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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
This is actually incorrect, the Legends characters have been purchasable alone without the need for the 3DS game for a very long time now.
That's what I mean by transferable.

Characters are fine, yet they maps had to be Legends exclusive.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
PCs and mobiles will dominate the future.

Mobile platforms are getting seriously powerful, and inter-connectivity between the two is only increasing.

Future will be more about Gaming OS's and publishing platforms like Steam, to unify things, while hardware will be a more "choose your own" kinda thing. Esp with stuff like VR.

Look at phones. Android is a unifying OS, but you have tons of different hardware variations.
Mobile gaming still has a ways to go. Most people today have smartphones, but most still don't buy phones with the mindset that "I'm going to play games on this", so most of the phones on the market can't replicate even 3DS-quality games yet.

Not to mention it needs to get out of the F2P ghetto.
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Deleted member

Yay, thanks @Ash Crimson
Got the PS1 emulator to run
The PS1 version of Jojo is much more polished and faster than the DC one, it makes the DC one look like a poorly fanmade port
While I'm at it, **** Pet Shop, just **** him
I feel like an idiot for not noticing, but someone on SF pointed out that there's no Gwendolyn on this list even though we've seen her in trailers. So it's possible this isn't the full list or it's inaccurate.
Gwen is there, she may not be in the overall list but if you scroll down to their section that separates them by game, she'll be with the other FE6 characters with her artwork and all
I'll just post my complete FE Heroes ballot here.
>FE6 Hector
Why? Just... why?
That FE Heroes roster list also doesn't have Raigh even though he's in the demo. So it's almost assuredly inaccurate.


Could you be confusing Raigh with Lugh? Or the person who reported it? I mean, they ARE twins after all

Deleted member

Since everyone is posting their completed FE ballot, here's mine:

I mostly voted for every gameplay-related characters in Smash before voting for my Awakening favorites.~

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Could you be confusing Raigh with Lugh? Or the person who reported it? I mean, they ARE twins after all
Raigh was definitely in the GameXplain vid but isn't on the list.

I'd be surprised if one of them is in the game but not the other. Palla and Catria being there but not Est is also a little odd.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Is it normal that "portability" for me means more of "I can sit anywhere in the house and play it", rather than "I can play while I'm outside."?

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Is it normal that "portability" for me means more of "I can sit anywhere in the house and play it", rather than "I can play while I'm outside."?
For me it means I can take it on trips.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Looking at that list of Fire Emblem Heroes characters again, I think I know why Sully is listed twice.

...One was supposed to be Sumia. She's too important to Awakening to leave out, and one of the Sully's positions seems like it could be for her.

Also Olivia isn't on the list despite her being shown off alongside Lon'Qu in the Direct.
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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
daamn that sucks x.o
Other friends and I are trying to see what can we do; one of our ideas is giving all our savings to get him the Switch; this dude worked his *** off to get what he just lost today, even one TV was brand new.

Deleted member

Yay, thanks @Ash Crimson
Got the PS1 emulator to run
The PS1 version of Jojo is much more polished and faster than the DC one, it makes the DC one look like a poorly fanmade port
Of course, no problem, I'm always willing to help out. I don't back out of my promises.

And yeah, I need to get that game too as it's one of those games I'm familiar with I haven't played. It has lovely spritework, especially for the time. It's no surprise it was made by capcom. Especially since there's multiple versions of multiple characters

Also, pretty much any animal character is broken, especially the bird
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
No worries man, no harm done.

I think people have been jumping onto the competition each console since the Playstation came out. Every PS console barring the PS3 has sold over 100 million, and the PS3 got very close at 85 million despite a very shaky start. Many people loved the SNES more out of the 3rd party variety, and less out of Nintendo games, and every gen after, less and less people carry over. I think many feel that the GCN was their last good console, as (and this is anecdotal evidence) many people I've spoken to really liked the GCN, and the games it had, but didn't even bother with Nintendo from Wii onward. A lot of my friends simply either got a 360 or a PS3, and laughed at the Wii/U. From that crowd of people of PS3/360 owners, many who still haven't jumped onto current gen consoles (as many still haven't) now have a choice, do I move onto the PS4/Xbone? Or do I buy a Switch, and just by comparing the two devices, the choice is fairly simple. PS4 is guaranteed to be a continuation of the PS3's success.

