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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
The tropical depression thing finally has pretty much passed by.

Currently assessing the damage:
View attachment 169638
Oh heeey thats the picture of when Virginia had an earthquake pff
Daaamn...arraso con todo lo que pudo!

(Now seriously speaking, I hope there wasn't any casualties. I have deal with hurricanes before and holy crap...scary ****. )
Mexico is probably fine.

Florida on the other hand is not. The storm that hit them and me had so killer ****ing winds. I dont have as much damage as Florida considering they legit had the eyewall
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Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
I've been playing Ocarina of Time and I'm about to enter Dudongo's cavern to get the gems/stones the Gorons need. Excited for it too.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Netflix has cancelled Iron Fist...what the hell Netflix guys
I haven't seen the second season yet, but the first episode gave me a bad impression of the series. Three identical flashbacks to the same event in one episode was bad enough, but then I heard that the flashbacks keep coming and they don't stop coming until halfway through the season. Combine that with poor fight choreography, questionable writing, and (from what I understand) an ambiguous council of ninjas as the villain (as opposed to well-written individual villains like Kilgrave and Kingpin), and it didn't exactly prompt me to continue.

From what I've heard, the second season was supposed to be an improvement over that, but almost ANYTHING would be an improvement over that.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Soooo, story time:

Me and my sister decided to eat a pizza in the restaurant who is like at two step from our house.

On the way, we talked about Goblin Slayer, I asked her if she heard about it, and to my surprise, she did. Curious, I asked what she thought of it, she said it was good in her opinion....that is, the light novel and the manga were good, she didn't know a anime adaption existed until I asked. Since I didn't watch the first episode too and the show had my curiosity since yesterday, we decided to watch the first episode together once we be back home.

A good pizza eated later, we came back home and watched the first episode as promised. We already know some stuff about the plot and whatnot, so we weren't 100% surprised by some of the more "shocking" stuff, not to mention we already saw some pretty gruesome show in the past, so when the "spoopy" things happened, we weren't as shocked as peoples not used to seinen were. Still, we were ready to give the show a chance on our own.

One viewage of Dark Goblin later, we were....mixed, on one hand, the show design looked good enough from what it was trying, the sound design was really great and the music was nice....but the clunky animation and weird pacing at time made us feel like there were something wrong, especially to my sister who readed the manga before some time ago.

So after watching the first episode, we decided to look the first two chapter of the manga to see if the anime was being loyal to it's source material (well, mostly for me, my sis' just wanted to be sure she wasn't remembering details wrong) or if the anime had sacrificed alot of element from the manga that caused the wonky moment we saw. To put in context, I thought the first episode was...alright, yeah, it got pretty shocking stuff in it, but again, I saw worst and the "surprise" was kinda ruined in advance for me. I was still expecting to be really gory from what I heard and all, but in the end, the weak pacing and animation made some of the more "shocking" moment not as, well, shocking to me. (Tho, again, the sound design was really good, probably the highlight of the episode)

Brief, we watched/rewatched the first two chapter of the manga and....
b goku.gif


....We thought it was way, WAYYYYY better than the anime, and I ended up liking it way more that I expected.

Like, the manga pacing, framing, and general attention to detail smade the tone of loads of scenes wayyy better at conveying the tone and message of the story than the anime adaption did. Seriously, the anime adaption make some scenes that should have a slow build-up goes too fast to be taken seriously, while making scenes that should go fast goes too slow to be intense, which caused a weird dissonance with the tone of some scenes and what the character were actually doing. (not to mention that animation being really stiff at moment, no better exemple being random CGI Gobling Slayers who really look stiff and clunky, making him hard to take him seriously in moment where he should be.)

Really, I had a OK opinion of the first episode at first, but once I looked the manga, I just couldn't believe how many important details they removed or changed. Which make me understand the backslash the anime got way more than before. (that and Crunchyroll ****ing up like idiot, seriously, did anyone watched the show before putting it in the "13" rating?)

