Wii U memorial time? Wii U memorial time it is, sadly.
It was a pretty unconventional console from Nintendo, especially in comparison to its competitors - the PS4 and Xbox One - and it brought with it some games that gave me a lot of entertainment, such as Splatoon, The Wonderful 101, the Bayonetta duology, Smash Bros, Hyrule Warriors; but when we had guests over, it was always a blast to play games like Super Mario 3D World and Nintendo Land early in the system's days.
But since 2015 and throughout 2016, I moved on to the PS4 to play some of the games that I was anticipating like Mortal Kombat X, but now my PS4 library is cluttered with some great hits from 2016, such as Battlefield 1, Overwatch, and even games I've yet to finish like Ratchet & Clank. It's telling that my most played systems last year were the PS4 and 3DS, and one can justify it because there was nothing more coming to the Wii U at that point because Nintendo was ready to move on.
That doesn't mean I've not had fun playing the games on the Wii U, like the ones I mentioned earlier. I've had plenty of fun with it, but I think I'm ready to move on for now.
I might continue to play the Wii U after the Switch's launch since there are quite a few games left in my Wii U library that I'd like to finish, such as Wind Waker HD or Twilight Princess HD, Bayonetta 2, and some last Wii games left like Xenoblade Chronicles.
I'm remaining cautiously optimistic about the Nintendo Switch's future, and I'm pleased at the growing strength of the games that are coming to it; so now I've just got to work on clearing out my backlog.
Sleep well, Wii U. 2012-2017.
Edit: Yeah, the image uploader is brokes, even now. Sableye and Junkrat are gone from my signature.