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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Frogger won. Although it's mostly because he's the most viable and notable character from his own series. Doesn't help that most villains are one-shots and Lumpy constantly gets rebooted depending on the game.

Next is that one cuter, yet weirder cousin of Gradius known for remixing public domain tracks and straight up crazy worlds. Parodious does have characters, big shock, that can be projectile focused given their origins as shooting characters. Your choices are Hikaru (a bunny girl flying on a missile), Michael (an angle pig), Prince Upa (baby with psychic powers), and Takosuke (the main octopus character shooting giant ladies since 1988).

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Try not to get too confused when looking up gameplay of this infamous series.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I don't know about others but whenever I say 'I wouldn't use it anyways' I'm quite literally speaking for myself...as I mentioned previously I do understand the importance it has for others...but I'm trying to look at the bigger picture as well...

I always try to understand why certain decisions are made regarding how a company does things, especially for Nintendo...

With regards to the voice chat, first off all its a feature I have very little experience with in general so regardless my feedback serves very little value for how it can be improved upon especially since I'm likely not going to be using the feature much to begin with, second while I agree that it could've been handled much better I still want to wait and see how it actually works before jumping to conclusions...

Though I do agree it is very unhealthy to just blindly agree with everything just because of bias...
I wasn't calling anyone out specifically and I know you didn't mean anything beyond what you said in your post.

It's just a vibe that often floats around here and sometimes gets a bit much. It's been on Twitter too, so I felt like saying something.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I really like Celica's map theme on Act 4, With Mila's Divine Protection is still catchier but this one is just more fitting. Same goes for the overworld map theme from Act 4.

Trying to grind Sonya so she can at least promote, I know now she isn't getting Entrap much less Rewarp but I'm really liking her character and I wanna use her. Gave her the Magic Ring for 4 RANGE EXCALIBUR.
Do you get any other Magic Rings in the main story though?

>Witches start spawning on Alm's side
Oh boy, I guess it's just better to finish one side first to stop the reinforcements there and have the other fight every map against 2 armies. Otherwise you'll just keep fighting on random skirmishes.

Does the Silver Sword have any good skills or should I just turn my last one into a Brave Sword?

Only other Mage Ring is Alm's route. I used it on Delthea. ***** DESTROYS everything with it


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I gotta say. SSF2 has made me love Sandbag and now I support his inclusion for Smash 5/Smash Switch or whatever.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Beat the Rise of the Deliverance DLC maps last night.

Really nice to see these maps had mission objectives that you didn't find in the game. Gameplay wise, my favorites have to be the the 2nd and 4th ones. The 2nd one has you talk to the ally soldiers and then escaping, and your only units were Lukas, Python, and Forsyth. The 4th map is a defend map, and it has you defending the castle for 9 turns using all of the Deliverance units from the previous DLC maps before.

Story-wise, I would definitely recommend buying all of them. They do a great job fleshing out all of the Deliverance characters more. The 1st Deliverance map shows more interactions between Clive and Fernand, giving us a better sense of how Fernand was like before his family was killed. His younger sister and brother was apparently 4 and 5 respectively at the time, and we see more of his friendly side. Though still very prideful, we do see him being more friendly to Clive. After the map finished, Fernand even questioned Clive if he would still be able to keep his promise to the traders as the two headed back to the castle, rather than ask him the question when the traders were still present. We also see Fernand loosen up in the two memory prisms you can unlock where he talks to Clair and Mathilda respectively. Both establish the close relationship he had with Clive.

Fernand doesn't have any contempt for the peasants shown at any point in this DLC chapter; the only time we see him being very resentful toward someone was to Slayde in the first map, and it's perfectly justified.

The second map gives more characterization from Python and Forsyth and shows their interactions with Lukas. Their interactions imply Python and Forsyth have just recently joined the Deliverance.

The game also reiterates Forsyth is a sensitive guy.

^How can you not to relate to that?

The third DLC map features Clair and Mathilda going into some underground shrine because Clair wants to find an Ancient Ring that grants total immunity to magic. Post-map dialogue reveals Clair wanted to deliver the ring as a gift to her brother. Finding the ring, however, triggers Terrors to appear, and it turns into an Escape map. Fun map it was. Clair is completely immune to all Magic attacks, while Mathilda wrecks foes apart like it's nothing. Their dialogue together was pretty good too. We get more bits and pieces that show Clair is very attached to her brother, to the point she will even get angry if someone else says they know Clive well better than she does. Mathilda's dialogue was pretty good too.