All to say that, what I came to conclusion is:

I'm actually interested in the story and it's characters, I'm going to read more chapters later on, but I probably avoid the anime, since outside of VA and the sound design, I feel like the "con" it have far outweight the "pro" it have, and just make it more "edgy" than it seem. (not to say the manga doesn't have edge, oh no, it's really edgy too, but more in a way I can dig)

Some of you may probably think I'm crazy or somethin', but the manga is really where the good **** is, for now atleast, my opinion might change, but now, Goblin Slayer is definitly winning me over.

Brief, I probably have trash taste for defending or just liking this show in any way, but at the very least, I got a nice pizza out of all this, so, I am OK with my current fate.

TL : DR: local man with his sister goes into trash can and find good pizza, would recommend local trash can for good ****.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
This is really wholesome.

The Sonic fight wasn't right though, not enough flashy anime attacks to complement the statements. :V

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Soooo, story time:

Me and my sister decided to eat a pizza in the restaurant who is like at two step from our house.

On the way, we talked about Goblin Slayer, I asked her if she heard about it, and to my surprise, she did. Curious, I asked what she thought of it, she said it was good in her opinion....that is, the light novel and the manga were good, she didn't know a anime adaption existed until I asked. Since I didn't watch the first episode too and the show had my curiosity since yesterday, we decided to watch the first episode together once we be back home.

A good pizza eated later, we came back home and watched the first episode as promised. We already know some stuff about the plot and whatnot, so we weren't 100% surprised by some of the more "shocking" stuff, not to mention we already some pretty gruesome show in the past, so when the "spoopy" things happened, we weren't as shocked as peoples not used to seinen were. Still, we were ready to give the show a chance on our own.

One viewage of Dark Goblin later, we were....mixed, on one hand, the show design looked good enough from what it was trying, the sound design was really great and the music was nice....but the clunky animation and weird pacing at time made us feel like there were something wrong, especially to my sister who readed the manga before some time ago.

So after watching the first episode, we decided to look the first two chapter of the manga to see if the anime was being loyal to it's source material (well, mostly for me, my sis' just wanted to be sure she wasn't remembering details wrong) or if the anime had sacrificed alot of element from the manga that caused the wonky moment we saw. To put in context, I thought the first episode was...alright, yeah, it got pretty shocking stuff in it, but again, I saw worst and the "surprise" was kinda ruined in advance for me. I was still expecting to be really gory from what I heard and all, but in the end, the weak pacing and animation made some of the more "shocking" moment not as, well, shocking to me. (Tho, again, the sound design was really good, probably the highlight of the episode)

Brief, we watched/rewatched the first two chapter of the manga and....
View attachment 169675

....We thought it was way, WAYYYYY better than the anime, and I ended up liking it way more that I expected.

Like, the manga pacing, framing, and general attention to detail smade the tone of loads of scenes wayyy better at conveying the tone and message of the story than the anime adaption did. Seriously, the anime adaption make some scenes that should have a slow build-up goes too fast to be taken seriously, while making scenes that should go fast goes too slow to be intense, which caused a weird dissonance with the tone of some scenes and what the character were actually doing. (not to mention that animation being really stiff at moment, no better exemple being random CGI Gobling Slayers who really look stiff and clunky, making him hard to take him seriously in moment where he should be.)

Really, I had a OK opinion of the first episode at first, but once I looked the manga, I just couldn't believe how many important details they removed or changed. Which make me understand the backslash the anime got way more than before. (that and Crunchyroll ****ing up like idiot, seriously, did anyone watched the show before putting it in the "13" rating?)

All to say that, what I came to conclusion is:

I'm actually interested in the story and it's characters, I'm going to read more chapters later on, but I probably avoid the anime, since outside of VA and the sound design, I feel like the "con" it have far outweight the "pro" it have, and just make it more "edgy" than it seem. (not to say the manga doesn't have edge, oh no, it's really edgy too, but more in a way I can dig)

Some of you may probably think I'm crazy or somethin', but the manga is really where the good **** is, for now atleast, my opinion might change, but now, Goblin Slayer is definitly winning me over.

