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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'm going to be honest. These three images sum up my reaction to the new Legendary Hero:

Yes, I'm mad. Yes, I'm disappointed. Yes, I'm unhappy.

I saved up 134 ORBS in anticipation for Hrid. He's my favorite Heroes OC, and I want him to come to my army. Everything looked like the stars were aligning for him to be our Legendary Hero this month, but this? THIS?

Yet again, Hrid got shafted. Why does IS have to treat Hrid like this? Furthermore, the Legendary Hero we got is underwhelming.

I actually like Eirika as a character myself (she has grown on me overtime), and congrats to her fans that wanted her to get the LH treatment, but for a Legendary alt, she is looking to be pretty disappointing based on the skills she has so far. She's a Legendary Hero that just isn't worth pulling for me.

And to add more salt to the wound, none of the other characters she is coming with are units I want to pull for. Well, maybe Innes and Legendary Lyn (only for Speed Tactics), but even then, they aren't a priority for me. Honestly, this is the worst Legendary Hero banner we've had since the Legendary Lyn one.

Looks like best Heroes boy's only hope for being in Heroes is through some kind of banner featuring more OCs similar to the Muspell one we got a short while ago. Alas, I've now become more pessimistic about Hrid coming to Heroes.

Only thing worse that could happen for the FE characters that I want in Heroes is if Conrad isn't in the next SoV banner...
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Back home.
If there's anything I learned over the past few weeks it's **** Sketchers and it's everything.

Deleted member

This looks fun.

I am not investing in that Legendary Banner. Mainly the fact that no LA Hector, Legendary Hector or Legendary Tiki. Also, the Legendary Hero is underwhelming as Erureido pointed out.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Sup' I'm coming here, need a breather.

Hopefully y'all don't mind. Need to run away from the Ultimate crazyness.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
No, not at all!

The real question is, would you mind being in my presence?
Sure- I wouldn't mind. I don't mind anyone~

Also I see that y'all talking about FEH.

I kinda...dropped the game, After CYL2.
The game became a mess of unbalancing. That's pretty sad-
Also I hate how infantry get the short stick here. Dragon/Cav/Armor get tons of buff

Deleted member

Spongebob: Me wanting a job as soon as possible:
Squidward: Me wanting to relax:


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014

Deleted member

I don't even understand what the big deal over FEH even is. I got bored of it rather quickly. I'd rather just emulate a main series FE game on my phone.

Same with mobile games like it in general. Like before FEH, it was the Jurassic World mobile game that I didn't understand why it was so popular.

Deleted member

So using CEMU and a No HUD mod for the game, I recorded Rosalina's Super Bell Hill gymnastics routine from Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, in 4K 60 FPS, and took it into Wallpaper Engine.


And you can download it too.


Mine is a Smash Ultimate background, including all of the newcomers like Isabelle.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Geez, I already came back from the Discussion thread which is a salt asteroid and I still see salt. :skull:

That said, underwhelming is an overstatement. Tell it to Eirika once she hits you with a 100% -DEF Special on the first battle she does thanks to Quickened Pulse. And she can use Slaying Edge+ for about the same amount of activation and probably easier too since she wouldn't need to worry about positioning. Oh, and remember that we are getting a skill that is going to disable Fighter skills as well as other follow-up skills like Quick Riposte.

Deleted member

The problem with being a top tier armor collector is all of them are rare. Two of six of those armors are Legendary, and the rest are pretty rare. You have to wait a loooooong time until you have a glimpse of hope to get one of them.

It is worth it though.

I am sad none of my wants made it in the Legendary Banner.

( Keep in mind I do have Brave Ephraim and Brave Hector though. Still, more the merrier, right? )
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Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
I don't even understand what the big deal over FEH even is. I got bored of it rather quickly. I'd rather just emulate a main series FE game on my phone.

