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MF Viewtiful

Son MF
Dec 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4028 6305 8614
Oh sweet.

I think I'll try to play it then.

Anyone Overwatch players wanna give me a hand during that period?
Always remember it's never your fault. It's always someone on the team that made you lose. Real pro tip right there. :061:

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC

Posted publicly so i can post it
Didn't a bunch of rabid, reactionary "GAMERS" attack leakers because the game wasn't revealed at the Switch event?

Funny that in the end the leakers they claimed were frauds were actually telling the truth. But really, it's just more reason not to be a reactionary.


Sep 12, 2014
Didn't a bunch of rabid, reactionary "GAMERS" attack leakers because the game wasn't revealed at the Switch event?

Funny that in the end the leakers they claimed were frauds were actually telling the truth. But really, it's just more reason not to be a reactionary.
Laura K Dale received death threats over this, yes.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Ooh, this could be interesting. I'm more interested in the gameplay itself, though. Rabbids are great at cosplaying,. XD

Deleted member

I'm gonna laugh if the Rabbid leak turns out to be real and Aussie is credited as the leaker.
But considering how the ESRB leak went, any connections to Smashboards will be ignored.
So here's a question for everyone. Sun and Moon have been out for about half a year now, so what are your thoughts on the game now that the hype has died down?

It's a mixed bag of sorts for me me, though the good outweighs the bad. I'd still place Moon in my top five Pokémon games, alongside Black, Black 2, Omega Ruby, and Platinum, though I'm not sure exactly where in that list it would go. There are some things I really love about it. The music was phenomenal, the region itself was gorgeous. I loved the aesthetic of it all. Some characters, like Lillie, Lusamine, Professor Kukui, and Guzma, were welcome additions to the Pokémon cast. Additionally, I loved what they did with some of the returning characters, with Looker, Anabel, Red, Blue, and Burnet being standouts in this regard. This batch of starters was fantastic, with Decidueye and Primarina being standouts in particular. Z-Moves are a neat addition as well, and the lack of HMs was great. The Tapus were a neat bit of lore and a nice way to incorporate he obligatory smaller "group" legends. Solgaleo and Lunala were some of the best additions to the legendary pantheon in recent years. There were also some nice Quality of Life things for competitive battling, which was nice. I also really liked their attempt at a deeper story with the Ultra Beasts and the Aether/Skull dynamic. Also Alolan Exeggutor.

It's not without its annoyances though. Worst of all are the issues that continue to exist in the series, since it shows that GameFreak didn't listen to certain criticisms. For one, GameFreak followed up the series's 20th anniversary, for which they elaborated that many players have been playing for close to two decades, with a game containing the lengthiest unskippable tutorial in the series's history. That's a huge show of tone deafness. The fact that we still don't have a simple "Have you played Pokémon before?" option at the game's startup is absurd.

Additionally, the Festival Plaza is atrocious. It needlessly complicated the process and took huge steps backwards when they got it perfectly with the PSS in XY and ORAS. The Trial Captains didn't stand out to me at all with the exceptions of Ilima and Acerola, but that's mainly due to Ilima being shown throughout the tutorial and Acerola being part of the Elite Four. Getting rid of HMs was nice, but Poké Ride kind of ruined the immersion. It would have been better if you could call on your OWN Pokémon to clear obstacles, without using move slots. Like, natural built-in abilities. I should be able to ride my own Mudsdale, dammit.

The lack of a lengthy post game really hurts it, since it again shows that GameFreak doesn't listen to complaints that haven't existed since the series's beginning, like HMs. The Ultra Beast side quest was really interesting and did a lot for Looker and especially Anabel as characters, but it could be completed in an hour at most. After that there was literally only the Battle Tree. Additionally, certain major characters like Plumeria, Faba, and Gladion fell really flat for me.

