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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Oh come now. Marth already got his Dragon Buster Legendary that is on par with Ayra. Give poor Eliwood a moment to shine with his buddies. I mean, he doesn't have either a Brave version or a Legendary version, just like Alm.
Pantsless Marth though.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
i want to know you wonderful people better so i put this together

If you could fix one world problem, what would it be?
If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
If you could have chosen your own name, what would you have picked?
What would be your perfect date night?
What kind of animal am I?
What kind of animal are you?
Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?
What are some things that offend you?
How would you describe me in 5 words?
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
How do you feel about genetically modified food?
Is there anything too serious to be joked about?
Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it take to change your mind?
What is your strongest personal quality?
I'd fix Capitalism's food waste problem by solving world hunger so everyone is able to eat
An era where we everyone gets a basic income so they can get buy and have a little extra cash on the side, though if you want more you can work. People who are handicapped/parents get extra cash regardless
I literally picked Gwen lol
A perfect date would be hanging out together watching a movie or something, getting some nice inexpensive food and seeing where it goes from there
You're a rabbit
I'd clearly be a cat
Nope, because I know how to use locks
Because Capitalism has gone too far
Belittling movements meant to help improve society like BLM and MeToo never sits well with me
Soft, pure, horny, loving and caring
Blunt, insecure, jokey, survivor and petty
I don't really understand the specifics so I'm not sure I have a proper opinion here
****, bigotry and misogyny cross lines
No, I've met many people who have died and reactions are never pretty so I don't want that on my conscious. MAYBE in self-defense
Behind my rude and jokey demeanor, I can show a completely different side if I see a friend needs emotional support


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
>get a text
>its from my ex
>asks me to join a cult
>guess its an emo chick joke
2 hours later
>a group of unknown numbers text me and tell me the joys of chemically castrating themselves
>make weak threats to come to my house or something

so do i call the police or


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
>get a text
>its from my ex
>asks me to join a cult
>guess its an emo chick joke
2 hours later
>a group of unknown numbers text me and tell me the joys of chemically castrating themselves
>make weak threats to come to my house or something

so do i call the police or
Yeah, and grab a bat just in case, for real


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
>get a text
>its from my ex
>asks me to join a cult
>guess its an emo chick joke
2 hours later
>a group of unknown numbers text me and tell me the joys of chemically castrating themselves
>make weak threats to come to my house or something

so do i call the police or
I would definitely alert the authorities. They are a danger to themselves and others. On top of mild threats. Anything could happen next, id alert authorities to try and make sure everyone gets help. If you know who they are or where they are meeting I’d send help there.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Yeah, and grab a bat just in case, for real
emo chicks too deadly for me, dawg.

I would definitely alert the authorities. They are a danger to themselves and others. On top of mild threats. Anything could happen next, id alert authorities to try and make sure everyone gets help. If you know who they are or where they are meeting I’d send help there.
way ahead of you
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Sep 12, 2014
i want to know you wonderful people better so i put this together

If you could fix one world problem, what would it be?
If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
If you could have chosen your own name, what would you have picked?
What would be your perfect date night?
What kind of animal am I?
What kind of animal are you?
Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?
What are some things that offend you?
How would you describe me in 5 words?
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
How do you feel about genetically modified food?
Is there anything too serious to be joked about?
Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it take to change your mind?
What is your strongest personal quality?
- I'd fix bigotry for sure.
- Either the 80s or 90s. Boring answer, I know.
- No idea, I like Serena as a name so maybe that.
- Super cheesy answer but as long as I'm with my girlfriend any date is perfect. Whether it's a home watching a movie or going to a super fancy restaurant.
- I don't know you too well to say tbh.
- I'm definitely like a cat
- NO and I'm very thankful for that.
- You're fired
- A lot of things bother me but lately centrism is near the top.
- Cool and gay as ****.
- I don't even know, man.
- Food is food?? I guess?
- Yeah there's some lines you should never cross. Unfortunately, people have made entire careers out of crossing those lines.
- I, uhhh... Hmmmm...
- Honestly I don't know.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
update: based police got me covered

now i can sleep in peace


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
i want to know you wonderful people better so i put this together

