That isn't even it for me.
FEW has smoother combat mechanics but that's literally the only thing it does better than HW. HW just has a more interesting main mode (Adventure Mode as opposed to History Mode), more mission variety, better map design, more moveset variety, it's more challenging, it has actual boss variety, and it has a much better story (not saying HW has a particularly amazing story but it at least tried to do something fun, interesting, and different within the Zelda mythos. FEW didn't even try, it's one of the most run-of-the-mill and generic crossover stories ever). It also had the exploration elements of Zelda with Items and Skulltulas and Heart Pieces and the like.
Also, while FEW has smoother combat mechanics, I almost think they are too smooth. My main issue would be how easy it is to get a Stun Gauge to appear. All you have to do is use the Y-Y-Y-X combo. With every character. There is also an upgrade that makes it so that you only have to do the Y-Y-Y-Y combo, allowing you to follow up with the next X attack to immediately break the gauge. And don't get me started on how OP Awakening Mode is and how easy it is to maintain. The game already has a bad case of clone characters, but even when you play as characters with different movesets, you don't have to change your strategy because the same button combo gets the stun gauge to appear with every character (unless the weapon triangle is there but that's so easy to get around).
In HW, you actually had to learn the weaknesses of each captain individually to get a stun gauge to appear. This could mean waiting for them to perform a certain attack and leaving themselves open, using your individual character's opener, or using the correct Item attack (lock Bombs will get the stun gauge to appear when a Lizalfos breathes fire on the ground). There was actual strategy involved.
In general, I find myself getting perfect S-Ranks with ease on almost every single mission on my first try in FEW (there have been literally two missions where I failed to). Whereas even in HW:L where the difficulty curve was made more forgiving than OG HW, I still felt I needed to put in a decent effort to get perfect A-Ranks on missions.
FEW is fun enough but it ultimately encourages the stigma of Warriors games being nothing but a thoughtless hack-and-slash, whereas HW was actively changing that perception.