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Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
The present support of Mario x Rabbids reminds me a lot of the recent Sonic OC maker thing.

The community really is growing up, isn't it?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Im pretty sure LKD also had some straight up false info

So take any of her leaks with a grain of salt, as it seems likely that some bad got mixed with the good
My issue isn't taking things with a grain of salt.

My issue is the swaths of people who would go "but that leak was proven wrong" at every turn, despite it getting some things right. I swear some people only see in black and white, completely real or completely fake.

The fact that the leak confirmed the Telltale Guardians of the Galaxy game before it was announced told me it had a shot of being real. Release dates and systems were wrong, not the games themselves.

MF Viewtiful

Son MF
Dec 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4028 6305 8614
The present support of Mario x Rabbids reminds me a lot of the recent Sonic OC maker thing.

The community really is growing up, isn't it?
This just feels like a silly little spin-off game. Nothing world ending about. Mario Odyssey is still around and loooks great. No one is being held up to gun point to buy this game, so I can't work up any fuss whatsoever.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Atrocitus(I guess he's a red lanturn but that's all I know), Black Adam, Blue Beetle, Brainiac, Cheetah, Darkseid, Doctor Fate, Firestorm, Gorilla Grodd, Swamp Thing, Grid, Vixen, Reverse Flash(I assume he's a Flash villain) and Power Girl.
I'm not familiar with all of them (Grid, Vixen, Doctor Fate, Blue Beetle, and Atrocitus), but I'll try to sum up the ones I know. (If someone's already done this, I apologize, and I might be off on some of the details given how much canon in comic books changes)

Black Adam - an ancient Egyptian (more or less; he's from a fictional country, but it's heavily inspired by ancient Egypt) who was given the power of gods, abused that power to become a tyrant, and was sealed away. He's one of the big enemies of Shazam, and he'll be played by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in DC's movies.

Brainiac - one of Superman's biggest enemies. He shrinks and bottles up cities, and then generally destroys the civilizations so that he can be the only one with their knowledge.

Cheetah - one of Wonder Woman's most noteworthy enemies, mainly due to her involvement in the Superfriends cartoon. She was given powers by a cheetah goddess.

Darkseid - basically the DC equivalent of the Devil. He's the God of Tyranny, seeks the Anti-Life Equation to bend all life to his will, and is one of the few beings in DC (that I know of) who's consistently stronger than Superman.

Firestorm - through some kind of experiment, two people (usually a professor and a student) are fused together to make Firestorm, the Nuclear Man. From what little I've read, he seems absurdly overpowered, able to change the molecular structure of almost anything (turning lead into gold, or turning air into gold)

Gorilla Grodd - one of the Flash's main villains, along with Reverse Flash and the Rogues (Captain Cold's group). Created during the sixties, where gorillas were all the rage, apparently, Grodd is a psychic gorilla from the hidden village Gorilla City, who wants to take over the world (usually by using his psychic powers or by turning humans into apes)

Swamp Thing - Alec Holland died in a swamp, and was reborn as the Swamp Thing, a plant man connected to a mystical force called the Green (basically making him connected to all plant life on the Earth). He was made famous by Alan Moore's run on the series, a name you may or may not recognize from the Killing Joke and Watchmen.

Reverse Flash - a man with similar powers to the Flash who comes back in time to mess with him (and at one point, to kill his mother, leading to the most recent universe reboot)

Power Girl - Supergirl from an alternate universe, where (at the time of its creation) characters aged in real time compared to their debuts (so Batman had married Catwoman, retired, and had a kid)


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Honestly the guy who decided that Mario should crossover with the Rabbids in a (X-Com styled?) strategy RPG title needs a raise. That's just brilliant.



W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
So the forecast looks like its cloudy with a chance of Rabbids on the Switch it seems...

I have zero experience with any Mario RPG, so I'm very indifferent to this...

Deleted member

My main issue with this is is how there seems to be minimal unit variety: you got the main four Mario characters and... Rabbids dressed as them.
4 different characters in an RPG because we all know that the Rabbids will have the same abilities as whoever they're cosplaying. Final Fantasy had more options than this and this is supposedly a crossover.
It would have neen better as MarioXRayman with Rabbids as Rayman characters, now that's something that'd interest me

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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
If a rabbid gets into smash before Rayman im burning down France
That'll only happen if they're Mii costumes and Rayman isn't playable for some reason. Okay, that's my realistic prediction if worse comes to shove.