Brief, I probably have trash taste for defending or just liking this show in any way, but at the very least, I got a nice pizza out of all this, so, I am OK with my current fate.

TL : DR: local man with his sister goes into trash can and find good pizza, would recommend local trash can for good ****.
yeah, I heard the manga was so much better then the animr from a ton of people


Banned via Warnings
Aug 11, 2018
Soooo, story time:

Me and my sister decided to eat a pizza in the restaurant who is like at two step from our house.

On the way, we talked about Goblin Slayer, I asked her if she heard about it, and to my surprise, she did. Curious, I asked what she thought of it, she said it was good in her opinion....that is, the light novel and the manga were good, she didn't know a anime adaption existed until I asked. Since I didn't watch the first episode too and the show had my curiosity since yesterday, we decided to watch the first episode together once we be back home.

A good pizza eated later, we came back home and watched the first episode as promised. We already know some stuff about the plot and whatnot, so we weren't 100% surprised by some of the more "shocking" stuff, not to mention we already some pretty gruesome show in the past, so when the "spoopy" things happened, we weren't as shocked as peoples not used to seinen were. Still, we were ready to give the show a chance on our own.

One viewage of Dark Goblin later, we were....mixed, on one hand, the show design looked good enough from what it was trying, the sound design was really great and the music was nice....but the clunky animation and weird pacing at time made us feel like there were something wrong, especially to my sister who readed the manga before some time ago.

So after watching the first episode, we decided to look the first two chapter of the manga to see if the anime was being loyal to it's source material (well, mostly for me, my sis' just wanted to be sure she wasn't remembering details wrong) or if the anime had sacrificed alot of element from the manga that caused the wonky moment we saw. To put in context, I thought the first episode was...alright, yeah, it got pretty shocking stuff in it, but again, I saw worst and the "surprise" was kinda ruined in advance for me. I was still expecting to be really gory from what I heard and all, but in the end, the weak pacing and animation made some of the more "shocking" moment not as, well, shocking to me. (Tho, again, the sound design was really good, probably the highlight of the episode)

Brief, we watched/rewatched the first two chapter of the manga and....
View attachment 169675

....We thought it was way, WAYYYYY better than the anime, and I ended up liking it way more that I expected.

Like, the manga pacing, framing, and general attention to detail smade the tone of loads of scenes wayyy better at conveying the tone and message of the story than the anime adaption did. Seriously, the anime adaption make some scenes that should have a slow build-up goes too fast to be taken seriously, while making scenes that should go fast goes too slow to be intense, which caused a weird dissonance with the tone of some scenes and what the character were actually doing. (not to mention that animation being really stiff at moment, no better exemple being random CGI Gobling Slayers who really look stiff and clunky, making him hard to take him seriously in moment where he should be.)

Really, I had a OK opinion of the first episode at first, but once I looked the manga, I just couldn't believe how many important details they removed or changed. Which make me understand the backslash the anime got way more than before. (that and Crunchyroll ****ing up like idiot, seriously, did anyone watched the show before putting it in the "13" rating?)

All to say that, what I came to conclusion is:

I'm actually interested in the story and it's characters, I'm going to read more chapters later on, but I probably avoid the anime, since outside of VA and the sound design, I feel like the "con" it have far outweight the "pro" it have, and just make it more "edgy" than it seem. (not to say the manga doesn't have edge, oh no, it's really edgy too, but more in a way I can dig)

Some of you may probably think I'm crazy or somethin', but the manga is really where the good **** is, for now atleast, my opinion might change, but now, Goblin Slayer is definitly winning me over.

Brief, I probably have trash taste for defending or just liking this show in any way, but at the very least, I got a nice pizza out of all this, so, I am OK with my current fate.