And no, it was the Wii where Nintendo began with their Blue Ocean strategy, and appeal to casuals, after the relative failure that was the GCN at that time. GCN was Nintendo's last attempt at a dedicated home console with no gimmicks. GCN was only seen as "kiddy" in the eyes of preteens who saw all the mature titles on PS2 like GTA and MGS and laughed at Mario, but GCN had a lot of mature titles too, RE4 was a limited exclusive, Eternal Darkness, Prime series, etc... GCN's shortcomings came with the proprietary mini disks which could hold very little data, and the lack of online play.

Also, Vita's 3G did poorly because 3G is bad for gaming, and it really didn't offer much outside of raising the price (plus the Vita was a disaster anyway). 4G is in fact very good, perhaps not ideal for gaming (I'm not too keen on the speeds), but for secondary functions like communication and internet, it's phenomenal and available on all current tablets in the market.. Plus, 5G is set to launch in 2020, and that WILL be good enough for gaming./
I wasn't intending to say the Gamecube was when they started their Blue Ocean strategy, that came out wrong. I was intending to say that it's failure was what sparked them to try it.

One of the main complaints about the Switch is the price, and how many people are planning on never taking the system online because of the charge for online. If Nintendo's crowd is nervous about that, I'm not sure how well they'd receive 4G. They might complain that the compatibility was yet another gimmick that added to the price for no reason. Meanwhile I'm unsure if the crowd that would need 4G for something would actually buy the system because of it if they wouldn't without it, seeing as they likely already own a 4G device anyway.

It's strange, but when I think of the SNES, I think moreso of people gushing over Nintendo games or games licensed by Nintendo. Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario RPG. Then there's Super Mario World for mainstream recognition. There's a couple of RPGs that come to mind if I think further, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI, but I feel like a lot of the mindshare of the system after the dust settled was on Nintendo's games.

I suppose the disconnect is that most types prefer to purchase iterative sports titles and whatever the most popular genre at the time is. SEGA had a lock on iterative sports titles and their IP Phantasy Star and Nintendo started to slope down. Then SEGA started launching attacks on Nintendo's power level and maturity and set up the dominoes that would start falling faster when the most popular genre shifted to something else and Nintendo didn't want to play follow the leader.

As an aside, it's strange, but. . .most Nintendo console selections past the NES don't impress me all that much. Not the concept, but the games themselves. It's not that it arranges in a downward slope, either, I feel equally unimpressed with all of them. I guess it's because I started with the Nintendo DS and got used to it's ecosystem, although the GBA also gets more curiosity from me than most consoles and the only GBA cartridge I ever tried on my DS Lite was Pokemon Sapphire. I feel as though for me personally if Nintendo's handheld selection is there with the one or two odd other games on a console I would want that the Switch would be better than most systems for me, but I feel very alone in saying that.
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Just as an aside...

People always say portable consoles do well in Japan because of transit, but... using your mobile phone on a Japanese train is a social taboo, and against the rules of transit. Also, when I went there two years ago, not a single person on the trains was using their phone or a console. Not one. People read books, talked with friends, napped, or just stared out the window while listening to music.

I know portables do fairly well in Japan, but I don't think it's cause of transit. I'd like to see a source on the use of these devices, and why mobiles aren't an option, as mobiles and mobile gaming are in fact growing MOST quickly in Asia.
It's usually big in China and Korea which consoles almost don't exist there except for pirated stuff or something super bland. Also PCs have a gigantic foothold due to F2P games like LoL and Overwatch

It isn't looked down on and there's some amount of transist as well there.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Welp, I failed the questions half of the test I took today, but I totally passed the computer half.

At least I'm still doing well in that class.

Also, happy berfday @|Ersatz| !


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Welp, I failed the questions half of the test I took today, but I totally passed the computer half.

At least I'm still doing well in that class.

Also, happy berfday @|Ersatz| !
Did someone say there was a berfday?

