Let's screw things up then :V
Legend of Zelda: Young Link
Zelda II: Impa
A Link to the Past: Wizzrobe
Link's Awakening: Marin
Ocarina of Time: Sheik, Ruto, Darunia, Volvagia
Majora's Mask: Tingle, Skull Kid
Oracle games: Link
Four Swords: Ganon
Wind Waker: Medli
Four Swords Adventures: Dark Link (lemme count this one, dammit!)
Minish Cap: King Datlus :V
Twilight Princess: Midna, Twili Midna, Agitha, Zant
Phantom Hourglass: Tetra
Spirit Tracks: Toon Zelda
Skyward Sword: Fi, Ghirahim
A Link Between Worlds: Ravio, Yuga
Hyrule Warriors: Cia, Lana, Linkle
Tri Force Heroes: Toon Link
Breath of the Wild: Zelda
See? Each game gets at least one character