TL : DR: local man with his sister goes into trash can and find good pizza, would recommend local trash can for good ****.
i personally cant handle stuff that contains anything that resembles **** in it but im glad you enjoyed it. different strokes for different folks. you shouldnt feel bad for liking the show tbh even if its revolting
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
i personally cant handle stuff that contains anything that resembles **** in it but im glad you enjoyed it. different strokes for different folks. you shouldnt feel bad for liking the show tbh even if its revolting
'glad we can agree on this.

It's definitly not for everyone, but on top of crunchyroll going YOLO and marketing a anime like this to teenager, the anime in itself really miss the point on the smaller, but more important details that the manga nail to a T. So if you or anyone really didn't like the concept of the show as a whole based off the first episode alone, based off everything I noted while watching/reading both the anime and the manga next to each other with my big sis', I could get why, and I wouldn't blame you for it.

That being said.

The Gobling Slayer (the character) is definitly winning me over, I loved his design, but I'm also really digging his personality and way to deal with Goblin, not to mention the little, but small moment of him caring about others in the manga. (Which again, the anime miss for the most part)
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Goddammit. A repair guy came by yesterday to check our internet modem but he showed up, called a wrong number and left a note saying he couldn't contact us despite my mother being INSIDE THE HOUSE IN THE LIVING ROOM waiting for the doorbell and we've got a bill that can't get revoked. I think it's time we search for a different provider


Will Thwack You At 0%
Mar 20, 2015
Yeah, I read up on the manga and now I'm all caught up, or so I think. There might be more chapters in the light novel, but those aren't my cup of tea.

It's nice seeing Goblin Slayer getting some development. He's starting to crack jokes and is actually considering doing something other than only hunting goblins.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
I’m only just finding out Etika reacted to the Goblin ****s
He did? Livestream or just posting his thoughts on Twitter?
I think I can somewhat imagine his reaction right now lol.
So. I've heard that The World Ends With You sold terribly in Japan, and apparently it's lukewarm over here too, mainly with how bad the controls are.

And apparently Nomura said this is the only chance to bring the series back.

...RIP The World Ends With You then.
So are you talking about the Switch port or the original?
Not really.... probably just wait for the fixing patch to come....

Or buy the DS version if you can.
Chrono Cross. Or F-Zero GX.
Me it's hands down Xenogears and Xenoblade... the first one.
I was waiting for a PS3 game dump to finish and I decided to see what was on my YouTube feed.

"Goblin Slayer Episode 1 Dark Moments"

"Well, I saw people discussing this, and the guy in armour looks cool, let's see what all the fuss is about."

"Adventure show huh? Maybe I might watch this."

"Oh they're gonna fight some goblins. That's where the title is from I guess."

"Oh...no they aren't..."

And then this was me at the end of the ordeal.

View attachment 169613

I'm with the people who are outraged on this one.
Ok... but I'm not outraged by anymeans rather than just gonna wait and see how the show goes that's all. If that's how the anime is gonna be I'll just drop it rather than complain on something that's disturbing but it has been in many H or mature animes (This is me knowing zero about Goblin Slayer though). If the story is decent on the other hand I'll see if it's what I can tolerate.

And official broadcast platform like Crunchyroll didn't put any age label or any warnings...

And ok... Made in Abyss is gonna get an official English dub. Oh yeah... minor spoilers in this video:
Narrator is meh...
Ozen's English VA is good.
Riko might need to get used to.
Reg is just what I expected
Same with Nanachi
So Narehate is officially translated as Hollow I see?


Will Thwack You At 0%
Mar 20, 2015
Truth be told, I actually don't watch anime anymore. I just read the manga so I'm more up-to-date on things. That all started during the fight with All Might and All For One in My Hero Academia. I couldn't wait a week to see what happens next, so I just went to the manga and read up from there. So many things have happened since the anime's current episode and the manga's current chapter. Plus, it's much more faster to read than it is to watch. The first Goblin Slayer anime episode only got up to the end of the first chapter, if I remember correctly.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Oh, a friend of mine had this to say about Goblin Slayer recently on another site
"I can understand that. The pictures are pretty disturbing.

