I ain't paying for online because:
A) I couldn't even if I wanted
B) It's gonna be way more expensive to me
Though if MarioXRabbids being rated here means anything, it probably means Nintendo is coming back to Brazil so maybe the online will be more accessible to me.
It may take sometime tbh, I don't remember seeing the Fates poll before the Western release and that was an 8-month difference
Could me misremembering it though.
The show has a slow pace.
A very slow pace.
As in, 4 Volumes complete and it doesn't seem like we're even halfway through.
Animation slowly gets better with the time though, and there's no more stupid arcs like a "bully problem" one from the first.
This is what you get for... for, uhm... well, I bet you guys did something bad!
When do I get it though?
>Supposedly released yesterday
>Actually only coming out on October
This is Kubo all over again
Ha, I'm pretty sure almost everyone has gone through that phase
I know I did at least. Everytime I remember how I was makes me wish I could go back in time and punch myself in the face.