Their ranks had little in common for the most part. Some were friends, others bitter enemies, and most of them didn't know each other from prior to their selection at all. Most were pure of heart overall, but others were rotten down to the core. But they weren't chosen because of any common thread or cause to champion. Some could withstand any odds presented to them no matter how adverse, others weren't known to suffer adversity at all. Indeed, it seemed often that there was no rhyme or reason to their ilk at all.
But in each of them for good or ill burned a fire of determination hotter then most could dream of, and with that came their initial selection. Ascension. Much the same as they were before in good health, but when faced with critical danger now destined to transform into a solid object borne in their image, able to be revived by the touch of willful life. That was not all, of course. The change had warped their personalities in some ways, turning some more bloodlusted and a rare few more docile. It used to be more negative in influence than it is now, as a matter of fact, but after a threat to them all had gained extensive time from their bickering the discord imbued was dulled and the concord enhanced.
But above all, each one of their ilk held a song in their hearts, known before they even knew what they had become. The older ones knew many songs, but each generation had their own, one that was uniquely "theirs." To sing this song was to identify yourself to the others, to hear it was to know another was nearby. And on this day, one by one, a new song was heard by chosen old and new.