My problem with Goblin Slayer are exactly those images in question, not because I think it shouldn't be done at all, but because it doesn't fit and comes across as cheap shock value.

Goblin Slayer turns into a rather light-hearted DND story with many comedy elements, so it upsets me that gore and explicit sexual violence are used when the overall narrative makes no important use of it.

Goblin Slayer as a character is interesting and well handled as a scarred individual, but the world and characters around him are so generic and dumb that it all seems like a parody more than anything else, and in that case I think drawing heavy stuff like this is not okay.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Soooo, story time:

Me and my sister decided to eat a pizza in the restaurant who is like at two step from our house.

On the way, we talked about Goblin Slayer, I asked her if she heard about it, and to my surprise, she did. Curious, I asked what she thought of it, she said it was good in her opinion....that is, the light novel and the manga were good, she didn't know a anime adaption existed until I asked. Since I didn't watch the first episode too and the show had my curiosity since yesterday, we decided to watch the first episode together once we be back home.

A good pizza eated later, we came back home and watched the first episode as promised. We already know some stuff about the plot and whatnot, so we weren't 100% surprised by some of the more "shocking" stuff, not to mention we already some pretty gruesome show in the past, so when the "spoopy" things happened, we weren't as shocked as peoples not used to seinen were. Still, we were ready to give the show a chance on our own.

One viewage of Dark Goblin later, we were....mixed, on one hand, the show design looked good enough from what it was trying, the sound design was really great and the music was nice....but the clunky animation and weird pacing at time made us feel like there were something wrong, especially to my sister who readed the manga before some time ago.

So after watching the first episode, we decided to look the first two chapter of the manga to see if the anime was being loyal to it's source material (well, mostly for me, my sis' just wanted to be sure she wasn't remembering details wrong) or if the anime had sacrificed alot of element from the manga that caused the wonky moment we saw. To put in context, I thought the first episode was...alright, yeah, it got pretty shocking stuff in it, but again, I saw worst and the "surprise" was kinda ruined in advance for me. I was still expecting to be really gory from what I heard and all, but in the end, the weak pacing and animation made some of the more "shocking" moment not as, well, shocking to me. (Tho, again, the sound design was really good, probably the highlight of the episode)

Brief, we watched/rewatched the first two chapter of the manga and....
View attachment 169675

....We thought it was way, WAYYYYY better than the anime, and I ended up liking it way more that I expected.

Like, the manga pacing, framing, and general attention to detail smade the tone of loads of scenes wayyy better at conveying the tone and message of the story than the anime adaption did. Seriously, the anime adaption make some scenes that should have a slow build-up goes too fast to be taken seriously, while making scenes that should go fast goes too slow to be intense, which caused a weird dissonance with the tone of some scenes and what the character were actually doing. (not to mention that animation being really stiff at moment, no better exemple being random CGI Gobling Slayers who really look stiff and clunky, making him hard to take him seriously in moment where he should be.)

Really, I had a OK opinion of the first episode at first, but once I looked the manga, I just couldn't believe how many important details they removed or changed. Which make me understand the backslash the anime got way more than before. (that and Crunchyroll ****ing up like idiot, seriously, did anyone watched the show before putting it in the "13" rating?)

All to say that, what I came to conclusion is:

I'm actually interested in the story and it's characters, I'm going to read more chapters later on, but I probably avoid the anime, since outside of VA and the sound design, I feel like the "con" it have far outweight the "pro" it have, and just make it more "edgy" than it seem. (not to say the manga doesn't have edge, oh no, it's really edgy too, but more in a way I can dig)

Some of you may probably think I'm crazy or somethin', but the manga is really where the good **** is, for now atleast, my opinion might change, but now, Goblin Slayer is definitly winning me over.

Brief, I probably have trash taste for defending or just liking this show in any way, but at the very least, I got a nice pizza out of all this, so, I am OK with my current fate.