Same with mobile games like it in general. Like before FEH, it was the Jurassic World mobile game that I didn't understand why it was so popular.
Some like the rush from getting a rare pull in a gacha game. Others like the fanservice such as good art and voiced lines. Some like the different take on strategy in the game, given its smaller scale, skill focus, and units generally always being the same at cap (minus boons and banes)

Honestly, I don't play it anymore as I had my fill of the banner cycles. Did enough in the game to satisfy my interest and there's not a lot there for me anymore except to pull more new units to build more teams when I already made enough to satisfied. I would say its a mix of being burnt out and moving on due to feeling like I did most of the objectives I wanted. Still look forward to seeing the art and voice acting though even without playing.

Deleted member

Some like the rush from getting a rare pull in a gacha game. Others like the fanservice such as good art and voiced lines. Some like the different take on strategy in the game, given its smaller scale, skill focus, and units generally always being the same at cap (minus boons and banes)

Honestly, I don't play it anymore as I had my fill of the banner cycles. Did enough in the game to satisfy my interest and there's not a lot there for me anymore except to pull more new units to build more teams when I already made enough to satisfied. I would say its a mix of being burnt out and moving on due to feeling like I did most of the objectives I wanted. Still look forward to seeing the art and voice acting though even without playing.
I guess it's either one of those things you feel you not only the time for, but also the patience. As I really, really don't like having to wait for stuff in mobile games. Even though over a long period of time I bet I'd get very, very far. But that drag at the beginning is always what stops me.

Deleted member

Geez, I already came back from the Discussion thread which is a salt asteroid and I still see salt. :skull:

That said, underwhelming is an overstatement. Tell it to Eirika once she hits you with a 100% -DEF Special on the first battle she does thanks to Quickened Pulse. And she can use Slaying Edge+ for about the same amount of activation and probably easier too since she wouldn't need to worry about positioning. Oh, and remember that we are getting a skill that is going to disable Fighter skills as well as other follow-up skills like Quick Riposte.
Brave Hector scoffs at that and can still Ostia Counter her face off. Disable his fighter skills and lower his defense all you want, but he still has his Ostia Counter card. Lets see how well this Erika set is.
So using CEMU and a No HUD mod for the game, I recorded Rosalina's Super Bell Hill gymnastics routine from Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, in 4K 60 FPS, and took it into Wallpaper Engine.


And you can download it too.


Oh seeing that while you are trying to focus on a project is not going to help.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
I just realized that if you give Eirika and SM!Eirika Potara Earrings she becomes L!Eirika.

Deleted member

Good night.

Edit: I just want to be safe, so here is Squidward putting a pizza box up your screen:
( PM me if you want the real plot. )
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Sep 12, 2014
I don't even understand what the big deal over FEH even is. I got bored of it rather quickly. I'd rather just emulate a main series FE game on my phone.

Same with mobile games like it in general. Like before FEH, it was the Jurassic World mobile game that I didn't understand why it was so popular.
I mean some like the rush of pulling characters they like, others like the Diet FE approach to the gameplay as they may not have time to play a full FE game.

Deleted member

I mean some like the rush of pulling characters they like, others like the Diet FE approach to the gameplay as they may not have time to play a full FE game.
I just find it it ironic because I consider the mobile game to be way more slow paced.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I don't even understand what the big deal over FEH even is. I got bored of it rather quickly. I'd rather just emulate a main series FE game on my phone.

Same with mobile games like it in general. Like before FEH, it was the Jurassic World mobile game that I didn't understand why it was so popular.
What makes it stand apart from other gacha games for me is it's emphasis on unit customisation as opposed to straight power creep. Yes, power creep exists in the game, but not nearly to the degree of other gacha games. In other gacha games, the new best thing comes out every other week. Things that were strong when the game launched are bottom tier within a year if not less.

