Yeesh. That's worse than I thought.
I was at least hoping there'd been some kind of beta devkit released earlier in its development, but I guess it is what it is.
I keep hearing this argument.
If you want to buy the three-year-old Mario Kart 8 on Wii U right now on Amazon, it'll cost you $49.90. If you want to also buy both DLC packs at the discounted price, that'll cost you another 11.99, bringing the total to $61.89.
Or you could buy MK8D, getting all that with additional improvements for $59.99.
Is it enough of an argument to double dip, as I know you would have to? No. Will it sell Switches to anyone who owns a Wii U? Debatable. Is it reasonable for anyone who didn't pick it up on Wii U, or didn't get a Wii U and is considering a Switch? Absolutely. Will it sell Switches? Yes.
Setting MK8D aside a moment, I've been noticing that you have this odd tendency to write off their strategy as bad if it doesn't benefit you, i.e doesn't give you a reason to purchase a Switch over the PS4 and Wii U you currently own. I don't think that's going to change anytime in 2017, because even if they do announce something interesting at E3, odds aren't great that you'll get it before 2018.
But the strategy's working for Nintendo at least. Take a look at
their stocks over the last 6 months; they're on a climb approaching their holiday numbers in a traditional game-release dead spot, and their stock price
is just $2 a share under Sony's (Microsoft's is harder to compare due to the fact that Xbox as a whole
doesn't contribute as much as Windows or Office 365 to their bottom line, while Sony's gaming division
accounts for more than three quarters of its profits and
over four-fifths of Nintendo's).
If they're not doing what you'd like, that's fine, stick around the PS4 market. But your arguments ain't exactly winning hearts and minds.
Oh no, let them *****.
I can get more hyperlinks.