TL : DR: local man with his sister goes into trash can and find good pizza, would recommend local trash can for good ****.
I see... now this is what I called a good review on the anime and manga lol. I might watch the show first and then some of the manga... but before this gotta finish MHA S3 and Hanebado.
Truth be told, I actually don't watch anime anymore. I just read the manga so I'm more up-to-date on things. That all started during the fight with All Might and All For One in My Hero Academia. I couldn't wait a week to see what happens next, so I just went to the manga and read up from there. So many things have happened since the anime's current episode and the manga's current chapter. Plus, it's much more faster to read than it is to watch. The first Goblin Slayer anime episode only got up to the end of the first chapter, if I remember correctly.
I still need to finish what I like before watching new anime... I'm not that urge to watch Goblin Slayer, or even have the urge to watch any new anime show actually...
Oh, a friend of mine had this to say about Goblin Slayer recently on another site
"I can understand that. The pictures are pretty disturbing.

My problem with Goblin Slayer are exactly those images in question, not because I think it shouldn't be done at all, but because it doesn't fit and comes across as cheap shock value.

Goblin Slayer turns into a rather light-hearted DND story with many comedy elements, so it upsets me that gore and explicit sexual violence are used when the overall narrative makes no important use of it.

Goblin Slayer as a character is interesting and well handled as a scarred individual, but the world and characters around him are so generic and dumb that it all seems like a parody more than anything else, and in that case I think drawing heavy stuff like this is not okay.
Your opinion is overall really legit and I even might agree with it (Have yet to watch it just to say this foremost)... the anime is basically just another Isekai/fantasy style anime similar with Isekai Shoukudo and Overlord. The last statement though, this is not okay to you (And most of us who doesn't like disturbing content) to say the least. I personally have no problem to those who can tolerate or even okay with it though.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
And nothing of value was lost
We lost the chance in getting a Heroes for Hire spin-off show
I haven't seen the second season yet, but the first episode gave me a bad impression of the series. Three identical flashbacks to the same event in one episode was bad enough, but then I heard that the flashbacks keep coming and they don't stop coming until halfway through the season. Combine that with poor fight choreography, questionable writing, and (from what I understand) an ambiguous council of ninjas as the villain (as opposed to well-written individual villains like Kilgrave and Kingpin), and it didn't exactly prompt me to continue.

From what I've heard, the second season was supposed to be an improvement over that, but almost ANYTHING would be an improvement over that.
Season 2 was a massive step in the right direction (especially the fights, which were done by the Black Panther choreographer). Even the main (and only main) villain was well done. Rand still had some problems, but was made up for with his fights and relationships...among another thing
He did? Livestream or just posting his thoughts on Twitter?
I think I can somewhat imagine his reaction right now lol.
He did it during his stream
A shorter version of his 40+ minute reaction

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
We lost the chance in getting a Heroes for Hire spin-off show

Season 2 was a massive step in the right direction (especially the fights, which were done by the Black Panther choreographer). Even the main (and only main) villain was well done. Rand still had some problems, but was made up for with his fights and relationships...among another thing

He did it during his stream
A shorter version of his 40+ minute reaction
Heroes for Hire or not, that first season was abysmal. Only way the MCU could **** up harder than that is fire a director because neonazis hate said dire-wait. Errrr, if they do a Kamala Khan movie and make her a white girl

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I'm at Bowser's Kingdom in Mario Odyssey.

So far I think my favorite kingdoms were Lake Kingdom, Metro Kingdom and Steamed Gardens.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
My thing about Goblin Slayer's first episode is that people keep trying to defend it as being "necessary to set the tone of the show", but from what I have heard, the manga it's based off isn't that dark of a tone the whole way through. In addition, the way in which the scene is handled is through completely unnecessary fanservice pandering. It's there for no other reason than so some freakos can jerk off to it. And if that's the case, just make an obscure hentai if you must, at least that won't gain traction and have a wider audience and get backed by Crunchyroll. So by the sounds of it, the scene is tonally inconsistent. That's certainly what I took out of it even just seeing the one scene before it.

