cynicism without joy.

Side notes:
-The one change I really didn't like from the books was them just... killing off the Freaks unceremoniously. Like, why even bother introducing them just to kill them? Especially when two of Olaf's henchmen survived their book deaths.
-Mamba del Mal's return actually moved me again because Monty was so good for them and god why did he have to die?
-The island inhabitors are my favorite background characters for being the only people not dumb enough to recognize Olaf instantly.
-Kitana Turnbull's performance as Carmelita is probably the best in the entire series and one of the iverall best I've seen in recent years and this is the same show with Neil Patrick as his amazing Count Olaf so this is saying something.

I'm so glad this adaptation got made, it gives hopes for others of its kind as this is an adaptation of a series of books who ended more than a decade ago which had a really mediocre film adaptation already. I wouldn't be surprised if this series was pitched with "let's give these characters a happy ending" and I bet that's how all fanfic writers feel and honestly? More people should say "**** you canon".


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
I tried :ultpiranha: for the first time today

What in the actual **** is this plant and why is hilarious as ****?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Today, I finally finished Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events. It's hard for me to explain how I feel about this because I read the first two books 8 years ago when I was still 11, but never read anything past that other than watching the movie, so these have been 8 years of me not knowing the ending of a story that really left an impression on me. I think the best way to describe it would be with nostalgia, a nostalgia that goes back to when I was just a kid, particularly "The Penultimate Peril" episodes, but to explain further I need to delve into spoilers for the ending of the series.
The two The Penultimate Peril episodes with the reunion of so many previous characters and the return of Justice Strauss, someone I never really expected to come back, felt like a big finale to 8 years of an unresolved story, a finale that was doomed to go wrong.
It was the opposite of bittersweet, whatever you call something that's sad but has some sprinkles of happiness in it. In the end, The End was really just an epilogue, one that I thought really wasn't gonna have a happy ending after all, as I had been told so many times.

But by the end, I was crying. Not tears of sadness like the original intention for the whole series, but of joy. While many characters faced an certai or uncertain dooms, seeing that, at the very least, some of them got a happy ending they so much deserved really brought me down to tears.
And to end it with Lemony meeting his niece? A man so broken and lonely who we got to know throughout the entire series finally have a reason to smile and to have a closure on his search for the Baudelaires after he blamed himself for their unknwon fate? That ****'s powerful.

I guess this is why I felt this ending so much, because it got me a closure just like the characters. It may sound silly this affected me so much but when you read such a book at age 11 you really want to hope for the best and not resolving it really gets into your subconscious I guess.

Finally, I want to say this is what I consider how to truly do a great adaptation. There were... A LOT of changes from the books and quite frankly? They're almost all great. The already mentioned closure Lemony got being one of them.
Revealing the unrevealed VFD mysteries such as the sugarbowl's content, Olaf's past and its founder? Good.
Justice Strauss definitely surviving the fire and the Quagmires reuniting? Good ****.
Humanizing Olaf's henchmen and giving them a happy endings? Great ****.
Fernald's odd friendship with Sunny, and his with his sister and eventually his step-father too? GREATO DAZE.
The Baudelaires being confirmed to have survived after all more than a decade after The End was originally released? I want more of these good vibes.

Do these go against what the books originally intended? Definitely but **** those. I don't need any more cynicism and hopelesness in my life, I don't need someone to tell me that the world just sucks and all our loved ones are just gonna die. Sometimes you need someone to tell you that despite this hell you're going through may never seem to end, things will end up alright eventually if you keep fighting.
This is an adaptation that takes the original and improves on so much. Plot, characters, identity, mysteries, themes, messages and ending; this show improved on EVERYTHING.

There is really no reason for anyone to ever bother with the books unless they're one of those people who like cynicism without joy.

Side notes:
-The one change I really didn't like from the books was them just... killing off the Freaks unceremoniously. Like, why even bother introducing them just to kill them? Especially when two of Olaf's henchmen survived their book deaths.
-Mamba del Mal's return actually moved me again because Monty was so good for them and god why did he have to die?
-The island inhabitors are my favorite background characters for being the only people not dumb enough to recognize Olaf instantly.
-Kitana Turnbull's performance as Carmelita is probably the best in the entire series and one of the iverall best I've seen in recent years and this is the same show with Neil Patrick as his amazing Count Olaf so this is saying something.

I'm so glad this adaptation got made, it gives hopes for others of its kind as this is an adaptation of a series of books who ended more than a decade ago which had a really mediocre film adaptation already. I wouldn't be surprised if this series was pitched with "let's give these characters a happy ending" and I bet that's how all fanfic writers feel and honestly? More people should say "**** you canon".
Now I need to finish this series lol. I saw

"reveal the sugarbowl's contents

And adolescent me needs that closure from current me NOW.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Can't tonight, but I don't have plans for tomorrow soooo...

Also I got Spring Catria for my free pull.
*Marth fan*
*doesn't get Bride Caeda*
*gets Spring Catria*

I think the game is making fun of you.
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Today, I finally finished Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events. It's hard for me to explain how I feel about this because I read the first two books 8 years ago when I was still 11, but never read anything past that other than watching the movie, so these have been 8 years of me not knowing the ending of a story that really left an impression on me. I think the best way to describe it would be with nostalgia, a nostalgia that goes back to when I was just a kid, particularly "The Penultimate Peril" episodes, but to explain further I need to delve into spoilers for the ending of the series.
The two The Penultimate Peril episodes with the reunion of so many previous characters and the return of Justice Strauss, someone I never really expected to come back, felt like a big finale to 8 years of an unresolved story, a finale that was doomed to go wrong.
It was the opposite of bittersweet, whatever you call something that's sad but has some sprinkles of happiness in it. In the end, The End was really just an epilogue, one that I thought really wasn't gonna have a happy ending after all, as I had been told so many times.