If you could fix one world problem, what would it be?
If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
If you could have chosen your own name, what would you have picked?
What would be your perfect date night?
What kind of animal am I?
What kind of animal are you?
Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?
What are some things that offend you?
How would you describe me in 5 words?
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
How do you feel about genetically modified food?
Is there anything too serious to be joked about?
Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it take to change your mind?
What is your strongest personal quality?
-Possibly the energy stuff, you know, have everyone go for eco-friendly **** instead
-90s for the sports; to see Jeffrey Michael Gordon and Michael Jeffrey Jordan kicking butt on NASCAR and NBA + WWF
-Fernando, or Pablo; my planned original name.
-Simply improvise, you can do plans, they can work or not, but if she's happy then it is fine.
-Not completely, but my *** has been for some as I forgot to lock the WC door
-Just people being ignorant for the sake of not admitting they're wrong
-Kindhearted as ****, true bro
-"Drawing nudes took me over"
-No strong opinion
-While my sense of humor is pretty dark, I even know the R-word crosses limits
-Nah, ....oh, ok ,keep putting more zeroes on that check...
-Unparalled ability to add sexual undertones to anything, much to the dismay of literally everyone else.
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Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
If you could fix one world problem, what would it be?
If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
If you could have chosen your own name, what would you have picked?
What would be your perfect date night?
What kind of animal am I?
What kind of animal are you?
Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?
What are some things that offend you?
How would you describe me in 5 words?
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
How do you feel about genetically modified food?
Is there anything too serious to be joked about?
Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it take to change your mind?
What is your strongest personal quality?

If you could fix one world problem, what would it be?

I had to look this up because I honestly had no idea which one I'd pick in actuality, so I'll go with inequality.

If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?

I don't have a good idea for this one either. I guess I'll go with early 90s? Just so where I can see and witness how everything was during my birth year in the late 90s.

If you could have chosen your own name, what would you have picked?

I can't ever see myself changing my name. I never at one point, disliked it and I am proud to live by it since birth. Just feels way too much of an important and iconic part of my identity to change.

What would be your perfect date night?

I guess a quiet and serene night at the beach would work? Not an expert on this but I generally prefer peaceful and calm areas.

What kind of animal am I?

I'm going to say Raccoon because that's exactly what picutred in my mind when I thought of this question LOL

What kind of animal are you?

Despite switching back to dragon because #ToothlessSquad, I'd say Ox.

Simply because Ox is my zodiac animal.

Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?


If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?

No clue, bud.

What are some things that offend you?

I do not appreciate:

- Bullying
- Egotistism
- Intellectual insults
- Lies
- Phone scams (I seriously cannot recall the number of voicemails I get that keep threatening to issue an arrest warrant on me if I don't "answer back" between September - November when all I was tryna do is job search at the time >_>)
- Rudeness
- Stereotypes
- Vitrolic people

How would you describe me in 5 words?

- Admirable
- Awesome
- Chill
- Humble
- Strong

Keep it up buddy.

How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

- Ambitious
- Creative
- Hard working
- Kind
- Short-tempered

How do you feel about genetically modified food?

I can't give out my personal opinion since I haven't learned enough about them, but for now I'll say they're fine I guess.

Is there anything too serious to be joked about?

- Any kind of disaster aftermath
- Autism
- Suicide (this is a huge one)
- Mental disorders
- Any kind of abuse

Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it take to change your mind?

Never. Money wouldn't do **** to change my mind in becoming a horrible human being.

What is your strongest personal quality?

Honestly? It would have to be my perseverance. I came a long way from being determined even despite being told numerous times that my dreams/goals are beyond me. Nobody can break my resolve to succeed.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Oh I have plenty of other criticisms but I've learned that people will only care that I dislike the designs so I just tend to not bother listing them. Here they are in the spoiler tag. Warning, in game spoilers too
Yeah, since that's often what you mention when it comes to XC2 and XCX... so my apologies on my previous post Gwen, when it comes to designs it's best to agree to disagree.

