New discussion topic:
Baby giraffes could possibly lead to the zombie apocalypse. How and why?
Discuss amongst yourselves.
Baby giraffes are tired of being the lowest class in the universe just before teachers so they are slowly concocting a plan to use that one zombie virus that your cat can get (I think it was on game theory or something) and turn our cats against us and slowly our dogs, all pets, all pet fanatics and then all people in that order.
It will go in a way similar to this:
1. The giraffes will infect all cat toys in their place of production with a virus that reanimates cats but makes them turn into the walking bags of flesh we know and love called zombies. Like in China or whatever. To be clear, the "zirus" makes the cat be infected with a parasite that takes control of a host being the cat's dead body and makes them decompose quicker in turn, not an actual res-erec- darn auto correct resurrection of a cat.
2. This makes anything that comes in immediate contact with this first batch of cats infected. But that's not the plan. The plan is actually to raise media panic about pet toys in general so that the toy companies will get desperate and tray to advertise differently. Think giraffe as they say. But the baby giraffes with their naive minds don't know what they created.
3. The first set of zombies have now infected any owners, caretakers, other animals and the like. This is the beginning.
As the first generation turns into the second, the virus mutates slighty to become so that the parasite kills the infected quicker.
4. The CDC and any other disease organizations now see this as a very large potential threat to the general health of society and turn to the now socially omnipresent adolescent giraffes, about finding a cure. But like dust in the wind they disappear quickly all ---------------- of them.
5. The virus infects more and more organisms and is now mutating faster and faster. Without a cure or any hint whatsoever the CDC do a rapid and desperate search for anything at all that can lead to a cure.
6. Everyone's ****ing dead.
And that''s why we shouldn't save the giraffes.