But by the end, I was crying. Not tears of sadness like the original intention for the whole series, but of joy. While many characters faced an certai or uncertain dooms, seeing that, at the very least, some of them got a happy ending they so much deserved really brought me down to tears.
And to end it with Lemony meeting his niece? A man so broken and lonely who we got to know throughout the entire series finally have a reason to smile and to have a closure on his search for the Baudelaires after he blamed himself for their unknwon fate? That ****'s powerful.

I guess this is why I felt this ending so much, because it got me a closure just like the characters. It may sound silly this affected me so much but when you read such a book at age 11 you really want to hope for the best and not resolving it really gets into your subconscious I guess.

Finally, I want to say this is what I consider how to truly do a great adaptation. There were... A LOT of changes from the books and quite frankly? They're almost all great. The already mentioned closure Lemony got being one of them.
Revealing the unrevealed VFD mysteries such as the sugarbowl's content, Olaf's past and its founder? Good.
Justice Strauss definitely surviving the fire and the Quagmires reuniting? Good ****.
Humanizing Olaf's henchmen and giving them a happy endings? Great ****.
Fernald's odd friendship with Sunny, and his with his sister and eventually his step-father too? GREATO DAZE.
The Baudelaires being confirmed to have survived after all more than a decade after The End was originally released? I want more of these good vibes.

Do these go against what the books originally intended? Definitely but **** those. I don't need any more cynicism and hopelesness in my life, I don't need someone to tell me that the world just sucks and all our loved ones are just gonna die. Sometimes you need someone to tell you that despite this hell you're going through may never seem to end, things will end up alright eventually if you keep fighting.
This is an adaptation that takes the original and improves on so much. Plot, characters, identity, mysteries, themes, messages and ending; this show improved on EVERYTHING.

There is really no reason for anyone to ever bother with the books unless they're one of those people who like cynicism without joy.

Side notes:
-The one change I really didn't like from the books was them just... killing off the Freaks unceremoniously. Like, why even bother introducing them just to kill them? Especially when two of Olaf's henchmen survived their book deaths.
-Mamba del Mal's return actually moved me again because Monty was so good for them and god why did he have to die?
-The island inhabitors are my favorite background characters for being the only people not dumb enough to recognize Olaf instantly.
-Kitana Turnbull's performance as Carmelita is probably the best in the entire series and one of the iverall best I've seen in recent years and this is the same show with Neil Patrick as his amazing Count Olaf so this is saying something.

I'm so glad this adaptation got made, it gives hopes for others of its kind as this is an adaptation of a series of books who ended more than a decade ago which had a really mediocre film adaptation already. I wouldn't be surprised if this series was pitched with "let's give these characters a happy ending" and I bet that's how all fanfic writers feel and honestly? More people should say "**** you canon".
I ****ing LOVED the books as a kid. I had a friend recommend the series to me but I was worried that they'd make too many changes from the books (which I expected to be negative overall), and I already loved the ambiguousness of the original ending.

This does make me a lot more interested in the show though, I'm interested in what they choose to do with the leftover mysteries, and of course the idea of the Baudelaire kids getting a happy ending after 13 damn books does make me happy.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
>Playing Smash with a friend
>Dude also plays FEH
>He tells me to save Orbs
>I have a 3.75% rate in the Greil Banner and I wanna yolo with my remaining 9 Orbs
>Bro challenges me to a match, if I win I can Summon
>Epik :ultpalutena: vs :ultzss: match
>Im getting my *** whooped and I even SD
>I pull a comeback with my last stock to win
>I immediately Summon in FEH



And then +Atk-Res Valentines Ike

**** yeah


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
>Playing Smash with a friend
>Dude also plays FEH
>He tells me to save Orbs
>I have a 3.75% rate in the Greil Banner and I wanna yolo with my remaining 9 Orbs
>Bro challenges me to a match, if I win I can Summon
>Epik :ultpalutena: vs :ultzss: match
>Im getting my *** whooped and I even SD
>I pull a comeback with my last stock to win
>I immediately Summon in FEH



And then +Atk-Res Valentines Ike

**** yeah
Congrats on the Merric!


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
is anyone actually reading these, or
- The localisation team in this game don't seem to have done much cross-referencing of past games; a bunch of skills and items from older games have different names in this one. It's not game-breaking, but the inconsistency bothers me. There are also a few text boxes where the message overruns the edge of the screen and can't be fully read. Between these issues and the lack of dubbed voices, it really feels like they cheaped out on the localisation.

- There are a few ambush bosses in the game. I don't think I've seen the games spring boss fights on you entirely out of nowhere before. Though before one of them, it fully heals you and gives you the opportunity to save (which is actually quite merciful by these games' standards). When the game outright tells you to save your data in a separate slot so you don't **** your progress up, you know it means business.

- I don't know whether I love or hate the Giant's Ruins. The gimmick there is that every other room contains a bunch of FOEs that only move while you're in battle, and the rooms in question also have ludicrously high encounter rates. Like, a battle literally every two steps sort of high. Plus damaging tiles that automatically trigger a battle if you walk on them. It's basically a test of how well equipped your party is for clearing out random encounters quickly, which my party struggles with. I still haven't actually cleared it yet, so... I'll get back to you on it.

- They're not even trying to hide the fact the games are set in a post-global warming/mass pollution apocalypse Earth any more, are they?

- The music in Waterfall Wood is absolutely gorgeous. The area in general is a really nice place. I should fire it up in Citra sometime and get some HD shots of it.
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