Another gripe that isn't exclusive to Sun and Moon, but I feel like mentioning. I miss when you actually had to catch your mythical Pokémon and work for them. Diancie should have been fought in Anistar City. Volcanion should have been fought at the Kalos Power Plant in XY and Mount Chimney in ORAS. Magearna was at least a step in the right direction, as it made sense for it to be at an old and eerie antique store, and the QR scan was at least SOMETHING you had to do. Having a delivery man hand you a literal god at a Pokémon Center kills immersion.

Finally...I REALLY wish the Ultra Beasts weren't able to be caught. They built them up as something totally alien and eldritch, only for them to be glorified legendaries. It also would have been a neat way to showcase how Solgaleo/Lunala/Necrozma differ from the UBs, by making them able to be caught due to their somewhat different circumstances. As of now those three are awkwardly "kind of like Ultra Beasts but not really." Non-catchable super bosses would have been awesome, and damn it all, Lusamine should have fought without her team.

But for all my issues with it, I still really liked it. That being said I definitely think those are issues that should be addressed in the future.
Since I'm currentky replaying it now, I feel like it's a good opportunity for me to put my thoughts into it.

The Good:
-Gameplay wise, it does great, there are a lot of small anti-frustation features(telling you effective damage, showing buffs and debuffs, etc) that heavily improve the game, good Pokemon variety, the flow of battle is really smooth save for small instances and it just feels good to play it. The areas feel diverse and are fun to explore while rewarding you for doing such, and the lack of a movement grid is probably responsible for a lot of that.
PokeRide fixes the problems with HMs which isn't just wasting a moveslot but also so you don't need to waste a pary slot and that's if you even had a Pokemon that can learn it, they're also everything I expected the ridable Pokemon in XY to be(and how disappointed I was with those).
-The story is much more cinematic which does more good than bad and it's much more involved like the Gen 5 games. The characters are simply amazing and the plot is simple and minimalistic yet effective and engaging.
-Everything looks and sounds great. My favorite addition to the sounds department isn't any music but rather the Pokemon cries that you can hear while in a route.
-PokePelago facilitates MANY annoying feafures from previous games such as grinding for multpile evolutionary stones, berry planting, EV training and egg hatching.
-Z-Moves are a much better and balanced addition than Megas. While there are exclusive Z-Moves, any Pokemon can make use of the generic ones meaning there's no significant power creep between them outside of a few BP and sometimes side effects.
Getting all the Z-Crystals also feels like a small miniquest and getging them from Trials is a better reward than useless badges.
-The Battle Tree is an improvement on the Battle Maison and fighting some old characters is a great incentive for players.