Well then, happy berfday @|Ersatz| !

You get the berfday angle.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Don't know if this was talked about, but Animal Crossing Mobile has been delayed until April or later.

I don't really care, myself, but I know some folks here might.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Is it normal that "portability" for me means more of "I can sit anywhere in the house and play it", rather than "I can play while I'm outside."?
Yes, I'd prefer to play Zelda while on the pooper than outside. :denzel:

Deleted member

Raigh was definitely in the GameXplain vid but isn't on the list.

I'd be surprised if one of them is in the game but not the other. Palla and Catria being there but not Est is also a little odd.
Oh, that gives me a little hope, maybe it's just the characters they found while playing the demo
Which would explain the lack of Magvel and Tellius characters

Also, I've been seeing that people think there are no Jugdral characters but I remember seeing Seliph on the list
Of course, no problem, I'm always willing to help out. I don't back out of my promises.

And yeah, I need to get that game too as it's one of those games I'm familiar with I haven't played. It has lovely spritework, especially for the time. It's no surprise it was made by capcom. Especially since there's multiple versions of multiple characters

Also, pretty much any animal character is broken, especially the bird
Well, let's see:
-New Kakyoin(it's literally him with sunglasses and some new moves)
-Rubber Soul(uses Kakyoin's sprites and some of his moves)

-Black Polnareff
-Khan(all are possessed by Anubis and use its sword. Why that Stand deserved all three versions of it is beyond me)

-Shadow Dio(it's basically Dio before his powers were revealed)

There's also Young Joseph but he's probably the most different of the bunch

But yeah, you should play it, even without having watched Jojo, it's still a great fighting game and the Stand mechanic gives something unique to it.
Just be careful with Story Mode if you ever plan on watching it :p


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Don't know if this was talked about, but Animal Crossing Mobile has been delayed until April or later.

I don't really care, myself, but I know some folks here might.
The normal part of my brain tells me they're trying to space out their mobile releases a bit more.

The conspiracy theorist part of my brain tells me that they fell even further behind on Animal Crossing Switch and they aren't ready to let the cat out of the bag on that.

Back to more normal again, they could be too busy with Splatoon 2 to patch anything into New Leaf.

Back to conspiracy, they're porting New Leaf to the Switch.
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Deleted member

Oh, that gives me a little hope, maybe it's just the characters they found while playing the demo
Which would explain the lack of Magvel and Tellius characters

Also, I've been seeing that people think there are no Jugdral characters but I remember seeing Seliph on the list

Well, let's see:
-New Kakyoin(it's literally him with sunglasses and some new moves)
-Rubber Soul(uses Kakyoin's sprites and some of his moves)

-Black Polnareff
-Khan(all are possessed by Anubis and use its sword. Why that Stand deserved all three versions of it is beyond me)

-Shadow Dio(it's basically Dio before his powers were revealed)

There's also Young Joseph but he's probably the most different of the bunch

But yeah, you should play it, even without having watched Jojo, it's still a great fighting game and the Stand mechanic gives something unique to it.
Just be careful with Story Mode if you ever plan on watching it :p
Yep, I plan on getting it to tie in some interest to the franchise as a whole. Because that's how I get sucked into franchises, there's one thing I get into and as a result I get into everything else.

Fire Emblem for instance, I owned awakening for two years never playing it, but when I started to play it, I was hooked in.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Paintschainer is my new favourite thing in the world. Here's my attempt to colour lol:


Looks decent :D. Automatic with no paint 'hinting' gives the same colour scheme each time yet looks good like here:
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Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
*sees people losing there collective **** over FE heroes not having every character at launch" you must be new to mobile games dont worry they(the characters you want) will be added over time thats how they keep people playing moblie games i mean if they dropped all the most popular characters at the start how could they milk themed events?


Sep 12, 2014
The normal part of my brain tells me they're trying to space out their mobile releases a bit more.

The conspiracy theorist part of my brain tells me that they fell even further behind on Animal Crossing Switch and they aren't ready to let the cat out of the bag on that.

