Well, uh, Palutena's is in full view again, so....
So... even as a Palutena half main myself, I don't really care too much lol.
That's great, but as someone who owns a Wii U (of course, a minority), I don't see that much value in the current system beyond what they are offering exclusively for it, like Mario Odyssey. I got my Wii U weeks after Smash Bros. launched and I found that to be the perfect time to get one because its library was shaping up. If I had gotten one at launch, my thoughts would've been very different.
We got our Wii U WAY more late, it was around August of 2015... yeah...
And the game we got were Smash Bros, Splatoon, and MK8 (In bundle game)
But I still think Switch is a worth of purchase because it is a way better console than Wii U in many ways, even if you neglect it's portability. Switch's UI is snappy, games load faster, has the games I want (Duh), and last but not least...
no region lock, this is the deal breaker for me.
It's like how Adam Koralik (a YouTuber) and Rich from ReviewTechUSA both think the Wii is a pile of **** due to its Wii Remote and overall positioning on the market. Well, that's me with the Switch, kind of, except I don't see it as an overly bad system. It's just average.
I can say for Rich is that he considers Wii a gimmicky console... which it was...
But then I can't see how you can compare Switch... with the Wii... Switch's feature is just more useful and practical than Wii imo. The fact you can play on the go and play at home is a great idea.
When the Eurogamer leak surfaced I was intrigued by the concept at first, but then I noticed the Joy-Con (unnamed at the time) weren't that special. Even if it came out years later after iPad and other tablets, the Wii U GamePad was a bit more promising I feel, despite not many developers (Nintendo included) utilizing it to the fullest.
Again, you do aware that's an unpopular opinion, which okay, but I can tell you Joy Cons are more impressive than Wii U gamepad. The battery life is longer, the HD rumbles are no joke, and the fact that you can take them off and turn it to a controller, that's impressive for me.
Wii U Gamepad on the other hand felt more like a toy, it felt clunky, the screen was... meh... it only have 3 hours of battery life (Which sucks for a controller btw) and I just don't like the glossy plastic feel...
That's the majority, and of course I understand they will please the majority of people rather than a small minority that isn't interested in a particular property. Businesses work like that. I always expected this year's E3 to be a Smashfest and jokingly thought they'd overfocus on it, and that's what they did. They did say they'd focus on Smash Bros. beforehand and I understood. I just thought they'd show a bit more than Smash Bros., you know?
Yeah, to some degree my initial reaction was indeed "Wow, Smash Bros Ultimate is awesome but... that's it?"
Anyone who expect them to show Pikmin 4, Animal Crossing, Retro Studio's game etc... of course they will be disappointed, I personally want Animal Crossing on Nintendo Switch, but that's definitely not a fair reason to judge Nintendo's E3 bad.
Personally, I was never that interested in having Smash Bros. on the system. I always thought "hey, wouldn't it be cool if it actually skipped the Switch?" for contrarianism's sake, 4chan-style, and to get other interesting software instead. But that was just me. I didn't mean it in an evilish manner but I wanted something different myself.
Ok, I get that you mean no harm or cynical but... why???
Smash Bros is just perfect for Switch... that's another reason why Smash Bros was being craved for ever since the NX era and once we know it is going to be a hybrid console.
Also Switch can have Smash Bros and other titles, it is not one way or the other, it is just a matter of which game is coming first. They push most titles to 2019 and beyond and the two biggest title for Switch is Pokemon Let's GO Pikahcu & Eevee and Smash Bros Ultimate, looking in a neutral standpoint. This isn't a bad thing at all, even if you say "Wow, that's it?"
I mean hey, at least you are not like this douche bag Youtuber here:
- Josh misinformed Projared and Missclicked Gaming's statements... like a lot
- Projared thinks that you should never use your high expectation to judge an E3 presenatation, and MCG just said she doesn't like how people keeps spreading the negativity.
- Pikmin 4, Animal Crossing, MP4, still aren't ready, so that's why they weren't shown. Nintendo officially stated this so, take it what ever you well
- Yes, Nintendo is not our friend, they want our money, so this point is actually contradicting since what we get this year are Wii U ports, many third parties, Pokemon and Smash Bros, which are huge sellers.
- E3 was never Christmas or birthdays, it is more like Olympic Games where back in they day it was a popular and big sporting event but nowadays its popularity is dropping. That's why Nintendo doesn't focus too much on E3 anymore.
- Josh is a jacka**, sorry... his opinions on Nintendo recently are really just so objective and doesn't even make any sense...
Don't forget third party games, like Crash Banditcoot, Paladins, Fortnite. Dragon Ball FighterZ, Understale, Wolfenstein II, Valkyria Chronicles 4, The World Ends With You etc...
Anyone who complains about Switch lacking third party games, now you have them...
And sorry, a bit of rant, one I did on Youtube comments:
E3 2017:
"People excited for MP4, and forget about Yoshi"
E3 2018:
"People now ask where's Yoshi"