The final map brings all of the Deliverance units together for a Defend map. This DLC chapter reveals how the Deliverance were forced out of the castle and into their new hideout. You'd think with a huge flux of Rigelian soldiers, they would all be dead, right? Nope. Turns out it was Lukas who saved them, and man what a badass he is. He threatens Slayde and his group of Rigelian troops to let the Deliverance leave the castle safely or else the Rigelian civilians that were trying to leave Zofia will all be executed. Lukas shows what a star he was during it. When they all escaped, Fernand is furious that he wasn't informed about the plan (this DLC chapter also took place after Fernand's family was killed, so he how his personality changed), but Lukas it was for the best that very few to know about the plan.

And Python has some more funny dialogue during this chapter:

You can also unlock support conversations between Mathilda & Clair, Clive & Forsyth, Clive & Python, Lukas & Forsyth, and Lukas & Python, but I didn't get any of them for some reason. Guess I'll have to look them up online and see how they develop.

Overall, buy the Rise of the Deliverance maps. They do a great job fleshing out each of the Deliverance characters, especially Lukas. I have a feeling Lukas will become an even bigger fan-favorite after everyone plays those maps.

It may take sometime tbh, I don't remember seeing the Fates poll before the Western release and that was an 8-month difference
Could me misremembering it though.
The Fates poll definitely came out several months before the US release. The same with the results, The Famitsu poll, and the Nintendo Dream poll.
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I think people need to understand that when myself and others complain about or criticise Nintendo's decisions or practices (and in my case, any other companies), it is not necessarily because it is to our personal dissatisfaction (and when it is just that I state so, like my opinions on ARMS...yet people still try to convince me to buy it or get riled up, lol).

Personally speaking, the headset and the online fees aren't a big deal and don't effect me either. I never really use the headsets on other systems and while I think the online service could be a bit better for the cost, it's not completely ridiculous or anything and I'm mostly fine with it. I just need one or two more online games that I know I'll play for the Switch and need to know how their infrastructure is, and then I would be fine with paying the fee even if it's not the most spectacular subscription service.

But you can't sit there and look at how voice chat works on the Switch and think "yes, this is completely fine, normal, and acceptable". "I'd never use it anyway" is not a defense for it. If anything, not having plans to use voice chat regardless gives you LESS reason to defend how Nintendo is handling it because it's not benefiting you regardless of how it is. When Nintendo makes a decision that is obviously only going to negatively effect those who want to use said feature, there is no reason to defend it. Even if you don't plan to use it, you should be willing to at least be critical and understanding of why it's an issue, rather than trying to pull some mental gymnastics to defend Nintendo (and as I've said before, defending or feeling bad for a company is a ludicrous position to take in and of itself). If anything, if you are so attached to company and "want to see them do well", you should be more willing to speak up when they mess up so they improve which is just better for everybody.


As for the online service fees, there really isn't a huge controversy to be had there. Some people will be fine with it (those who only play Nintendo games and intend to play lots of Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart and what not going forward), some people will be less satisfied with it (people who don't have as many online games they are interested in but still have that one game they might want to play every so often and would like better perks in the subscription to justify it). This one really just depends on your life situation. Don't just assume everyone who's dissatisfied with the online service is hating on Nintendo. They're just making they're voice heard so Nintendo can eventually add to it (and I think they will anyway, but you wouldn't rest on your own laurels, so don't rest on a corporation's either :V).
The voice chat thing IS a poorly thought out decision, and I can admit that regardless of whether or not I'm going to use it.

It's just also been complained about for months nonstop.

There's no point for me to fuss because even aside from it being irrelevant to me it's been done so often it's BORING. Everyone else will keep ripping into them for the same five things over and over again, I'd rather find something new to complain about. Of course, since I'm rather easygoing and willing to pat Nintendo on the back for steps in the right direction it's a bit rarer for me to find something to complain about, but I do know the value of criticism to the company. Having a variety of criticism would be more serviceable though, because having the same five topics for everyone to dwell on is stale.

There's also a matter of criticism from people often getting a little too ruffled for what it's for. What was that movie reference again? "You're not wrong, you're just an *******?" Two people can bring up the same topic and get two different reactions from readers because one is level headed and the other is completely incensed. It's not always about the criticism, often it's just a response to the vitriol it was dipped in. Making your voice heard and fuming are two different things, even if there's often overlap.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Meanwhile, Leo is now stated as male in Tekken 7.

I guess not Harada can't make up his mind what gender he wants the character to be.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Do you get any other Magic Rings in the main story though?

Does the Silver Sword have any good skills or should I just turn my last one into a Brave Sword?
You get another Mage Ring on Alm's party at some point (I think Nuibaba's Abode); I gave mine to Delthea.