Still, I like the Rabbids. They're fun. I like the derpiness. I just can't wait to see what Mario characters they pull out for this. I'd like to see a lot of the big guns(besides Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, who are shown off, Wario, Waluigi, Daisy, Rosalina, and maybe the usual DK characters(Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong)). Just seeing Waluigi in an rpg would be neat.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Should I fill the"Mario X Rabbids is Real" box in my E3 Bingo sheet now or should I wait until E3?
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Friendly reminder we got a Mario and Rabbids crossover RPG before a Mario and Sonic crossover RPG.

This truly is the darkest timeline.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Tfw game that would burn the internet according to my list is confirmed real...

This is truly the dankest timeline.

Jokes aside it looks fun; the random nature of the Rabbids sure will add some cool spice to the gameplay.


May or May Not Be Pac-Man
Mar 4, 2015
"Change.org petition: remove the word 'badass' from Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle"

"Change.org petition: remove Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle from existence"

I can already hear these being drafted.

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
I plan on playing PC.

And I play a decent amount of FPS.
Cool! Then we could play sometime :)
And that sounds good. Since you play a lot of FPS, Soldier 76 might be the character that feels the most "natural" when you first play it. He's also the tutorial character.

For me though, I barely played FPS until OW came along in my life, so nobody felt even close to "natural" for me haha. I use Tracer and Lucio the most.

Edit: Oh, I should also tell you that there are 4 kinds of character classes: offense (glass cannons), defense (work better at mid/long range), tank (slow but heavy hitting), and support (boosts health and damage output of team).
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Actually, this raises an interesting question.

Why did Warrior Princess Peach get rejected for Skylanders, but having her called "badass" in marketing for no reason and letting selfie taking Rabbid version of her exist was considered absolutely fine?

Because the former is way cooler and more tasteful.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
So here's a question for everyone. Sun and Moon have been out for about half a year now, so what are your thoughts on the game now that the hype has died down?

It's a mixed bag of sorts for me me, though the good outweighs the bad. I'd still place Moon in my top five Pokémon games, alongside Black, Black 2, Omega Ruby, and Platinum, though I'm not sure exactly where in that list it would go. There are some things I really love about it. The music was phenomenal, the region itself was gorgeous. I loved the aesthetic of it all. Some characters, like Lillie, Lusamine, Professor Kukui, and Guzma, were welcome additions to the Pokémon cast. Additionally, I loved what they did with some of the returning characters, with Looker, Anabel, Red, Blue, and Burnet being standouts in this regard. This batch of starters was fantastic, with Decidueye and Primarina being standouts in particular. Z-Moves are a neat addition as well, and the lack of HMs was great. The Tapus were a neat bit of lore and a nice way to incorporate he obligatory smaller "group" legends. Solgaleo and Lunala were some of the best additions to the legendary pantheon in recent years. There were also some nice Quality of Life things for competitive battling, which was nice. I also really liked their attempt at a deeper story with the Ultra Beasts and the Aether/Skull dynamic. Also Alolan Exeggutor.

It's not without its annoyances though. Worst of all are the issues that continue to exist in the series, since it shows that GameFreak didn't listen to certain criticisms. For one, GameFreak followed up the series's 20th anniversary, for which they elaborated that many players have been playing for close to two decades, with a game containing the lengthiest unskippable tutorial in the series's history. That's a huge show of tone deafness. The fact that we still don't have a simple "Have you played Pokémon before?" option at the game's startup is absurd.

Additionally, the Festival Plaza is atrocious. It needlessly complicated the process and took huge steps backwards when they got it perfectly with the PSS in XY and ORAS. The Trial Captains didn't stand out to me at all with the exceptions of Ilima and Acerola, but that's mainly due to Ilima being shown throughout the tutorial and Acerola being part of the Elite Four. Getting rid of HMs was nice, but Poké Ride kind of ruined the immersion. It would have been better if you could call on your OWN Pokémon to clear obstacles, without using move slots. Like, natural built-in abilities. I should be able to ride my own Mudsdale, dammit.

The lack of a lengthy post game really hurts it, since it again shows that GameFreak doesn't listen to complaints that haven't existed since the series's beginning, like HMs. The Ultra Beast side quest was really interesting and did a lot for Looker and especially Anabel as characters, but it could be completed in an hour at most. After that there was literally only the Battle Tree. Additionally, certain major characters like Plumeria, Faba, and Gladion fell really flat for me.

Another gripe that isn't exclusive to Sun and Moon, but I feel like mentioning. I miss when you actually had to catch your mythical Pokémon and work for them. Diancie should have been fought in Anistar City. Volcanion should have been fought at the Kalos Power Plant in XY and Mount Chimney in ORAS. Magearna was at least a step in the right direction, as it made sense for it to be at an old and eerie antique store, and the QR scan was at least SOMETHING you had to do. Having a delivery man hand you a literal god at a Pokémon Center kills immersion.

