I got a little bit of birthday money over the weekend (there might be a little more to come too) so I've been contemplating what to spend it on.
I could probably reasonably afford a Switch and MAYBE a Pro Controller too, but I'm not sure about getting it right now. The only reason I'm even considering it in spite of all of the issues I have with the Switch is because right now is ideal for me in terms of playing a big game like Zelda (which I already have a Switch copy of and I am excited to play), as I have a lot of free time (2 weeks Easter Holidays and I'm practically finished all of the material for my course so even though it officially ends on May 30th, I have nothing much to do for it until then...and having Zelda to pass the time in "class" would be nice). It'd be an easier decision if I didn't have both the FE Echoes Special Edition and the Phoenix Wright figma coming and being paid for in May. My dad's birthday is also in May so I have to get him something. There's also just the fact that I have a lot of good games I am enjoying right now anyway, with Horizon: Zero Dawn, FE Fates: Conquest, and KH 1.5+2.5 (though admittedly I'm not rushed on playing this, right now I'm only interested in doing a Level 1 playthrough of KH1FM and KH2FM - I've played the games a ton before), and a bit of Shovel Knight being the main ones. Plus I bought basically all of the games in the Ratchet & Clank franchise (except for Secret Agent Clank and the few I already owned) for about €20 recently, so I have that to play too. FE Fates: Conquest has given me a roadblock though in Chapter 19 so I won't be playing that as much for a while. I'm also getting back into KHUx as of late since the Union Cross update is pretty substantial (plus I need that Illustrated KH2 Kairi medal, looks OP as heck and I only need to do 3 more pulls for it). I might spend €15 on it for a pull and to unlock all Special Quests for the week so I can grind like crazy.
Besides gaming, I am considering getting a Wacom Tablet so I can start using Clip Paint Studio. Though at the same time, I'm wondering if it would be better to wait until I have my own PC rig built up (which will be a while away). Could also do with a few new clothes. Plus there's plenty of figurines and stuff I'd love to get.
This would be much easier if jobs were more readily available. I could just get everything and then some no problem. :\