Did a bit more tweaking around for my layout for FE Heroes summoning videos.
I'm liking this a lot more than last night's effort myself, thanks to the feedback here.
I might change the left area but it depends on if I can animate sprites to walk into the hall as I summon them.
I'm not 100% sure what to put into the bottom right area but it's not a big worry. If I can't think of anything substantial, then I might put the Twitter handle for my YouTube account or something like my favourite units messing around or something.
Also, I got FE Heroes working in an emulator on my PC, and that screenshot is taken from it. So that's exactly the quality I can provide now.
This means I probably won't need to get a tablet anymore for recording this game at least, so that can go on the back burner. FE Heroes is the main mobile game I want to be able to cover though, since it will go well with my playthrough series of the FE games. The actual F2P FE Heroes playthrough likely won't come until later, but I can keep up with the latest news and make other kinds of FE Heroes content using my main account.