Not really a watcher of TV nowadays. That being said, Gravity Falls was really great. Easily one of the best shows I watched for a long time.
In Gacha news:
-I got Yukata Xander on Fire Emblem Heroes. And with really good IVs too, +HP/-SPD, with -SPD being his best negative although it's a Superbane and HP adding to his overall tankiness. Also one step away from Xander Emblem(missing Spring Xander).
-And in Grand Order, decided to use a couple tickets on my phone to see if I could get one more Knights of Marine since I only need one more for Limit Break and did one more 10x roll on my pad account in an attempt for Summer Mordred for that account. I now have Summer Marie, Summer Martha and Summer Mordred on both accounts.
-And despite my Summer Artoria being only Level 70(*glaring at Knight Medals*

), she is absolutely amazing. Like, my gosh, I know the account I have her on is the one with my Tamamo with Level 10 Fox Wedding, but it says alot when I was able to use Summer Artoria's NP 4 times in a row. And thanks to her on that account and Orion on my other account, Spriggans are also much much easier to deal with now.