It's not even the Melee community complaining. All the top players and a few Melee guys I know are kinda fine with it and ain't upset.
It's the Stream monsters, r/kappa and /v/ ****posters who don't even play Melee and low leveled players who can't even jump out of pools.
Nobody is upset and it's just a vocal minority which no one listens to
Piece of a top voted comment in SSBM subreddit. 153 points.
My little rant: I mean, aside from outside influences, I really don't get pushing Smash 4 over Melee. Melee has shown steady or increase in viewerships, and has proven to be a giant in streaming (200K+ at EVO). Why prioritize Smash 4, whose viewerships continue to dwindle, over Melee? If it weren't for Nintendo, and what I would be assuming a push for Smash 4 to be on Switch, it'd make perfect sense to continue the trend from last year. Sorry, but watching two characters zone each other out for 5+ minutes to get a grab kill (At like 150-160%) in midst of a heavily defensive game is just not fun for me.
Look at how personal the statement is being taken from the get go. "I really don't get pushing Smash 4 over Melee." A lot of people upvoted this person, which means they are sharing a sentiment that they dislike the idea of Smash 4 getting a spot over Melee and is leading someone to "rant" as they put it.
At the end of the statement, he goes out of his way to mention his opinion of not enjoying Smash 4 for whichever reason which is kind of random, but also kinda further showing the sentiment of "I just don't like Smash 4".
Another top voted comment. 106 points
I agree. I really really ****ing hate when people claim smash 4 "deserves" the same treatment as Melee. More people tune in and follow melee. It honestly just comes down to melee is a better game to watch. Smash 4 is just to slow paced compared melee or other fighting games with hype combos. Sure an outsider maybe able to tell what is going on easier in smash 4 than they can in melee, but the speed and movement makes it that much more interesting.
It's like comparing curling to hockey.
Once again lashing out at Smash 4 because it's not their preference.
on SmashBros subreddit 140 points
[–]CloudChsr Didnt melee doubles have like 20k more viewers than smash4 top 8 just a few days ago , makes sense LOLLLLLL
SmashBros subreddit 78 points
Smash Bros subreddit 205 points
[–]TIGER_COOL You can give smash 4 all the room to grow you want, it still won't make it appealing to anyone who isn't involved in its competitive scene.
I've tried. I really have. It's boring.
I can really dig up a lot more, too. To act like this is just people who get ignored is wrong, there's plenty of discussion here in these threads and hundreds of people upvoting similar sentiments. It really goes into the insult the other game territory just cause it got in over them.