While some units are always going to be inherently stronger (or have more potential) than others in FE Heroes, the game's Skill Inheritance and Weapon Refinery systems keep the amount of viable, or even top tier powerful units, very wide. Pretty much every character can be a powerful team player at the very least if you play your cards right. And since the appeal of licensed gacha games is for people to try pulling for their favourite characters, FE Heroes actually takes full advantage by allowing players to make sure their favourites are strong and that they can keep using them to clear content in the long term. For example, my Clair has been one of my main units for over a year now, and not only is she still powerful, but she received things she could use to get even stronger over the months, so she's basically been a long term investment.

Also, for fans of those older games where grinding didn't always exist to patch up characters with bad bases and late recruitmens, a character that wasn't very strong in their original game, can potentially be strong and viable in Heroes.

There's also the fact that not everyone is privy to how to emulate the old JP only FE games, so Heroes gives those people a taste of the characters from them.

The game is going through a rough patch in terms of content right now but I do sincerely think the core mechanics are in-depth enough for it to stand as it's own Fire Emblem entry.
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Deleted member

~When you tell a joke and you are the only one that finds it funny:

Deleted member

What makes it stand apart from other gacha games for me is it's emphasis on unit customisation as opposed to straight power creep. Yes, power creep exists in the game, but not nearly to the degree of other gacha games. In other gacha games, the new best thing comes out every other week. Things that were strong when the game launched are bottom tier within a year if not less.

While some units are always going to be inherently stronger (or have more potential) than others in FE Heroes, the game's Skill Inheritance and Weapon Refinery systems keep the amount of viable, or even top tier powerful units, very wide. Pretty much every character can be a powerful team player at the very least if you play your cards right. And since the appeal of licensed gacha games is for people to try pulling for their favourite characters, FE Heroes actually takes full advantage by allowing players to make sure their favourites are strong and that they can keep using them to clear content in the long term. For example, my Clair has been one of my main units for over a year now, and not only is she still powerful, but she received things she could use to get even stronger over the months, so she's basically been a long term investment.

Also, for fans of those older games where grinding didn't always exist to patch up characters with bad bases and late recruitmens, a character that wasn't very strong in their original game, can potentially be strong and viable in Heroes.

There's also the fact that not everyone is privy to how to emulate the old JP only FE games, so Heroes gives those people a taste of the characters from them.

The game is going through a rough patch in terms of content right now but I do sincerely think the core mechanics are in-depth enough for it to stand as it's own Fire Emblem entry.
Funnily enough you summed up what are the banes for me. I really, really don't like to have to wait and wait to get something decent. You do have a point though that the power creep isn't nearly as bad. Like say, the Jurassic World game I mentioned. Where you were just stuck with certain dinosaurs unless you bought packs to get stronger and more rare dinosaurs.

Also I'm sure the roster is way more varied now than it was at launch, because at launch I'd just get the same units over and over. And quite frankly I just didn't see the appeal. Hoping to just get a single character I was a fan of.(Which by now I forgot how many characters I actually cared for in the game's launch.)


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Oof, I am getting stressed out.
I don't think coming here will help if the Discussion Thread is anything to go by currently. If it's the reason you're getting stressed out, I don't blame you. Geez, it's a mad house at this point, both figuratively and literally.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I like the sound of that idea but I hope...I PRAY this doesn't return...
From watching the first season of Castlevania a while back, if LoZ's adaption took it's cues from it then I can't see it being like that.

Not because the show doesn't have snark, because oh boy it does, but because it was edgy as hell.

I mean not in a thousand years would Nintendo give immense quantities of gore and gratuitous amounts of dumping on the Catholic Church a pass for THEIR show, but if they're going to keep writing out the Fanfiction.net fantasies of a thirteen year old boy but with better writing skill (as opposed to the Fanfiction.net fantasies of a thirteen year old girl with no change in writing skill whatsoever but an immense budget, which is Once Upon A Time on ABC), quiet stoic Link seems like the most likely scenario.

Either that or Link does snark but he still avoids beating a cheesy line to death, because if there's one thing you can say about Trevor Belmont in that show it's that he keeps it fresh by multiple definitions of the word.

Deleted member

From watching the first season of Castlevania a while back, if LoZ's adaption took it's cues from it then I can't see it being like that.