Spoilering the rest of it because I need to go into a bit more detail.

I actually don't have an inherent problem with R scenes (gonna assume people know what I mean) in a show. In certain, more mature narratives, mostly western drama shows, R scenes can and have been used to set up an effective narrative and commentary on the subject. They are used to create conflicts and inner turmoils that the victim lives with and either overcomes or succumbs to (the former providing cathartic hope, the latter used in darker narratives to really hit home the long term damage this horrific act can do to someone). They also don't objectify the victim through the camera work, and instead focus on the pained face of the victim to convey the pain they are in and make the scene uncomfortable. Or they cut away from the actual scene of the R and just use sound to convey the pain or something. They are usually rather brief scenes too, no longer than they need to be. And of course, they have a warning at the beginning of the episode. They are also pretty much contained within shows that are strictly advertised to an 18+ audience. In these instances, it's not used as a fetish. It's used as a theme and as a conflict, just like death or abuse and any other sensitive subject.

Goblin Slayer doesn't do anything like that. It's a one and done scene. The girls are objectified through the camerawork with prolonged camera shots of their assets, with their expressions not being used as a sole focus, but more to complement the rest of their bodies - it's making them as submissive as possible, because there are weirdos who are into that. And since the girls in question are killed by the end of it (one of them even has their dead/dying body played with and that's explicitly shown), it's not gonna be used as an actual theme and conflict in the story, the girls are dead so they can't work through any after-trauma. And I have my doubts that the remaining characters think about the scene going forward.

The scene is purely a fetish scene, nothing more than that. Anyone who tries to suggest otherwise or that it's essential to setting the tone of the show is kidding themselves. The reactions from many perverted otaku to the scene, even on YouTube, only reinforces that, many of them wish it was an outright torture hentai show. Which honestly, it may as well have been. Again, at least the wider anime community and public wouldn't have to be exposed to it.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Alright so.

After half-a-night-ish of tinkering and faffing about, I became competent enough in RPG Maker MV to half-finish a ****ty mostly shot-for-shot remake of the Tantegel Castle Throne Room.

Scripted the King's introductory speech, all the chests, the door, a fancy slow-fade intro, and **** all else.

If I hadn't just seriously examined this for the first time today I'd be disappointed with myself. As it is, we take those.

Mostly wondering, at this point, how far I'll get into this before I either begin the slow descent into parody, work on my own whatever, or abandon the whole endeavor.

Place your bets.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
We lost the chance in getting a Heroes for Hire spin-off show

Season 2 was a massive step in the right direction (especially the fights, which were done by the Black Panther choreographer). Even the main (and only main) villain was well done. Rand still had some problems, but was made up for with his fights and relationships...among another thing

He did it during his stream
A shorter version of his 40+ minute reaction
I recommend you to put it in spoiler tag since ya know... it's Goblin Slayer... the first episode... I haven't really watch this yet just checking it out by seeing paused time stamps.
Yeah, this reaction was also what I expected... and actually this scene wasn't like "that" disturbing as I used to expect... but hm... still a bit too generic for me to watch... but still that Knight-Doom guy-like guy is really something.

Ya know, this Goblin Slayer Episode one **** scene fiasco... sort of reminds me of that "Headless Mami" that happened in 2011... which was also a light hearted magical girl anime that has a dark story...

Deleted member

Oh, a friend of mine had this to say about Goblin Slayer recently on another site
"I can understand that. The pictures are pretty disturbing.

My problem with Goblin Slayer are exactly those images in question, not because I think it shouldn't be done at all, but because it doesn't fit and comes across as cheap shock value.

Goblin Slayer turns into a rather light-hearted DND story with many comedy elements, so it upsets me that gore and explicit sexual violence are used when the overall narrative makes no important use of it.

