I know the lipstick and the mole don't do her well, but compared to her other set of Legendaries, the Huntress skins are so much better. Plus the Huntress gun is cool. That being said, Widowmaker and Hanzo are in desperate need for new skins. Genji and Sombra too. Genji may have recently gotten his awesome Oni skin, but still, those 4 are in need for some new skins in general.
Besides those 4, the other characters who haven't gotten an Event Legendary are McCree, Pharah, Soldier 76, Bastion, Ana and Symmetra. But at least those characters also got some pretty good epics.
I'm sorry.

I was trying to remember everyone who did and in my desperateness to warn people could not remember as good as I wanted to.

I'm sorry.
The 13th was supposed to be the last day, but much like Christmas, it went on a day later. Like I said, I think it was probably to allow people to have one last chance at getting the Arcade Lootboxes considering the boxes respawn on the days the events were supposed to end. And considering this happened with Christmas as well, that's just my thoughts on why the events lasted a day longer than the intended date.