**** YA WE GOT ALCOHOL! i'm not one to condome drug use in real life (hell my family are teelototers) but this will help a crap ton in game as alchohol makes all the annoyances that continue to break the pawns down lessen and give a mood boost, as long as we can brew beer we'll run risk of a lot less mental breakdowns
anyway the next few days were actually boring on the production side of things, really just putting down flooring and move thousands and thousands of rice while putting in the next fields, along with trying to fight several major breakdowns just waiting to happen
though we did have a crap ton of events happen throughout
such as this legendary creature, basically we can poach it to get a ton of money off its fur and its horn, buuuuuuuuuuut, its sucker bait these things will kill pretty much any colony as they have a crap ton of hit points and can make a person explode in one shot, usually the best ways to kill this thing is with nukes or makeing it kill itself, so of course we didn't even touch it, but its nice to gaze at and more or less became our neighbor
uni gained the ability to garuntee recruit the next person i send him no matter what, 100% chance, pretty freakin awesome but we don't want herbie, and i don't know if we'll get to use it in the 8 day window...oh well still neat
aaaaaaand we got a heat wave....****, we can only stand 30 degrees celcius, yet its going to hit the high 40s everwhere, everyones gonna get heatstroke and we just gotta pray it doesn't last long enough to kill us all....hopefully
and i launched my regularly standard fire spree, didn't do any damgage but it ruined everyones relaxing time as i try to burn down our food and incomplete fields, jackass me
and to top it off our prisoner went berserk and tried to break out and smash reds face in
ya we didn't let him
praline beat him down with an LMG and cooled his jets, she took a lot of bruises in the fight but all minor wounds that shinys healing couldn't take care of
so ya little productive days but with a crap ton of events happening all at once more or less
though bad news is the heat wave, its getting hot and we don't have a way to combat it, all of us have some bad heatstroke going on 2 days into the heatwave and i don't know when its gonna stop, if it goes on a lot longer we could be running risk of all of us dying or loosing body parts to heat stroke, hopefully it won't happen....but it can turn dire soon