Goblin Slayer as a character is interesting and well handled as a scarred individual, but the world and characters around him are so generic and dumb that it all seems like a parody more than anything else, and in that case I think drawing heavy stuff like this is not okay.
Wait so it does turn into a more comedy DND story like I thought? Maybe I could at least give the manga a try if that's the case.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
My thing about Goblin Slayer's first episode is that people keep trying to defend it as being "necessary to set the tone of the show", but from what I have heard, the manga it's based off isn't that dark of a tone the whole way through. In addition, the way in which the scene is handled is through completely unnecessary fanservice pandering. It's there for no other reason than so some freakos can jerk off to it. And if that's the case, just make an obscure hentai if you must, at least that won't gain traction and have a wider audience and get backed by Crunchyroll. So by the sounds of it, the scene is tonally inconsistent. That's certainly what I took out of it even just seeing the one scene before it.

Spoilering the rest of it because I need to go into a bit more detail.

I actually don't have an inherent problem with R scenes (gonna assume people know what I mean) in a show. In certain, more mature narratives, mostly western drama shows, R scenes can and have been used to set up an effective narrative and commentary on the subject. They are used to create conflicts and inner turmoils that the victim lives with and either overcomes or succumbs to (the former providing cathartic hope, the latter used in darker narratives to really hit home the long term damage this horrific act can do to someone). They also don't objectify the victim through the camera work, and instead focus on the pained face of the victim to convey the pain they are in and make the scene uncomfortable. Or they cut away from the actual scene of the R and just use sound to convey the pain or something. They are usually rather brief scenes too, no longer than they need to be. And of course, they have a warning at the beginning of the episode. They are also pretty much contained within shows that are strictly advertised to an 18+ audience. In these instances, it's not used as a fetish. It's used as a theme and as a conflict, just like death or abuse and any other sensitive subject.

Goblin Slayer doesn't do anything like that. It's a one and done scene. The girls are objectified through the camerawork with prolonged camera shots of their assets, with their expressions not being used as a sole focus, but more to complement the rest of their bodies - it's making them as submissive as possible, because there are weirdos who are into that. And since the girls in question are killed by the end of it (one of them even has their dead/dying body played with and that's explicitly shown), it's not gonna be used as an actual theme and conflict in the story, the girls are dead so they can't work through any after-trauma. And I have my doubts that the remaining characters think about the scene going forward.

The scene is purely a fetish scene, nothing more than that. Anyone who tries to suggest otherwise or that it's essential to setting the tone of the show is kidding themselves. The reactions from many perverted otaku to the scene, even on YouTube, only reinforces that, many of them wish it was an outright torture hentai show. Which honestly, it may as well have been. Again, at least the wider anime community and public wouldn't have to be exposed to it.
Not defending that scene by any means despite it wasn't as that disturbing as I expected, I still found the scene pretty awkward and just with "What the frick" reaction... not to mention I don't see any reason"defending" that scene... or even outraging on that scene.... since people are just gonna complain and the anime will continue to broadcast for 10+ episodes. And I still gonna finish my own anime watch list before giving Goblin Slayer a look.

As your more in depth analysis on this disturbing on why the result turned out like this does make a lot of sense. But even if its just a fetish scene this all comes down to your own personal opinion on the first episode which it was pretty much a dumpster fire. Hopefully episodes forward will tone this down even more but besides of checking out the manga, we'll have to wait and see.

Animes do get age ratings as well, at least in my country it does, hell some anime like Attack on Titan, Re:Zero etc... even have some kill/gory scenes being cut. Also how funny you mentioned Crunchyroll since this means that Crunchroll either doesn't care about it... or they didn't even check if the anime has disturbing content or not before promoting it.

And while yeah perverted otakus unfortunately do exists and they enjoy it, not sure why and how their reactions bothers you... me I just don't give a frick.

I still standby with my opinion is even though this scene does made a lot unaware of this anime disturbing not gonna lie, I just don't really care if the first episode is good or bad or trash... if you think Goblin Slayer episode one was utter fanservice and **** show-off, you are free to drop the series, if not, continue forth and enjoy.
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Deleted member

Excuse me everyone, may I direct your attention to this glorious potential reaction image I found today while playing AA3:
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