The Silver Sword learns Duelist Sword, which gives a bunch of extra crit and avoid (though not as much extra crit as the Brave Sword), and Roundhouse, which is basically Luna from the older games in that it ignores half the enemy's defence when attacking (and also gives +20 hit/crit/avoid boosts). Both weapons are decent, but I just use the Brave Sword mainly for its higher crit boost. If you're going to give it to someone who isn't going to be all about high crit rates, the Silver Sword might be the better pick.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Meanwhile, Leo is now stated as male in Tekken 7.

I guess not Harada can't make up his mind what gender he wants the character to be.

She clearly has breasts in some of the customisable outfits in TTT2 and was even included in that" Girls of Tekken" artwork where all of the female characters swapped outfits. Can't find it but IIRC Leo swapped with Lili (and I only remember this because Lili is my Tekken bae).

This is just silly.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Meanwhile, Leo is now stated as male in Tekken 7.

I guess not Harada can't make up his mind what gender he wants the character to be.
I'll have you know that Harada is a known troll.

So he could be doing that just to **** with our minds when he himself said the character was female previously.

Watch this lead people to calling Leo an attack helicopter.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I wasn't calling anyone out specifically and I know you didn't mean anything beyond what you said in your post.

It's just a vibe that often floats around here and sometimes gets a bit much. It's been on Twitter too, so I felt like saying something.
I know...just also keep in mind that just because someone is defending the decisions a company makes also doesn't mean that they lack an understanding of the situation...which I feel is something that happens quite often as well...

I have been accused of being a blind fanboy before even though I can be just as critical of some decisions made by Nintendo...biggest examples being the AM2R situation and Corrin's addition into Smash...


Sep 12, 2014
Meanwhile, Leo is now stated as male in Tekken 7.

I guess not Harada can't make up his mind what gender he wants the character to be.

She clearly has breasts in some of the customisable outfits in TTT2 and was even included in that" Girls of Tekken" artwork where all of the female characters swapped outfits. Can't find it but IIRC Leo swapped with Lili (and I only remember this because Lili is my Tekken bae).

This is just silly.
Nothing's really changed.

Leo's never been referred to as 'she' in-universe or even on the official websites for TTT2 and T7.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
>finds a treasure goblin
>friend goes, "that ain't a rainbow goblin"
>finds a rainbow goblin on the next floor

Off to Whimsydale.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Nothing's really changed.

Leo's never been referred to as 'she' in-universe or even on the official websites for TTT2 and T7.
That was because they kept it ambiguous until they revealed it in-game in TTT2 and with official art that was named "Girls of Tekken" that featured Leo.

Leo has both a feminine and masculine swimsuit option in TTT2 but the feminine one depicts her with clearly real breasts making it indisputable. She just binds them up for the masculine version, like with her normal outfits.



Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
That was because they kept it ambiguous until they revealed it in-game in TTT2 and with official art that was named "Girls of Tekken" that featured Leo.

Leo has both a feminine and masculine swimsuit option in TTT2 but the feminine one depicts her with clearly real breasts making it indisputable. She just binds them up for the masculine version, like with her normal outfits.

Hey look.

Its Shulk's sister. :4shulk:


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Hey look.

Its Shulk's sister. :4shulk:
Her default outfit reminds me a lot of Shulk honestly.

With the outfit customisation in Tekken, you could probably actually make her look just like him.

Might try it when I get Tekken 7 or when I go back to T6 or TTT2.

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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I watched all of the Support conversations you can unlock through the Rise of the Deliverance DLC.

My favorite has to be the Lukas and Python one. Seriously, check it out:

We learn some more insight about Lukas's past, and Python gives some pretty good wisdom. Python also has a lot of hilarious moments during it.

The Lukas and Forsyth one was pretty good too:

This support reveals the two have contrasting backstories: Forsyth wanted to become a knight but his father wanted him to become a scholar, while Lukas was the opposite in relation to his father. We see more of Lukas' strict side, and we see Forsyth learn something out of his conversations with him.

Here are the other DLC support conversations, and they are pretty good too:

Here's Clair and Matilda's supports:

No doubt they will be perfect sisters-in-law!

Here's Clive and Forsyth's supports:

Forsyth proves to be quite the relatable character in this support.

And last but certainly not least, Clive and Python's supports:

It was really great hearing Python and Clive talk about common folk and nobility together, and yet again, Python gives some sound words.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I watched all of the Support conversations you can unlock through the Rise of the Deliverance DLC.

My favorite has to be the Lukas and Python one. Seriously, check it out:

We learn some more insight about Lukas's past, and Python gives some pretty good wisdom. Python also has a lot of hilarious moments during it.

The Lukas and Forsyth one was pretty good too:

This support reveals the two have contrasting backstories: Forsyth wanted to become a knight but his father wanted him to become a scholar, while Lukas was the opposite in relation to his father. We see more of Lukas' strict side, and we see Forsyth learn something out of his conversations with him.