And here are my thoughts on your review of the game:
Cinematography sucks due to the camera angles in in-game cutscenes tend to focus on breasts alongside the fact that changing to a different camera shot counts as motion so a different camera shot makes breasts jiggle.
Tbh, I have no idea what does this mean besides that breast jiggles in some cutscene in the game are annoying, but fair enough. I actually do found them bothersome from time to time...
Heck even in just dialogues you will see some female blades breast jiggle whenever they move...

The writing can be inconsistent with the game itself in terms of sex appeal with Pyra saying that Poppi QTpi needing more modesty despite Pyra's outfit and Brighid criticizing Tora for constantly being horny despite Brighid often being placed in camera angles that show off her boob window.
Are you talking about that HtH? First HtH you mentioned that's only your take on it so I have zero comment on that, take it whatever you will.
Next HtH, There is inconsistent I agree... ONLY that's because of the localization alter the orignal Japanese dialogue, Tora was indeed horny because Brighid saw Torna had a skimpy bikini for Poppi...(Jump to 4:23 of the video)
Combat is very different from the original to the point X resembled the original more despite 2 supposedly being for people disappointed by X.
Yeah, XC2 combat system is very different compare to X, whether it is better or worse it is totally up to you. Complaints on XC2 combat was taht you can't auto attack while moving around. As for XC2 is "for people disappointed by X?" Not sure where does this statement come from besides that XC2 was build on the same engine as XCX, and XC2 was for the fans who want a more story driven Xenoblade like the first one. But that's just me.

No more custom clothes which is very disappointing as it was a thing in the prior games with X making big improvements on that.
Exactly, I have the same complaints as well even to this day... unless you didn't purchase the expansion pass and have those outfits after playing enough challenge mode in order to get those custom outfit. That being said, a well complaint right there.

Voice acting can be rather off for lots of the game with Rex resembling Black Clover Dude as he shouts a lot.
That's Asta from Black Clover, and in my opinion Asta's Japanese VA is as worse as Rex's English VA... not sure on Asta's English VA though lol.

Getting Blades uses a Gacha esque system so of you want a specific blade you saw and liked, you need luck.
Yes, literally luck in both the game and the system... once you get up to one rare Blade left that isn't a blade-quest-to-obtain Blade... you have to like release some Blades and leave the Blades with the same element as that rare Blade you haven't got... and then use the correct Boosters before resonating the core crystal. That being said, it still NEEDS LUCK! I remember it took me until 2018 March to get my last RNG Blade KOS-MOS.

If you forgot something or want to learn something in the first game, there's a handy dandy tutorial option that's charming and lets the characters teach you how stuff works. If you want to relearn something in this game, you need to buy hints, which I find rather punishing as I could have used that money elsewhere.
Another well complaint, glad they fixed that in the Torna DLC

Tora is an absolute creep and showcases how bad the sexual humour can get in this game. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to LIKE my party members after all.
Not really, but I admit, Tora is an unlikeable character even for a Nopon. But his backstory was really good imo, not sure where's that sexual humour you were mentioning on Tora (There's one on Nia when she said "One Eyed Monster")
The Affinity Chart used to provide for so much world building by showing you NPC relationships but now it's just your Blade skill tree which sucks as it makes me want to do less sidequests as that could fleshen out the NPCs and world more.
Then you really should buy XC2 Torna DLC instead of the main game lol. It has that affinity chart, still I think the Blade affinity chart is ok, and it powers up your Blade too.

Oh, and the art style just looks uncanny as hell. Elma looks surprisingly good in it to be fair
I respect your opinion but I still think the art style is better than XC1 and XCX, that being said, Elma looks slightly better in XCX. Shulk and Fiora though... something odd with their look was their eyes I think..
That's because XCX's artstyle was just really dull but at least it had sensible design choices such as giving characters actual clothing.
im glad xc2 was late for ultimate but it makes me salty sakurai didn't even consider elma as a possibility
Yeah... not only that but XCX you have customize armor and XC2 does not.
Yikes, with the designs again...which designs are "sensible" that's on you but characters in XC2 do have actual clothing if you don't count the Blade characters.

