After a tonne of dawdling and sidequests and stuff, decided to finish climbing the World tree...
Defeated Jin again, he was as annoying as usual...Defeated Amalthus's
hentai squid form, Torna folks died, Jin died...everyone dies I guess, except the heroes...of course...
Onto Chapter 10!
wait....where have I seen that Space Station before?
wait...Professor Klauss? Where have I-
Frikkin Zanza? Meyneth? or whoever, the Professor people who blew up the universe at the end of the first game? WTF IS GOING ON!?!!
Weird sequence of events that ****s with Rex's head...Mythra being nice and...
Klauss is the Architect?...that's almost like Shulk being the Architect...except not...except he's old AF now...
Well, now I'm at that I push ahead and beat the game? or do I **** around for another 40 hours or so grinding for Rare blades and knocking out sidequests? Well I figure it out later I'm too tired now...