Here are the other DLC support conversations, and they are pretty good too:

Here's Clair and Matilda's supports:

No doubt they will be perfect sisters-in-law!

Here's Clive and Forsyth's supports:

Forsyth proves to be quite the relatable character in this support.

And last but certainly not least, Clive and Python's supports:

It was really great hearing Python and Clive talk about common folk and nobility together, and yet again, Python gives some sound words.
>That thumbnail in the Clair and Mathilda one

Even Mathilda knows what's up.

Also this DLC has more Clair, guess I should buy it. Still considering Season Pass though.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Ok, I need to find where this came from... was that a little child?
It's a Tawianese animation, I have the link on my laptop, but Im stuck in mobile atm :substitute:
The little dude is Kyrie "I legit believe the Earth is flat" Irving.

Deleted member

On Fear Mountain right now, Alm Act 4 spoilers
I really like how Clive stood up for Alm and said "being a good King has nothing to do with the origin of one's birth", makes me appreciate his character more as at the beginning he thought of promoting commoners into higher ranks as only an "incetive for them to fight". Still, I wish other cjaracters would get more story screentime, like Clair or Mathilda. Hell, the Gray and Tobin scenes keep decreasing as the story progresses.

At least Lukas gets some screentime and it's scary how he looks so caring but is actually a cold hearted master strategist. Not that it's a bad thing but he outright says the only reason to go after Nuibaba is to get the Rigelian citizens on their side. I like that he acts this way though, most time in FE the heroes will go out of their way to solve whatever problem someone is having just because. Lukas's thinking is logical for the situation they're in and more realistic than any of Corrin's actions throughout the three routes.
That was because they kept it ambiguous until they revealed it in-game in TTT2 and with official art that was named "Girls of Tekken" that featured Leo.

Leo has both a feminine and masculine swimsuit option in TTT2 but the feminine one depicts her with clearly real breasts making it indisputable. She just binds them up for the masculine version, like with her normal outfits.

Leo's sex wasn't the thing being questioned, but his/her gender

With the way they keep it ambiguous and the "we[Namco] want a character players will love regardless of gender." quote it makes it seem more like it's up for players to decide on their own.


Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Professor Pumpkaboo Professor Pumpkaboo how do you do quests in disgaea 5?
When you look at the quest at the quest area, press L or R to go to the end page. The 2nd page gives what you need to do to clear them.
You accept the gueat and to complete them you go to review quests and select the quest you completed and press Conclude quest
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
On Fear Mountain right now, Alm Act 4 spoilers
I really like how Clive stood up for Alm and said "being a good King has nothing to do with the origin of one's birth", makes me appreciate his character more as at the beginning he thought of promoting commoners into higher ranks as only an "incetive for them to fight". Still, I wish other cjaracters would get more story screentime, like Clair or Mathilda. Hell, the Gray and Tobin scenes keep decreasing as the story progresses.

At least Lukas gets some screentime and it's scary how he looks so caring but is actually a cold hearted master strategist. Not that it's a bad thing but he outright says the only reason to go after Nuibaba is to get the Rigelian citizens on their side. I like that he acts this way though, most time in FE the heroes will go out of their way to solve whatever problem someone is having just because. Lukas's thinking is logical for the situation they're in and more realistic than any of Corrin's actions throughout the three routes.

Leo's sex wasn't the thing being questioned, but his/her gender

With the way they keep it ambiguous and the "we[Namco] want a character players will love regardless of gender." quote it makes it seem more like it's up for players to decide on their own.

In Tekken 6, it was definitely the sex that was up in the air. Her body was more ambiguous in that game and she was voiced by Ash Ketchum (I don't know the name of the actual voice actress, lol, but I remember reading it was the same one and they used practically the same voice). I remember them saying they left that mystery there to help people get into the character through speculation on her sex. If it was just a gender thing, her design wouldn't have been so perfectly in the middle in Tekken 6.

Then TTT2 came around and confirmed that part with her being a girl and made her appearance a bit more feminine.

As far as gender goes, that's the part people can now headcanon on but when she debuted it was definitely her sex they meant to cause speculation on as a way of drawing people into the character. Harada likes giving new Tekken characters some sort of mystery to help people gain an interest in the characters, and Leo's was regarding her sex.

Also regarding Echoes, I think Lukas is basically Alm's advisor, alongside Clive.

Also I found Mathilda very underutilised. I wanted to like her because much like Celica I liked her design a lot, but since she gets no real role in the story, her entire personality revolves around loving Clive.

Clair, Gray, and Tobin get more lines halfway through Act 4 and in Act 5. I also really like Clair's late/end game base conversation, it's one of my favourite ones in the whole game.
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