I just hope we can get a Xenoblade DLC character in Smash Ultimate, hopefully it's Rex or Elma but I'm not hoping it too much.

This is why I like Torna a lot more than the base game, it’s not perfect and has its own “off” moments but the tone feels much more in line with the first game and it improves upon the XC2 gameplay by getting rid of gacha and rehauling the battle system to be the most fun in the series imo.
And you also have the community chart similar to the first game, awesome!

And there's a rumor that Dead End Request coming to Nintendo Switch. Hope this can be true once the game releases in the west.

Deleted member

i want to know you wonderful people better so i put this together

If you could fix one world problem, what would it be?
If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
If you could have chosen your own name, what would you have picked?
What would be your perfect date night?
What kind of animal am I?
What kind of animal are you?
Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?
What are some things that offend you?
How would you describe me in 5 words?
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
How do you feel about genetically modified food?
Is there anything too serious to be joked about?
Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it take to change your mind?
What is your strongest personal quality?
1. Reverting pollution and stop the earth from climate from increasing its temperature.
2. This era seems pretty good for someone like me.
3. I can't imagine myself with a different name, though my mother almost named me Shaun. I like my name though, that being Logan.
4. Chilling, playing games, exchanging knowledge. That or go to some kind of theme park or musuem.
5. An eagle or something with keen eyesight, as you always know exactly when I get online.
6. An Bat or Owl as I prefer the night.
7. Yep. One time it was at school since I was sitting up on the benches with my PE shorts on. I was oblivious that some girls down by the pool were peeving up my shorts to see you know what until a guy went up and told me.
8. Cash is made from trees.
9. People being bigoted or ignorant and proud of it.
10. Never ever safe for work.
11. Never ever safe for work.
12. There's nothing wrong with GMOs. It's just fear mongering.
13. Not if done respectfully, otherwise it's the intent rather than the joke that offends.
14. I think anyone could hypothetically be persuaded to kill someone.
15. Knowledge.

@Shishœ I was thinking about picking a crow too. I love crows, did I ever show you videos of crows talking? Because they're actually better at it than parrots. Crows are pretty smart. And they're also dinosaurs just like other birds.

It isn't really different anywhere. Same **** really.

A lot of people like to think racism is a mostly white on black USA exclusive affair, but around the world you're going to find alarming cases where you can pretty much put any group of people in the oppressor and the oppressed and have it be real and accurate.

Does America have problems with racism? Yeah, it has a lot of all sorts and its unfortunate.

But if we really want to stop racism, we need to accept that anyone and everyone is capable of it and has done it to some extent.

A history teacher of mine said it best. Studying history is learning how awful your country has been. Then its looking at how awful everyone else has been. Then you start to understand the scope of these problems, how deep rooted they are in all of our cultures and just how far the pain has reached.

tldr: people are racist dude
There's definitely certain countries that are much, much worse than other countries though. Or heck, just areas within those countries really. *coughSouthoftheUnitedStatescough* It wouldn't be wise to down play just how bad some areas or countries are. As you may not realize you're doing it by saying "it isn't really different anywhere", but you kinda are. That's why I bring it up.
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Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Oh sweet Indie games! Funny enough I bought Night in the Woods today lol.

Also my friends on discord are bandwagoning this character creator

Anyone who doesn't make an anime version of themselves is a loser
View attachment 187892
I check other maker... but others are somewhat limited as well.
Uh... is it me that... there's no option for switching gender to male? I mean... yeah you can still make yourself look like a dude by switching to suits but...
Oh well... making me like look a trap anime avatar does sound like bad idea though lol.

So here's mine...

I tried to upload my pic... but it never worked... so I just use the url...
... Smashboards can be crappy when uploading pics, or this might be just me...
Wish I could change the hoodie's color.