Finally...I REALLY wish the Ultra Beasts weren't able to be caught. They built them up as something totally alien and eldritch, only for them to be glorified legendaries. It also would have been a neat way to showcase how Solgaleo/Lunala/Necrozma differ from the UBs, by making them able to be caught due to their somewhat different circumstances. As of now those three are awkwardly "kind of like Ultra Beasts but not really." Non-catchable super bosses would have been awesome, and damn it all, Lusamine should have fought without her team.

But for all my issues with it, I still really liked it. That being said I definitely think those are issues that should be addressed in the future.
-Solgaleo and Lunala are a huge step up from Xerneas/Yveltal and are easily one of the best Cover Legendaries in terms of story execution. Their lore could use a bit more fleshing out, but it still works for their story and at least gives them a presence in their region.
-Same with the Tapus, who are easily the most memorable minor Legendary group in a good while and probably are among the best handled.
-Most of the main characters were very memorable.
-Went back to giving deeper story and characters, with its focus on Cosmog and Lillie being a good central point.
-Finally nixing HMs, it was a long time coming and it needed to be done.
-The animations of the new Pokémon feel really alive, while GF did a good job overall with the 3D models in XY, a lot of their animations could be pretty stiff. SM's new Pokémon have a lot of character to them that shines in their movements.
-Z-Moves, there's a lot of flexibility in how to use these as it allows for more experimentation with movesets and since every Pokémon can use it, allows for better viability for a good chunk of them.
-Story-gameplay integration for a lot of the Pokémon, things like Bagon being more common at the bottom of a cliff were very nice touches and made the world feel alive. Similarly, having the characters remark on your lead Pokémon helped make you feel like a team.
-Gameplay feels very smooth and refined, though there are some hiccups with the framerate at times.
-Pokepelago, which allows for a passive option for those who want to train up their Pokémon, but don't always have the time.

-The tutorial, I still don't get why it seems like they've gotten longer since B2W2, particularly since GF knows there's an older fanbase for these games.
-Some characters are underutilized such as Gladion, the Aether Foundation, and Plumeria as you mentioned.
-Similarly, the UBs are very underutilized in the main story despite their advertising as only Nihilego has any role in the plot.
-Festival Plaza, which managed to be a step back from both the PSS and Join Avenue.
-Lack of post-game, which unfortunately seems to be GF's new model at this point considering XY was also lacking and ORAS missed a few features itself.
-The Pokémon distribution, I can forgive Pokémon that are meant to be rare like Jangmo-o being hard to find, but a decently sized chunk are hidden behind low encounter rates, stuck in one area, or have strange criteria to finding them (looking at you Mareanie). On the other hand, almost every island has Pokémon like the Zubat and Wingull line flying around everywhere.
-The loss of certain features like Super Training and Triple/Rotation Battles, though I do understand there may be limitations that caused the latter's removal.
-Event Pokémon, I agree that it's been very disappointing that they've locked them behind the Mystery Gift feature and don't allow you to hunt for them as it removes a bit of character and presence in their world. Hell, IIRC, we don't even get a special sequence for Magearna despite those like Genesect and the Gen 6 ones getting that much.

-UBs, I love the designs so I don't mind that you can catch them, but on the other hand I do agree and can't deny there was an appeal to them when we thought they were just Superbosses to overcome (especially after playing Cyber Sleuth where the Eaters serve a similar role).
-Trials, an pretty good replacement for the Gyms, but it starts petering out by the third island and feels pretty wasted on the fourth as Mina just gives you the stone and Kommo-o's trial is nothing to write home about.
-Alolan Forms are a mixed bag since as someone who loves Biology, I like the idea of regional forms as it refers back to speciation, but I feel they didn't go far enough with the concept. Hopefully if they return to it, they'll expand on it and take more risks.

Overall though, I still love these games as I had a lot of fun playing through it my first time and I look forward to doing it again (despite the tutorial). There are still a few flaws to them, but they don't do anything to shake the great impression these games left.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
After consideration, I'm not filling the"Mario X Rabbids is Real" box in my E3 Bingo sheet (for now).

We know it's real but no solid proof it'll be shown at E3 (very likely but no confirmation yet)


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
So there is apparently a Sonic licensing event going on.

The poster has a cool new render, and on the top right, you can see what looks like an unannounced stage for Sonic Mania.



Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Sucks that Bowser is apparently absent from the game, it would be hilarious if this happens.

:4bowser:: "Time to kidnap yo-"
:4peach:: "SURPRISE *****!"



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I don't think I'm going to buy Maro + Rabbits if it turns out to be real


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
You're implying Rabbid Bowser won't be the final boss.
The final boss will be Rabbid Wario, and the way to defeat him is by setting his farts on fire.
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