One of the main arguments that fans use for Yuri on Ice is because it broke the boundaries of having LGBT themes in a mainstream anime. When people clearly forget that Shin Sekai Yori and No. 6 did it first. That's what I meant be "sooooo original" because they are giving to much credit to something because it's new.
You can like Yuri on Ice all you want, but it's not the best thing ever not is it ground breaking when other anime did it before them. This isn't about "who did the canon gay couples first in anime" but it's gettting unwarranted credit and praise because of popularity. Sorry, but nothing you two can say while never make me look at it like it has any merits.
Well, first of all, I've never even seen it. And secondly, I literally typed out "I agree with every thing else", because from I've seen it just seems like one of those things that's popular because it'st trendy on Tumblr.
I still think your originality argument is weak though, "*Insert here thing* did it first!" doesn't mean much. What did exactly did they do? Even minor differences can be major.
No they didn't because they played things too safe at the time.
I'll just have to give credit to YoI for doing the marriage first.
And this is what I mean, it still doesn't change the fact that they didn't do it.
That's like if there was some new praised transgender movie and saying "GLEN OR GLENDA DID IT FIRST, it's just that they couldn't risk them portraying in a positive way at the time"
Yeah, obviously in the 1950s there's no way you could portray someone who's trans with a positive light, that doesn't change the fact that they didn't do it.
Not saying that it's that drastic of a difference here, but still.
Same thing goes for Kamen Rider too (Sorry @Rider Queen).
That's fine, but if you said Godzilla I'd give you the Shisho treatment.