Colored version of the sprites.
Maaan wtf was going on with Bayleef lol.
So based on that...
- Noctowl looks rather different. Would've been interesting if it was a 3 family line
- No idea what is next to Ampharos. Baby form of Vulpix?
- So Quilfish could've gotten an evolution
- Quagmire, no Wooper. Wow that's surprising
- Idk what is between Xatu and Marill and Marill and Crobat
- What the flying **** is between Skarmory and Sunflora? Another Ditto clone?
- Interesting a dark kitty. Could be an early stage of Lieppard?
- Politoed looks interesting. I think I'd take that form over how it looks currently
- Ledian looks different
- Ponyta having a pre-evo?
- Slowking is just uh....yeah
- Wonder what the red dog is for....another Fire type?
- So is Bellsprout supposed to have 2 family lines like they did with Gloom evolving to Vilepume and Sunflora? Because I really like that design and they should've made that happen
- Wtf is that a fire seal Pokemon between Miltank and Delibird?
- A Thunder mouse duo? Interesting that would've made a good rival for Pikachu

- Steelix and Kingdra being later in this is quite surprising. Guess they were supposed to be rarer than most
- Legendary Trio had a different design. Happy they kept their current forms
- The lack of Lugia, Tyranitar family, etc is surprising
- So was Leafeon planned earlier than expected?