before morning came around
we discovered how to properly cut stone, so we now can start turning the lumps of rock around into materials for additional use, made a crafting station and after coricus finishes up her little project she'll be cutting our stone to be used for walkways and other bits
in the morning we fully recovered from the one man raid, while our new prisoner is still trying to heal, not piccky on hiim as he tried to kill us so we'll let him come back slowly and get rid of him fast as possible, uni goes over to have talks every now and then to build up social experience and thats it, nothing changed from our schedule at all
and shishoe broke, a particuarly bad one at that, couldn't stand the enviroment and all the other problems so he ate all of our food
i repeat, shishoe ate all of our food, so for a whole day
we had no food what so ever so a lot of us starved for a day, thanks shishoe
besides that the next day our rice fields were ready to harvest to so we all ate raw rice badly, but at least we suffered no ill effects and our food problem is now solved, so just continued onward with the current projects at hand
...that came out of nowhere
so...ya pawns can have relationships with eachother based on a completely random chance on an rng table thats influenced by the value of how much they get along with eachother, this isn't the only asking out as everal of the pawns already asked eachother out but kept getting rebuffed, uni had a +12 while natz had a +39 towards eachother, and unis pawn on random asked out natz we now have a couple :V gotta build a double bed cause couples get antsy if they don't sleep together
anyway shortly after that a buncha elephants and giant birds kept harassing our rice fields, if we let them go on their own they'll eat our plants (like lily rabbit does and i can't stop that)
so we harassed them with gun fire every time they came close, they aren't eating our food
anyway at the end of the day we finally put in the last pieces of our structure on up so a lot of people sstarted wandering and doing odd jobs now, as the construction projects are over
coricus also finished her art projects so gonna share them now
so basically, a swallow wearing a hat and swinging a sledgehammer with a historian man on top of it riding it with a philospher in the background
an flying explorer with a knife with an panther oppressing him
an artwork representing that meteorite that fell down a little bit from our base (with some random kangaroo)
and two scenes of praline hunting down animals in weird abstract ways
so thats intereting to go through lol, though i do really love the meteroite scuplture a lot as thats very fitting for the event that happened on, and its also materwork meaning is basically a masterpiece as well, so i think i'll put it on display somewhere in the base so we can all admire it
and with that the day is basically come to a close, base is set up so now we just gotta fancy the place on out and move on from here, will make a trip soon to sell a buncha artwork that coricus made and the damn prisoner who stabbed lilys heart, so we'll see what happens in the morning