The Bad
-The pacing: first island has too many story segments that completely break its pacing and that's nof even counting the whole thing before the forst Pokemon Center. Second Island has the perfect pacing imo and I have no issues with it. The whole Aether segment is just QTE of pressing A. Third island suffers from being short compared to the second but it's good at the start, its pacing goes off the rails after the Ghost Trial with the Gladion and Nanu fights just being thrown at you in a rushed way and for no reason. Fourth island is one route and one Victory Road-esque area with a terrible trial at the end.
-Some characters are way too underutilized: Gladion gets three fights with two of which feel really forced and out of place, he should have had a battle in the route to the Electric Trial or to Po Town when he was still working with Team Skull; he also needed way more appearences before the whole Aether Raid. Plumeria awkwardly shows up before the Olivia fight and leaves when she could have easily appeared in the first island(where her Salandit wouldn't have been some sort of joke) and/or together with the two grunts you find SECONDS BEFORE her; she then has one scene of kidnapping Lillie and asking you to save Guzma in the fourth island and that's it. I don't think I have to talk about Wicke, Grimsley and Colress though.
-Trials didn't reach their full potential: while they certainly differ and offer a noce change of pace, most... weren't anything special: the first two just involve wild Pokemon fights, the third is a joke with jokier fights, the fourth is a fun scavenger hunt, the fifth is just like second, the Ghost trial uses a gimmick to mask the fact it's just wild battles and the Dragon one is worse than the Water one.
Like, there weren't any puzzles or use of the open areas when they could have done much more like running after Pokemon with Tauros like the Wimpods or some sort of actual puzzle. Seriously, the Electric Trial is literally the same thing as the Electric Gym we had one gen ago.
-Oh god, how do I miss catching Legendaries, sure the Tapus are a challenge but I liked when Legendaries were hidden(just not Regi levels of hidden) in optional areas, all the games up until Gen 5 did this and then Gen 6 dropped it completely. The Tapus could have stayed in their places if they wanted but at least have a proper dungeon for each of them.
-Mythical Pokemon, oh boy, here we go again, my complaint is the same, I miss when we got items that sould unlock full new areas and events but I never got to experience that because they were all local events, but now with the internet it should be easier to distribute them. How hype would it be to explore some ancient ruins and find Magearna there? Or going to some weird dimension and finding Marshadow? They cam be as simple as the unreleased Azure Flute Arceus or a puzzle on its own like Mew in Emerald but just give us SOMETHING.
-Frame drops in doubles and the fact thatafter selecting a move the game will suddenly decide to wait for a few seconds even in singles.
-No Triple or Rotation Battles. I don't care if it run at 1 FPS at least give me the option.
-UBs being completely sidelined in the main story and the whole thing about them invading the world might as well never have happened(remember how in B2W2 certain parts of Unova got frozen for sometime? That was cool). They could easily have been some sort of Totem Bosses(that you ACTUALLY have to defeat) before or during the Ultra Space part and it would have made things much better. Oh yeah, also, give more of the Ultra Space, I wanna know how it works, if the UBs are used as slaves Pokemon in there too, etc.

Still, it's a really great game and I really enjoy it but its flaws have started to become more glaring with time to me.
It helps that his default portrait face is a Lenny Face.
Please, don't ruin him for me



Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Oh gosh, it's trending. Look at the Trending bar on Twitter.

Well, since it apparently pried open the leak floodgates, I doubt there's any harm now. :joyful:

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
haha ok. Well, my battle.net is HatNClogs#11243. Which system are you gonna try it out on? I own the PC version. If one owns the PC version, they won't be able to play with players who use the console/xbox version, and vice-versa.

If I'm able to be around during that time, just hit me up and I'll do my best!

But first, some preliminary stuff: do you play a lot of FPS games? Because if you play a lot of FPS games, then there are certain characters you'd probably enjoy more than others.

I can also give you the controls for the PC version and console version:

I plan on playing PC.

And I play a decent amount of FPS.


Sep 12, 2014
I actually forgot the game is supposed to be an RPG.

That's a bare-ass roster for one then.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Curious to know your reaction, since you were adamant that the entire LKD leak should be thrown out.



Sep 12, 2014
I heard during the LKD leaks that Nintendo's usually kinda tight and Ubisoft's usually leaky as leaky can be, so. . .
This is true, I mean Nintendo's been slipping up as of the last couple of years but... That's nothing compared to Ubisoft and how much **** gets leaked from them.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I'll be completely fine with this if they just keep Rosalina out.

I know she won't be playable, and there's literally nothing they could with her that could be good besides that.

I know she's popular but if she isn't gonna be playable, just keep her out of this one Nintendo.

Other than that I'll just wait and see how the game plays. Also it'd be cool if Rayman was unlockable.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Im pretty sure LKD also had some straight up false info

So take any of her leaks with a grain of salt, as it seems likely that some bad got mixed with the good


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Now to wait for people to act like a spinoff game is the end of the world and watch them all curse and have a fir about it exsiting

This should be fun

So tempted to use that luigiRabbit as an icon
Most people are just joking around.

And to be fair, it really is a crossover nobody asked for.

This is like if there was a film called "Mickey Mouse + Minions: Battle for Disney Castle".


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
The Peach Rabbid is taking a selfie...

The Gameplay may prove good but on class alone it's going with Hotel Mario in the NOPE part of my mind.
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