I don't see why two very different franchises would share the same thematics simply because they would share the same producer.From watching the first season of Castlevania a while back, if LoZ's adaption took it's cues from it then I can't see it being like that.
Not because the show doesn't have snark, because oh boy it does, but because it was edgy as hell.
I mean not in a thousand years would Nintendo give immense quantities of gore and gratuitous amounts of dumping on the Catholic Church a pass for THEIR show, but if they're going to keep writing out the Fanfiction.net fantasies of a thirteen year old boy but with better writing skill (as opposed to the Fanfiction.net fantasies of a thirteen year old girl with no change in writing skill whatsoever but an immense budget, which is Once Upon A Time on ABC), quiet stoic Link seems like the most likely scenario.
Either that or Link does snark but he still avoids beating a cheesy line to death, because if there's one thing you can say about Trevor Belmont in that show it's that he keeps it fresh by multiple definitions of the word.
A LoZ series however could take a dark direction by simply taking the Twilight Princess route, but that's pretty much it; just put some sprinkles of blood get a good screamer for Lonk, make Zelda stoic af and add one "****" or two in Ganondorf's speeches while keeping him classy and an ok PG-13 series is good to go.
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