Not because the show doesn't have snark, because oh boy it does, but because it was edgy as hell.

I mean not in a thousand years would Nintendo give immense quantities of gore and gratuitous amounts of dumping on the Catholic Church a pass for THEIR show, but if they're going to keep writing out the Fanfiction.net fantasies of a thirteen year old boy but with better writing skill (as opposed to the Fanfiction.net fantasies of a thirteen year old girl with no change in writing skill whatsoever but an immense budget, which is Once Upon A Time on ABC), quiet stoic Link seems like the most likely scenario.

Either that or Link does snark but he still avoids beating a cheesy line to death, because if there's one thing you can say about Trevor Belmont in that show it's that he keeps it fresh by multiple definitions of the word.
I highly doubt the LoZ show would be as edgy. For one, the guy who's taking interest in it, Adi Shankar is only a producer. Not to say that producers don't have some creative influence. But they aren't the core creative force. Like Castlevania isn't the Grey for instance. Secondly those dark themes fit with the lore the games already have established. People forget that the Belmonts were exiled and feared. So I never really imagined them as goody two shoes.

Also, I wouldn't be interested in a LoZ show anyway, but I'll wait and see what happens.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Castlevania's second season is pretty cool so far, just watch the first half of it so far. I wish more game series got at least decent animated adaptations.

Though Zelda's not one I'm particularly interested in. Maybe Mortal Kombat or Metroid getting the more mature stuff that CV got in it's fight scenes and dialogue.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
From watching the first season of Castlevania a while back, if LoZ's adaption took it's cues from it then I can't see it being like that.

Not because the show doesn't have snark, because oh boy it does, but because it was edgy as hell.

I mean not in a thousand years would Nintendo give immense quantities of gore and gratuitous amounts of dumping on the Catholic Church a pass for THEIR show, but if they're going to keep writing out the Fanfiction.net fantasies of a thirteen year old boy but with better writing skill (as opposed to the Fanfiction.net fantasies of a thirteen year old girl with no change in writing skill whatsoever but an immense budget, which is Once Upon A Time on ABC), quiet stoic Link seems like the most likely scenario.

Either that or Link does snark but he still avoids beating a cheesy line to death, because if there's one thing you can say about Trevor Belmont in that show it's that he keeps it fresh by multiple definitions of the word.
Eh, I don't actually mind the "dumping"
The dumping of the Church is clearly directed towards the corrupt and prejudiced men that lead that medieval version of it. Plus, it's a fictional Catholic Church on top of that, one where apparently priests are expected to carry weapons and act as an armed force.
I appreciate that later on when they rely on holy power, Trevor makes the distinction that he needs a "real" priest to help him, not the murdery type.

And really, when you're making a gothic show about demon-hunting and vampire slaying in an infested medieval world, you can either try and fail to hide the tragedy or just present it as is. I prefer the latter.

Deleted member

Eh, I don't actually mind the "dumping"
The dumping of the Church is clearly directed towards the corrupt and prejudiced men that lead that medieval version of it. Plus, it's a fictional Catholic Church on top of that, one where apparently priests are expected to carry weapons and act as an armed force.
I appreciate that later on when they rely on holy power, Trevor makes the distinction that he needs a "real" priest to help him, not the murdery type.

And really, when you're making a gothic show about demon-hunting and vampire slaying in an infested medieval world, you can either try and fail to hide the tragedy or just present it as is. I prefer the latter.
I see the relationship between the church and Dracula to be very similar to that of Frankenstein's monster and the town's people. (Though I mean, again, the Belmonts are seen as such freaks.)

And yes, since it's just about at the end of the medieval ages, that'd make the church the authority to similar to how the modern government is portrayed in alien invasion movies. It's there to support the narrative and plot, not just to **** on authority. Not that I mind that at all.

That's why I believe the LoZ won't be nearly as dark as CV, because it wouldn't fill much of a purpose.
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