Do you all ever think about what this guy is capable of?
I like mulling it over once in a while and I think people are kind of sleeping on the concept.
It's not really just "Dog that shoots energy," it's an animal that can physically sense the location, species, emotions, and even thoughts of every living thing within a half mile radius, although that last one seems like it's likely an extrapolation of the one before it and probably just an educated guess on a given Lucario's part like how people in some TV shows can guess what someone is thinking when they show signs of certain emotions.
Lucario seems like it could probably be used as everything from a security guard to a living lie detector. Never mind that it would basically be able to feel it's way through the best possible social interactions with everyone it interacts with and be more likely to realize something that would tug on it's conscience, probably explaining the species-wide reputation as a "good guy" Pokemon. And then there's the fact that it can see the invisible through this. And I mean. . .if it can tell the species of a life force, don't you think it would be able to tell if something was possessed? The life force would probably have something wrong with it at minimum, and if it equates to a soul then it would probably outright contradict the body.
There's so much Mundane Utility here that it's kind of absurd. Lucario isn't outright broken like a lot of Smash Bros characters in-universe, but he does have a LOT of unique assets in terms of being actually useful outside of a fight.
Too bad I don't really fully know how to write it out, but I feel like there's a good bit of potential there if you look past his purely combative abilities. It's more than just the whole "The aura is with you" vagueness that the games usually talk about outside the Pokedex, there's a ton of subtle details that are happily let slip under the radar because the implications are probably too complex for some people.