the white witch
Very well; I’ll tell you all what happened a few days ago and what that all means. I’m taggingpraline and
The Stoopid Unikorn due to them being the most curious and I’m tagging @Coricus because well... I think she’s going to really appreciate and maybe even love this.
So basically... me and Cori have been talking to each other for a few months now in a private conversation, mainly because I wanted to connect with and get to know her more, especially in light of my return to Smashboards at the beginning of March. A few days ago, she had expressed her frustrations with toxic people who basically made fun of what she liked and by extension what she’s loved almost all her life, with that being the Sonic franchise. I honestly couldn’t stand for this because she didn’t deserve to be targeted like that at all. So, I created a private conversation between us to allow us to connect more and also allow her to express her love of Sonic in a safe place, which I think has made her quite happy. However, that’s just from a few days ago...
The truth of the matter is that well... I’ve had a crush on Cori for a while now. This will surprise a lot of people, I’ll admit, but it’s the honest and genuine truth. She’s honestly a very sweet and friendly person, and I’ve been so happy to be able to talk with her these last few months as I feel she’s even happier because of that. And well... as we’ve bonded over the last couple of months, it’s been wonderful: we got to understand and know each other more and I generally got to understand what her life was like. From that, we just bonded and bonded more as time went on. Recently, however, she mentioned to me that she tends to not feel confident at times or that she doesn’t have as much experience in certain areas, which I honestly can relate to heavily. So you guys want to know what I did? I told her how wonderful, awesome, funny, silly, and smart she was, and I told her to be confident in these qualities as these are what make her what she is. I also told her to use the stuff she’s already experienced in and continue to emphasize on them while also considering new experiences for the future, as I believe she has a lot of potential as a writer, but could also learn new things to help her writing.
So at the end of the day... that’s what’s been going on, honestly. Cori really does mean a lot to me overall on here, and well... i’ll never forget the things she’s done for me. >w<
*runs out of the room with red on his face*

Oh my god this is adorable!