Back to more normal again, they could be too busy with Splatoon 2 to patch anything into New Leaf.

Back to conspiracy, they're porting New Leaf to the Switch.
After so long I doubt they'll just be porting New Leaf.

Deleted member

It's usually big in China and Korea which consoles almost don't exist there except for pirated stuff or something super bland. Also PCs have a gigantic foothold due to F2P games like LoL and Overwatch

It isn't looked down on and there's some amount of transist as well there.
Wait... but that doesn't answer my question at all.

I know mobiles are hot in China, that's what I meant. I think portables didn't catch on because iirc, there was some law that prohibited gaming consoles from being sold there or something. I'll have to look it up, but I remember recently reading that China opened up to the gaming market not to long ago, and it's expected to grow because of that. However, mobile gaming has a huge foothold there, which will make it hard for portable gaming to stand out.

Korea is something else though, they're all about esports.

Japan though, no the Japanese are all about etiquette and politeness, they are the UK of Asia, with a bunch of different social rules and taboos, and are very mindful and respectful of others and their surroundings (the rest of the Asian cultures aren't like this at all, this is exclusive to Japan). That's why, on train people will not talk on their phones and even put it in Silent mods, because it's out of respect for the other passangers. It's the same reason for a handheld console. You won't really see people playing handhelds on Japanese trains for the same exact reason, they don't wanna get caught up in their game and disrespect others:

You can have a bit of a read on that here:

When I went there, I saw a lot of ads and convenience stores for Pokemon events. What I presume is that the 3DS is very popular with children. Who take it to school and then play it in the playground and after school and stuff. That actually makes a lot of sense when you put everything else into context, and considering that Pokemon is the best-seller on 3DS. Funny thing about Tokyo is that it's in fact a very comfortable city, with many things to do, and places to socialize. People don't spend much time int their homes not cause they're busy moving from one place to another, but because there more to do OUTSIDE of home in Japan, than inside, funny enough. Especially with living spaces being so small. In fact, Akihabara is full of arcades and they're still massively popular in Japan:


It's ironic, but Japan, or at least Tokyo is a very social metropolis. People spend their free time outside more often, in parks, cafes, arcades, or just with friends at a restaurant, more so than in other cities. It's just a lot more convenient to head down to an arcade in Akiba with your friends to play games and have a good time, than it is to bring them all home and play there. Portable gaming likewise, or because of this I'd say, is quite popular among kids. That's how I see it at least.

It's a whole different story here in Europe. This is Sony territory, and the PS4 dominates the living room. Though gaming PCs are getting a lot of traction, and we've got a couple gaming bars in the city as well. But those are more for enthusiasts. Gaming as a whole is seen better adopted as a living room multimedia platform here, than a dedicated device.

As for how this affects the Switch... idk, but again, factoring in that politeness, I don't see the Japanese setting up a Switch in a cafe or park to play ARMS or Splatoon. At least with MonHun, you could be a lot more private with it.

But yeah, it was never transit, and thinking about it, this is starting to make more sense. Hell, thinking back, I remember seeing people playing 3DS at McDonalds. There are WiFi and charging stations, and people would go there at around lunch time to play games, but it was never a group or anything, just on person, alone, and then they went off on their way. I remember cause I needed to charge my phone, and the person next to me literally went there to play Pokemon while eating a burger.

Don't you want to play Splatoon 2 with me? :(

Or what about Super Mario Odyssey? An open-world Mario game after all these years, it's beautiful!

And Xenoblade Chronicles 2 represents a ridiculous amount of hours in a massive world.

Plus portable Zelda, Fire Emblem Warriors, Bomberman.

Well damn, how did he carry away a whole house???
Nah, get a PS4 instead senpai.

*continues apologizing about the negative comments from before*

I think this is why Nintendo is going the way they are, actually. They see gaming going beyond their reach in both directions, so they're attempting to carve out a niche by offering a "have your cake and eat it too" option. Offer a platform that can serve both stationary and portable applications at a range between the two instead of being locked to one type of usage.