View attachment 187905
It would be nice if they have a male option...
I wanted the hair to be green, but I couldn't find the option. :substitute:
OH, I see what are you trying to do lol.
If you can... I think it's possible you can make Nia on this one.
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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Today in my Magical Memetic México:

>It's past 4am here
>There's a neighbor who spends most of the time drinking, and his relatives keep him out of the house when he's wasted
>****er arrives hammered as usual
>Starts yelling "open the door!"
>Another dude inside tells him no
>They start discussing and escalating insults
>Drunk says "**** you mother!"
>Dude says "**** yours!"
>"no, yours!"
>"**** your mother!"
>"**** yours!"
>"**** yours that meows" (this actually rhymes in spanish)
>"no, yours!"
>Cue me in my bed
>"If both of you don't shut up I'll go and **** your mothers, dammit!"

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
If you could fix one world problem, what would it be?
Gun violence.
If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
Current era, cause it's the most technologically advanced.
If you could have chosen your own name, what would you have picked?
What would be your perfect date night?
Dating question? Skip.
What kind of animal am I?
Human, obviously.
What kind of animal are you?
Once again, a human.
Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?
No, but the opposite is true.
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?
Money does grow on trees. After all, it's made of paper.
What are some things that offend you?
Atheists who make fun of Christians and their beliefs.
How would you describe me in 5 words?
Don't know you well enough. There, that was five words.
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Creative, imaginative, lazy, observative, worrisome.
How do you feel about genetically modified food?
I never paid attention to which food is genetically modified.
Is there anything too serious to be joked about?
Normally I'm less serious about this kind of stuff, but I don't think suicide should be joked about.
Could you be persuaded to kill someone?
Only if it was someone causing serious harm.
What is your strongest personal quality?
My ability to come up with ideas.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Alright, after years of research, I haven't see anyone post this video here. So I feel responsible to share this video to everyone in this thread.

They are some weird stuff in it, but overall, I say you should watch it if you love animation and Kirby in general.


Deleted member

Alright, after years of research, I haven't see anyone post this video here. So I feel responsible to share this video to everyone in this thread.

They are some weird stuff in it, but overall, I say you should watch it if you love animation and Kirby in general.

Finally, I’be been waiting for this!


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
I hope you guys are happy, I am finally one of you. That being anime.
Your avatar looks really nice, however the wings on the back could look good with brighter color in my opinion.

I will change my avatar too later but not now.

Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
i want to know you wonderful people better so i put this together

If you could fix one world problem, what would it be?
If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
If you could have chosen your own name, what would you have picked?
What would be your perfect date night?
What kind of animal am I?
What kind of animal are you?
Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?
What are some things that offend you?
How would you describe me in 5 words?
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
How do you feel about genetically modified food?
Is there anything too serious to be joked about?
Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it take to change your mind?
What is your strongest personal quality?
I was going to reply to this questionnaire earlier but I fell asleep. Anywho, here it is.
Just hatred in general.

I’m pretty happy living in the present.

Ngl, I am content with my given name.

Not interested in relationships currently but I guess a night of staying in, playing games and eating pizza would be pretty great.



I don’t really remember but hopefully not.

‘Cause government shenanigans?

Pretty much people mocking me for my stuttering, or using autism as an insult.

A very nice, wholesome person.

A woman trying her best.

I guess it depends.

Suicide, Nazis and anything related to the Holocaust, abuse of any kind.

Money =/= A person’s life

I suppose it would be my thoughtfulness.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I actually, unapologetically, unironically love Venom. Like the movie is bad, I can tell that but like... I dunno. It just has a lot of charm. Maybe it's all Tom Hardy but I really love this stupid movie.

Deleted member

Your avatar looks really nice, however the wings on the back could look good with brighter color in my opinion.

I will change my avatar too later but not now.
The wings are mostly there to make my hair less big in the back, but still long and wavy. Like how it actually is. From a distance they look like a chair which is even better.
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Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
The wings are mostly there to make my hair less big in the back, but still long and wavy. Like how it actually is. From a distance they look like a chair which is even better.
Speaking of long hair, I remove mostly the long hair to make my hair short. I might make a long hair/trap version of me... if I can find a proper long hair that I like that is lol.