The main problem there is that people are so used to having separate machines for separate things that they can't even comprehend what Nintendo's trying to do with it, and many of those that can only primarily have use for one, which is one of the main marketing hurdles Nintendo is going to face with it.
I think Nintendo's approach to it all could have been a lot better though. There's a lot of confusion surrounding the Switch, and reception for it has been very mixed.

I still think a dedicated gaming tablet would have been boss as ****. Hell, I'd be singing a totally different tune had that been the case. I'd happy drop $400-500 on a dedicated gaming tablet that's powerful but budget compared to Samsung and stuff, was geared towards gaming, yet still offered the functionality of a tablet. My phone has been crapping up lately, and I've been thinking about replacing it with a tablet.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Other friends and I are trying to see what can we do; one of our ideas is giving all our savings to get him the Switch; this dude worked his *** off to get what he just lost today, even one TV was brand new.
Oh man... I know I would help him get a switch for sure, and hopefully everyone can make enough bucks to gets a new tv for the poor guy

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
The normal part of my brain tells me they're trying to space out their mobile releases a bit more.

The conspiracy theorist part of my brain tells me that they fell even further behind on Animal Crossing Switch and they aren't ready to let the cat out of the bag on that.

Back to more normal again, they could be too busy with Splatoon 2 to patch anything into New Leaf.

Back to conspiracy, they're porting New Leaf to the Switch.
I mean, letting it go now after FE is a bit too soon
Don't know if this was talked about, but Animal Crossing Mobile has been delayed until April or later.

I don't really care, myself, but I know some folks here might.
Hm, im not mad about it. More time to work on it, ya know


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
For my Fire Emblem styled Advance Wars. The ballistae is replaced by a heavy machine gun in a truck.
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Deleted member

Oh, also, seems like Trump is firing people who don't agree with him, so that's cool /s
Ok, no.
Gonna stop you right there.

What happened was insubordination on Yates' part, plain and simple.
Trump didn't really have a choice in the matter; he's in a position that cannot allow such acts to go unpunished.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
For my Fire Emblem styled Advance Wars. The ballistae is replaced by a heavy machine gun in a truck.
Wouldn't missile launchers of some kind be more the modern equivalent of a ballistae? I would think most other typical modern military units would have the same or more range as a machine gun.

That's just me mulling over the concept, though. I wouldn't say anything if I wasn't at least interested enough to think it over for a second.

Deleted member

Mobile gaming still has a ways to go. Most people today have smartphones, but most still don't buy phones with the mindset that "I'm going to play games on this", so most of the phones on the market can't replicate even 3DS-quality games yet.

Not to mention it needs to get out of the F2P ghetto.
I'm talking 2020 onward fam.

This year we see 10nm chips enter production:

and 2020 is when we hit the limit of Poe's law thanks to Quantum Tunneling with the 5nm chips:

Which means that in 3 years time, mobile phones will be even MORE powerful than what the current 14nm ones can do (for the record, Pascal is 14nm, and Maxwell is 20nm. Thus, mobile phones of the 2020s will be 2-4x more powerful than the strongest tablets in the current market, which, I should note that the Microsoft Surface can play Doom at medium high settings, and run Dolphin Emulator at 1080p 60fps.

Combine that with 5G networking:

And 2020s will be dope. Like I said, the next generation of gaming will go through some radical changes, and I didn't even mention VR and how that's expected to get a massive upgrade by 2020 thanks to 10k mobile screens.
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Deleted member

For my Fire Emblem styled Advance Wars. The ballistae is replaced by a heavy machine gun in a truck.
Mortars would make a lot more sense to me considering that they're artillery unlike heavy machine guns.

Deleted member

Ok, no.
Gonna stop you right there.

What happened was insubordination on Yates' part, plain and simple.
Trump didn't really have a choice in the matter; he's in a position that cannot allow such acts to go unpunished.
She disagreed with an unconstitutional act, if anyone should be punished it's Trump himself
What he did was fire her so he could get someone that doesn't care about the legality of it and want to get rid of muslims just as much as him


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
you can always count on reapy!

Unrelated to the (enjoyable) post content, but what's going on in your sig?

I have no idea what's happening but upon watching it I really want to.
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