Also... not sure if you have heard of Taipei Game Expo that just started today, and with Nindie Showcase dropped not too long ago, here in the east/Japan also have some interesting games coming to Nintendo Switch.

After decent success of VOEZ and DEEMO, another rhythm game from China this time around is coming to Nintendo Switch. I'm never a fan of mobile ports coming to Switch, but when it comes to rhythm games they are my exception, just check out this gameplay from Taipei Game Expo:

And this game called Moero Chronicles H is also coming to Switch, not gonna post trailer but I can describe as a dungeon crawler JRPG with tons of fanservice designs that even me is baffled by it lol.

Another game called Dead End re;Quest could also be coming to Switch once it releases in the west on February 2019, fingers crossed on this:
Here's a gameplay:

This game was on my port wishlist before but I quickly forgot about it... I will be glad but also not surprised that it comes to Switch this year.


Code Vein seems to be dead silent over the past few months after E3, like... the most recent info we got is that it is delayed to this year. So I personally think Code Vein might be released as early as in the summer, and I really really want this game to be on Nintendo Switch. With them delaying the game, it could just happen.
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Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
Apparently a version 2.0.0 has been leaked to be released next week, but this is the only thing found (if pic is broken it's just the logo from what would be the news on the game)

Since we're jumping a whole number, I'm guessing we'll have something big. Piranha Plant is probably coming, sooner that I expected to be honest.

Also get ready for "Several balance adjustments to improve the enjoyment of the game". I'm really hoping they don't nerf anyone right now, but we'll see. I think there might be even more stuff than just a new character and balance adjustments to justify the jump in version.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Apparently a version 2.0.0 has been leaked to be released next week, but this is the only thing found (if pic is broken it's just the logo from what would be the news on the game)

Since we're jumping a whole number, I'm guessing we'll have something big. Piranha Plant is probably coming, sooner that I expected to be honest.

Also get ready for "Several balance adjustments to improve the enjoyment of the game". I'm really hoping they don't nerf anyone right now, but we'll see. I think there might be even more stuff than just a new character and balance adjustments to justify the jump in version.

But jokes aside, that's odd. Not even Smash 4 actually reached "2.0"

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
i want to know you wonderful people better so i put this together

If you could fix one world problem, what would it be?
If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
If you could have chosen your own name, what would you have picked?
What would be your perfect date night?
What kind of animal am I?
What kind of animal are you?
Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?
What are some things that offend you?
How would you describe me in 5 words?
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
How do you feel about genetically modified food?
Is there anything too serious to be joked about?
Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it take to change your mind?
What is your strongest personal quality?
1.) Apathy. If I can't fix all the world's problems in one blow, I'll make everyone care enough to works towards solutions.
2.) Feel like living in any prior era would just be worse than living in the one I'm in now.
3.) I'm partial to Oliver.
4.) Just spending time together sounds nice.
5.) Who are you
6.) I get compared to cats a lot.
7.) Nope
8.) Banks make a profit off of every time someone posts some variation of the galaxy-brain meme so they dictated the common language to be based on trees in such a precise way to provoke questions like these that would in turn provoke galaxy-brains.

It's a deep-rooted conspiracy.

9.) Disrespect for people's boundaries.
10.) Who are you
11.) Quiet, enthusiastic, ambitious, witty, curious
12.) Eh
13.) Yes
14.) Not a question of money. Might kill in self-defense.
15.) Communication skills.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Apparently a version 2.0.0 has been leaked to be released next week, but this is the only thing found (if pic is broken it's just the logo from what would be the news on the game)

Since we're jumping a whole number, I'm guessing we'll have something big. Piranha Plant is probably coming, sooner that I expected to be honest.

Also get ready for "Several balance adjustments to improve the enjoyment of the game". I'm really hoping they don't nerf anyone right now, but we'll see. I think there might be even more stuff than just a new character and balance adjustments to justify the jump in version.

Im ready to be the big sad if they nerf Chrom
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